I Hate Looking At Myself In The Mirror


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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kingy said:
try smiling, and trim your beard. with or without hair u look damm depressing. do something about it
with hair like this, there's nothing to smile about


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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kingy said:
your alive with endless possibilites. stop being a little tit
Yeah well it's easy for you, you more than likely have a full head of air *rolls eyes*


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Dude, you look fine, quit freaking out. Tyler Durden's hair is receding a bit and he doesn't let it bother him.

Here's something I've noticed about looking in mirrors though. The lighting in some mirrors is not very kind. I've noticed from looking in mirrors in different restrooms and changing rooms that I can look great in one and horrid in another. It all has to do whether or not the light is flattering to you or not. Some mirrors have very bright light aimed right into your face that reveals every flaw or gives you an unnatural appearance. So just because you might look bad in one mirror doesn't mean you look like that everywhere.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2009
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you look pretty cute, however that douchebag pointing at the camera is a ugly beast


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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keep that beard sometimes maybe a little lighter with a lot more short haircut. trust me on this.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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dont go to a hairdresser, you not gay are you. get a faid cut or get a lot shorter hair cut.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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go to a barber who is good. not a hairdresser. post up pics when you get your hair shorter but maybe not too short because some people dont have the head for that. at least clean it up around the ears and on the neck. the first pick with the light beard can be done sometimes. get rid of all your feminim traits. look confident. dont look so defeated.

Blood Angel

Don Juan
Oct 10, 2009
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Stop being such a vagina. Your attitude is terrible. You don't look half as bad as you think you do. So you have a receding hairline. OH ****ING NOES. Of course it looks like **** when you pull your hair back like this http://yfrog.com/0edscf1086aj

I have a receding hairline too, have Asperger's Syndrome and almost no self esteem and after getting a new haircut I'm getting looks. If I can manage, so can you.

EDIT: Here. See? I've probably lost more hair than you have.




Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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TheWayOfAllFlesh said:
I understand advice dished out now will be along the lines of 'women care how you act not how you look, you just need to be confident'. Now how the **** can ANYONE be confident when they look in a mirror, see that, and then realise that this is what other people see when they look at you. I'm a ****ing joke to mankind. I even hate leaving the house now, and It cost me my last job because someone pointed it out and I nearly smashed a glass in their face, and now it's causing me to be depressed and now my college work is starting to suffer.

I needed to get that off my chest. You can try post something that 'works' but my pessimism will find a flaw with your answer somehow. I feel like there is literally no point to carrying and putting effort into anything
You have to work with what you have. There is not much we can do to give you your hair back, short of recommending transplants or a piece. Work on things you can control, like your body, your attitude, your personality, your connections.

You nearly smashed a glass in someone's face because they called you out? You sound very high strung and emotional, which is VERY NOT SEXY to girls. What would you do if your girlfriend called you out, rape her or kill her? You have to relax, keep your emotions in check. I'm surprised the guy didn't have you arrested with you ending up with a criminal record.

This is life, no one is going to give you anything or feel sorry for you. You have to earn money and sex from girls, negotiate for it, fight for it. If you give people what they want, no one will care if your hair is receding, but they will care about your attitude. LEARN something, TEACH people something, CREATE A PRODUCT that people will pay for, GET A DEGREE that's useful, then results will come. You are so focused on your own feelings and thinking how other people should make you happy, you are losing sight of what's important.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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most people dont care what they think about themselves they only care what others think.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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DonJuan11 said:
You have to work with what you have. There is not much we can do to give you your hair back, short of recommending transplants or a piece. Work on things you can control, like your body, your attitude, your personality, your connections.

You nearly smashed a glass in someone's face because they called you out? You sound very high strung and emotional, which is VERY NOT SEXY to girls. What would you do if your girlfriend called you out, rape her or kill her? You have to relax, keep your emotions in check. I'm surprised the guy didn't have you arrested with you ending up with a criminal record.

