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I hate christanity

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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
since everyone else wants to get in the act of starting political/religious based threads, here is mine. I grew up a southern baptist, but the more i learn and educated myself, i would probably kill myself before i was a Christan again and i'm not exaggerating in the slightest.

The things that so called "Christans"d o in the name of 'Christ" is some of the most disheartening **** known to mankind in it's history.

My wife rented this movie about Joan D'arc, who, while I do consider myself a history buff, not real familiar with her story. By the time we got done watching the movie, i was so pissed off. do you know that the catholic church killed this young woman, who literary saved France, 18-19 year old virgin girl, not only was raped after she recanted that she heard voices from god, but was burned alive... .. keep in mind the Inquisition, which was bad enough was to weed out heretics. But Joan D'arc was not a hieratic, hell she vowed a life of Chasity because god told her to. They basically gang raped a woman who had vowed a life of Chasity for religious purposes, like that's some type of sick ass joke or something. And people go to church and worship these mother****ers every sunday. NO, they killed her because they were afraid of her and she had become too powerful. **** just pisses me off and i don't see how anyone follows this ****ing ass backwards ass religion that goes around kills people, discriminates against people, contradicts itself, and has the nerve to talk **** about other people's religions.

I think there is a reason people, america, doesn't put emphasis on kids/adults learning history. Hell the history channel doesn't show history anymore. The more you learn the more disheartened you are.

Fo;r the record I'm not an atheist, I'm a deist.

okay im done.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I have trouble understanding how the US, with some of the most prestigious academic research institutions and smartest people in the world, has such a orthodox christian following. I know its mostly concentrated in some areas, but come, its just so damn backwards. Religion is WAY less prominent in everyday life in Canada.

When you think about it historically a lot of bad shiit has gone down because of religion, all the shiit w/ crusades, all the priests touching little boys, wars, etc. Scientific progress of humanity has been slowed down by decades, perhaps even more, when the Catholic Church wanted to shut up "heretics" like Gallileo. For those of you who haven't you should check out a movie called "Religulous".

I'm agnostic myself, and have no problem with religion as long as it doesnt' involve oppression/fanaticism.

I expect this thread will be locked up shortly!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I'm bored, and i just wrote this, which I think is quite interesting. This is the **** I do in my spare time lol.

What does the book Animal Farm and Christians have in common? More than meets the common eye.

In a nutshell, Christians are very similar to the pigs in Animal Farm; They start off very repressed, start a movement. The movement gains traction, sweeps up everyone in it’s path.

First let’s start with the very obvious. The bible had 10 commandments,

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house,
thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

Animal Farm had 7 commandments

  1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
  2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
  3. No animal shall wear clothes.
  4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
  5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
  6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
  7. All animals are equal.
Both are similar in the sense, that the were supposed to bring on, as a politician today would put It, “real change” that you can see. The original purpose of the 10 commandments were designed to be a rule book if you will, for the Israelites to live while in exile. The book animal farm, Old Major’s ideas of change and how things should be once the human beings were gone.

AS time goes on, in the book Animal Farm, every last law is broken, multiple times, to the point where the laws were later rationalized such as “no animal shall kill any other animal “without cause” (the same can be said for King David and countless others looking at the bible for justification to commit mass genocide, see Deuteronomy chapter 13)

As time went on, Christians, and by time I am talking now in the dark ages, hundreds of years later, Christians would go on and start to use Christianity as a crux to take over villages, towns and city states. A lot of time raping and killing young innocent women and children, putting the flame to entire towns, in the name of god. Like the christens, the pigs, started to take liberties with their absolute power which was given to them because they were the smartest of the animals on the farm. They used their power to take advantage of all the other animals on the farm (poor boxer).

Napoleon the pig, who because he drove Snowball off the farm, had absolute power, gains his power by convincing the people of the utopian dream that all the animals on the farm had, but kept his power by the use of his attack dogs, which kept everyone in the farm “in line”. This is no different than Christianity coming to a head by convincing everyone that Jesus Christ died for everyone’s sins, but keeping power by threats, inquisitions, and when need be, death. The religious platform / all farm animals are created equal platform is nothing more than a tool used to keep everyone in line.

In the book, once people, err pigs start to question Napoleons takeover, basically saying “hey, this isn’t what we were promised” they are quickly killed. Anyone who questioned the absolute authority of the christen church was a heretic, and burned.

Boxer the horse is basically a representation of all Christians who refuse to question the absolutism of the church. They will always do what is told because they were told to do so and that’s that.

The most significant however, is the liking of the execution of Joan d’arc, and the end of the book Animal farm where Napoleon eventually comes 100% full circle and changes the law to All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". Both instances represent a 100% full circle in their history.

Jesus was, a believer in the word of god (obviously), who practiced the word of god, preached the word of god and was killed, and right now I’m talking from a purely earthy standpoint, because he was seen as a threat to the rabbis and other Jewish leaders. They were afraid of him. He had done nothing wrong. The new religious sect, who called themselves Christians, used this death of their leader as a rallying cry, selling point to say that Jesus died for their sins so that they can go to heaven. Even the most critical, if you can even call them that, of Jesus, will admit Jesus really didn’t deserve to die. He died for the sins of man so to speak.

Fast forward 1400 years later, an illiterate peasant girl named Joan D’arc, one day as her city was being burned to the ground, heard the voice of god. The voice told her, Even though you have no military experience, even though you are a woman, hell even though you are a girl, you, are going to save France. This is why you were put on earth (to save the people, same as Jesus).. She vowed a life of chastity (like Jesus, Romans 6:13), she left the house/city only place she knew her entire life, at the direction of god (like Jesus), she preformed a miracle by ending the 100 years war in 8 months (As did Jesus perform miracles).

