Master Don Juan
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Main stream media is owned by the people who run this world. Like I just said, to control a population you must control the flow of information in order to manipulate the minds of those who consume it. The ones who run the world, along with the most dangerous weapon ever created against humanity "Social media" are programming people like robots. If you can't see that, well you're living in a false reality. The world is a Matrix, a system created like a weapon to keep us distracted from the truth.Here is what you're missing. It's the one coming with extraordinary claims that is the one who needs to come up with real proof of said claims.
It's not on men to explain to feminists that we're not living in a patriarchal male society full of toxic masculinity. It's the feminists who need to show proof of its existence to be taken seriously first and foremost, not spout about inequality, male violence and so on and point fingers.
I trust science and modern medicine, yes i do, but naturally i apply common sense to it. It's good to question things but be careful to question everything you see around you. That's a miserable way to live and quite frankly dangerous. When you start to automatically mistrust facts, institutions and governments, that's when society destabilizes. Kinda like what Russia is trying to do in the west. As i told you in my previous post, there are risks with everything and also why you see labels on medicine. You just have to weigh the pros and cons against each other. I rather get rid of the virus asap so the world can get back to normal and science is pointing to the fact that achieving 'herd immunity' is the only way to do it historically. A vaccine seems like a better option than to let the virus loose within the population, overcrowding hospitals etc. but i'm always open to change my mind if the evidence is convincing enough. So far every vaccine has had some sort of minor side-effect just like medicine in general, but none has led to any deaths, so i don't see any reason why it should be different this time. If anything, it's probably safer now than ever with everyone coorporating, everything getting exposed and even stricter testing in this modern world of information.
Hopefully OP will post in this thread if his limbs start falling off or any other nasty side-effect this vaccine might have to give your claims any merit, until then we'll have to agree to disagree and carry on with our lives.
There has been plenty of proof posted by numerous members. How much more proof do you need? That shows there is two narratives. That's the amazing thing about having an open mind and being able to think for yourself. You listen to both sides without getting angry, and take from it whatever you think is real or not to make your decision. Will we always be able to know when we're being deceived? Of course not. No matter how good one is at clearing smoke in front of the mirror, we will still get tricked from to time to time.
Try studying how psychological operations are used against populations. Research crisis actors and what their purpose is. The main stream media has gone as far as having fake stories, with fake cops, fake shootings, fake shooting victims, fake blood, just like Hollywood. If people knew how corrupt the medical system is, the average brain could not even process it as real. This year we've had Psyop after Psyop. It's turning peoples brains into mashed potatoes. It's messing with ones cognitive dissonance so much they can't even allow themselves to think what they believe might actually be false.
The main stream media kept saying Hospitals were over crowded in the beginning. They kept pushing it hard that there were so many infected people they didn't have any room for more patients. So people drove to hospitals across the country recording all the empty Hospital parking lots, empty emergency rooms, no patients to be seen. Most were told they couldn't record and needed to leave or the cops would be called. They got caught using Hospital patient room footage & photos from other countries saying it was Hospitals in the US. Some news stations got caught red handed using a DUMMY as a covid patient. They used a dummy in plane sight, on tv saying it was a real covid patient. That is how dumb they think we are. Read that again, let it sink in.
It's been proven time and time that Hospitals were never over crowded. Nurses had nothing to do so they made stupid tiktok videos. There is an evil force working overtime to deceive us all. Ask yourself if news stations would that far to use a got dam dummy on live tv there must be something weird going on here. I mean that alone would raise a massive red flag to me. If you want to take a vaccine, by all means you have the right to do so. If you want to live in fear, more power to you. It's your choice whether or not to ignore all the red flags that have been waived in front of your face.
The ones in charge are constantly manipulating death counts, manipulating the science, they make up chit, change chit, sprinkle some truth in a bowl of lies. I know how powerful mind control is. I can't blame anyone for falling for it due to fully understanding how it works, how powerful it is, and how hard it is to wake someone up. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we see some big false flags arise in the coming weeks. In the end, FEAR is what gets us to submit to the devil.

Youtube deleted the video of this=control the flow of information

Cognitive dissonance. Research it, study it, learn how it works.Baseless accusation, mind being more specific?
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