This is life, no one is going to give you anything or feel sorry for you. You have to earn money and sex from girls, negotiate for it, fight for it. If you give people what they want, no one will care if your hair is receding, but they will care about your attitude. LEARN something, TEACH people something, CREATE A PRODUCT that people will pay for, GET A DEGREE that's useful, then results will come. You are so focused on your own feelings and thinking how other people should make you happy, you are losing sight of what's important.
OK, I admit I am a bit highly strung and emotional, mainly because In my massive group of friends I am now officially 'That Guy', the hopeless single friend that most social circles have, meaning I'm falling behind and im looking for a quick fix because I feel im getting treated like a child because of it

The smashing glass thing was an exaggeration too, it was more that I was cleaning a glass at the time, he called it out and the thought crossed my mind, I never would have gone through with it but I'm sure that most people would have had the thought cross their mind if they were in my shoes

I got my haircut today and will post results tomorow as its 2.30 am atm and I have no camera lead. It looks less **** and I shaved all facial hair off


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
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You think you're bad looking? Omg you just need a make over like the guys have said. You need to get real and work with what you have - you look fine. You're no Channing Tatum, but you're not Jack Black either. You're better looking than a lot of guys so just suck it up and don't be a punk. You can do it!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
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dalynxx said:
You think you're bad looking? Omg you just need a make over like the guys have said. You need to get real and work with what you have - you look fine. You're no Channing Tatum, but you're not Jack Black either. You're better looking than a lot of guys so just suck it up and don't be a punk. You can do it!
To get that compliment from a female boosts my self esteem a fair bit, as I've never considered the fact that the other sex would be interested

But anyway I'll post a new photo later. It's nout perfect but it's the best I can do with what the lord gave me :eek:


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
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PHAT Rabbit said:
I didn't read this thread at all.. just this reply here.

The one thing I can tell you is the more you want to get "a quick fix" the further away from that you'll get.

I think your main problem is you're needy and have an ego... God I think I type that in every post, but everyone here needs to hear it. You should learn how to become unattached to things.. especially what your friends think. Go pick up "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman.

Here's why.. you cannot live up to expectations. It is impossible. Even when you do live up to expectations you do not get what you want. Seriously that validation you're seeking from your friends cannot and will not come from your friends. It only comes from your self!

So sit down and ask yourself... what is it that I think I need to embody to become a better man. I'm not talking about a physical object either.. I'm talking about characteristics. Maybe you feel you need to become more social with people around you, maybe you feel like you need to be a more cleanly individual, maybe you need to eat healthier, maybe you need to go to the gym, maybe you need to learn how to enjoy every second of your life, maybe you need to work on focusing yourself more, etc... I don't know what it is that you need to get yourself situated.. but the only person that can make you feel validated is yourself!!!!

And truly that's what your reply is about... you feel like you're being treated like a kid, you feel like everyone thinks "your that guy".. and what you really want is for someone to tell you "YOU'RE NOT THAT GUY". But the truth of the matter is they cant..and won't until you say it to yourself first. Find your identity and great things will follow. Accept yourself first than others will too.
Read this post again because it's pure gold. It is absolutely perfect. I think everyone throughout their lives has to deal with the fact that they care about what others think of themselves, and it is in how you deal with that that determines the most fundamental aspects of your personality.

If you let others' opinions and expectations of you determine how you think/act then you are setting yourself up for failure because everyone will have different expectations of you and some will be conflicting. You will never be able to win that game. So you can either play that game or you can set up your own expectations for yourself based on what you want to do and who you want to be and you will be in control of your life.

The reason you're becoming that guy as you put it is because your friends have determined either consciously or subconsciously that they are able to choose where you belong in the group dynamic because they know how much power they have over you. Fighting this obviously would just be showing emotion and letting them know that you're negatively affected by it, and so then they know they have more power over you. The best way to handle it would be to not address it or to dismiss it with a joke and change the subject. They're making fun of you for being single? Make fun of them because you can go out and **** any girl you want and they're tied to their stupid girlfriends whose whiny crap they have to listen to and they can't escape. You're free; they're not. That's why they've treated you the way they do; they're jealous. Exploit that to gain the upper hand and you'll turn the tables.