Like Jesus, Joan D’arc had become to “big for her britches” by the accounts of some. She helped put, not even helped, hell she basically crowned the king of France, King Edward the 4th I believe, and when she was arrested, he didn’t lift a finger to help her out. This is very similar to Peter Denying Jesus 3 times even though he “saved” his life by showing him the way of the true god. Joan, was like Jesus, was tortured(for about a year give or take), then eventually raped and beaten (keep in mind, she had vowed a life of chastity) for no reason other than to humiliate her. She was burned at the stake not that much longer after that, a few weeks or so, similar to the way Jesus was hung at the cross. For doing gods work, the significance of the event being that with the catholic church being the ones who burned Joan d’arc at the stake, had brought Christianity 100% full circle to when they were persecuted for trying to do what they felt were gods work. The persecuted had now become the persecutor, or better yet, the inquisitor.

This is very similar to [FONT=&quot]Napoleon basically coming full circle, in the beginning of the book, he along with snowball, Old major, and the other pigs, are repressed. They say that Humans are bad, they all drink and are alcoholics (their farm owner was one) and alcohol is bad, we are going to take over the farm and do everything better than this.And for a while, they do. But, power corrupts, and eventually [FONT=&quot]Napoleon[/FONT] runs the other "leader" off the farm (Snowball), and once he has absolute power, starts to put his grip on the farm. He starts drinking like the old boss did. He starts trading with humans even though they say that "2 legs bad 4 legs good", he starts sleeping in the same bed, eating the same foods that the original owner used to, even though the 7 commandments say that he is not to. At the end of the book [FONT=&quot]Napoleon[/FONT] gets up from the kitchen table and is walking on 2 legs, which represents the 100% full circle point in the book.[/FONT]

What is my point? I don't really know. I haven't figured that out yet. I think it's that all power eventually will corrupt, no matter what the original intentions are.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
if this thread is locked it would just show that the mods are cowardly *******s who just let things slide along as they agree with it, because have seen political threads running wild the last few months and have pleaded to have them closed but to no avail, i was told to "lighten up, it's not a big deal"

well dammit, this isn't a big ****ing deal


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
Reaction score
Too many places at once
You should read "Under the Banner of Heaven" by Jon Krakaeur abour fundie mormons. Now THAT's an interesting religon. Their prophet lived during the time of the printing press.... allows you to track the development of the religion much, much closer than we ever could have done with the more established ones.

BTW Orwell is one of my favorite authors. I wish SS was an actual dive bar where I could shoot the sh!t with peeps in real-life... even the bartenders are social retards these days tho it seems


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Religion is garbage.

I know "hating" religion is the "cool" things these days, but having been grown up in a catholic family and being FORCED to go to church I slowly grew to hate it. Especially in Catholicism, there is so much hypocrisy. To me it's just a weakness. Trying to look to some higher power for guidance. No, you control your own life.



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
if this thread is locked it would just show that the mods are cowardly *******s who just let things slide along as they agree with it, because have seen political threads running wild the last few months and have pleaded to have them closed but to no avail, i was told to "lighten up, it's not a big deal"

well dammit, this isn't a big ****ing deal

This thread should be locked immediately. This "political" thread has no politics in it. It is attacking someone's spiritual beliefs which is their personal choice. What next?

The "I Hate Blacks" thread?

Bigotry is bigotry no matter how smart or enlightened you think you are.



I'm a Roman Catholic and while I do believe in God, I do not follow the religion or its teachings. I think Religion can be a force for good in this world, but people just take its teaching far too literally and extremists infiltrate the religion and contaminate it. It's not religion that is the problem, it is those who follow religion that are by in large a problem.

I believe the Bible can teach you a lot of things, my favourite stories being Noah's Ark and Jesus feeding the five thousands. Inspirational stories, that have stuck with me since I was child.

I do find it coincidental that since there has been a decline in religion in the Western World, morals, ethics and standards have rapidly deteriorated.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Wanna know what I hate? PEOPLE!!! who cares what organization they belong to! The creme of the human ahole crop will always seek leadership and roles of power within any organization. Of course there is the rare exception where a genuinely good person seeks a leadership role for the sake of doing good... lol. But usually it is those seeking power... power hungry people. This is our biggest human flaw. This is what keeps us from greatness, it's the greed. This applies to government and religion mostly, the organizations where the members can exercise power and control over others. Personally I have little to no faith in anything man made/managed. The worst thing about this is that people are so ready to attack the institution and not the folks making the bad decisions because it's easier.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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perseverance said:
I think Religion can be a force for good in this world, but people just take its teaching far too literally and extremists infiltrate the religion and contaminate it.
Most people don't really believe there really is a god, they believe in the belief of god; they believe in the sociology, they believe in the communal experience of congregations with reminders of being a better person; the power of belief is more important to them than the real description of the cosmos. The 'extremists' are the true believers; you really have to believe, in the heart of hearts, in the actuality of your god to blow yourself up for virgins in heaven. There is no 'infiltration' into religion but the accumulative percolation of gullibility.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
if this thread is locked it would just show that the mods are cowardly *******s who just let things slide along as they agree with it, because have seen political threads running wild the last few months and have pleaded to have them closed but to no avail, i was told to "lighten up, it's not a big deal"
I absolutely love religious debate, but the fact is threads based on religion, politics, and race cause the largest problems on this forum.

Since I love religious debate, I'm more of a coward if I don't close it.
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