To be like Jesus full of humanity, and being compassionate overflowing with love.
Like when he displayed his temper and overturned the tables of the vendors at the temple throwing things everywhere in his rage? Like when one guy said he needed to bury his recently deceased father before he could follow Jesus and Christ replied, "Let the dead bury their dead"? You mean like when he called the religious leaders of his day 'vipers and sons of vipers'? You're talking about that compassionate-overflowing-with-love Jesus? Just wanna make sure we're talking about the same guy.
and now doesn't wanna hide anything and wants a girl to love him for him.
Actually, what it sounds more like is that he's hurting from being dumped and wants to have his wounds be nursed/mothered by another woman.
He states several times realizing he's probably making her uncomfortable, but he persists in his behavior regardless. Not very loving of him.
Of course, consider too that the object of his admiration didn't mind sharing the poor guy's message with her friend for laughs and then didn't mind that her friend wanted to upload it to the rest of the world so we could all have a laugh at this poor schnook's expense.
And that's the woman that the caller believes that her "heart just glows".