I got rejected by a chick who was browsing eharmony, how sad is that??

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Okay so I haven't had much time for bootcamp this summer with summer classes and all...but as I entered the library yesterday there was this HB 9 wearing a short mini skirt walking in ahead of me. I couldn't take my eyes off her...

I went to the restroom before I headed to the computer lab. I walk in and I see her sitting at a computer in the front row. I take a seat behind her; I figure I can check out the eye candy while I check my email. While checking her out, I notice that she's browsing the personals on eharmony. I couldn't believe that a chick this hot would be single AND had to resort to trying to meet someone online!

I didn't feel like approaching. But I knew I couldn't let this oppurtunity slip away. I started formulating a plan to "accidentally" cross paths with her if she left the computer lab. I couldn't think of a way to make it seem natural.

So what did I do? I went up to the lab monitor, grabbed some scratch paper and a pencil, and then wrote on the paper "hi, what's your number?"

I went over and sat down by her. She was genuinely suprised that I was there so I know she hadn't caught a glimpse of me checking her out. I put my note and the pencil right next to her and motioned for her to read it. She said, in a suprised voice: "for me?"

Me: "yep, read it"

She read the note

Her: "I don't think so"

Me: "Oh, okay"

Then I continue using the computer next to her for awhile to play it cool and the note was left in the space between our computers. When I got up to leave, I took the note and wrote on the back: "have a nice day! :) then I walked out.

I wrote that to make it seem as though her rejection hadn't gotten to me. It bothers me a little bit I must admit. I mean here was this perfectly hot young woman who was actively looking for a date and she just flat out rejected me. I have to admit it's pretty damn funny but on the other hand it kind of stings. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :crackup:

Oh well, it wasn't a great approach anyway. But at least I had the balls to go for it. Here's to winning the the battle against approach anxiety! :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
that might have been the lamest approach EVER. How can u ask for somebody's number without ever talking to them before. Put yourself in her shoes. If some random chick just writes on a piece of paper asking u for your number, you'd prolly be like FU#k no. I sure as hell would

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Wiesman44 said:
that might have been the lamest approach EVER. How can u ask for somebody's number without ever talking to them before. Put yourself in her shoes. If some random chick just writes on a piece of paper asking u for your number, you'd prolly be like FU#k no. I sure as hell would
That was probably the lamest reply EVER. At least I had the balls to approach unlike 90% of the guys on the board. If you have nothing useful to say than STFU KBJ


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
how is that having balls? u put it on paper not spoke it. thats almost as bad as asking out someone on msn


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
she probably was looking for guys on eharmony cause the ones around her suck so she gave up on em. They'd do things like ask for her number by writing it on a piece of paper and other crazyness.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, I was in a computer lab with a lab monitor in the LIBRARY. Kind of hard to speak. I guess I should have just sat there and typed on sosuave like all you ballsy guys.

I've had crazier approaches then that work before.

Look do me a favor, if you don't have the balls to approach anyone then don't sit around criticizing someone who does.


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
i thought you were goign to say that strategiclaly, you found her on eharmony the next day....found out you had a lot in common according to the 50-point profile match they do, and then you had sex with her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Actually, I think what I said was quite useful. By telling you that you're a 'tard for asking for a number by way of pen and paper, maybe you won't do it again.

if you dont establish value and comfort, its gonna be damn hard for ya.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Ever onward said:
Okay, I was in a computer lab with a lab monitor in the LIBRARY. Kind of hard to speak. I guess I should have just sat there and typed on sosuave like all you ballsy guys.

I've had crazier approaches then that work before.

Look do me a favor, if you don't have the balls to approach anyone then don't sit around criticizing someone who does.
buddy ive already got a girlfriend, once again giving a girl a peice of paper doesnt mean you have the balls to approach a girl


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
First of all, some people browse personals for laughs or out of pure curiosity. I know a girl who does this on and off.

Second of all, unless she's a slut, she won't be THAT easy to get even if she is actively looking. You got to do more than write on a piece of paper to get her attention. You should have opened up with something funny to break the ice like "I used to have a personal ad up on there, but I had to take it down to give all the other guys a chance." But when you say something ****y like that, you have to make sure your tone and body language suggests you are joking, so it comes out as "C+F" and not just plain arrogant.

Once the ice is broken....you just go with the flow...

Anyways, take it as a learning experience and don't let it get you down.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
hi, ever.
let me tell you something, you did a hell of an excellente job.
you did an act that needs a lot of guts. I am proud of you man.
90% of us woud have wussed out of the situation and then regret it for the rest of our lives that we chickened out of it.
its very difficult to follow the rule "rejection its better than regret".
just in case you didnt know, you are the man.
dont worry about those flames cause Im sure they wouldnt have done anything if they found themselves in your situation.


Don Juan
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
i think you deserve the credit yes you have gut and you get rejection I am proud of you... i am still at a stage of just improving my conversational skills and getting comfort around womrn but you are the man you have gut but of course you have to admit the way you approached wasn't the best also... but props for trying...


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Ever onward said:
That was probably the lamest reply EVER. At least I had the balls to approach unlike 90% of the guys on the board. If you have nothing useful to say than STFU KBJ
He's right. That's like a car salesman "accidentily" slipping into a customer's path and then leaving a note by a car that the customer "accidentily happens to pass" and the note says "Psst, wanna buy this car? ~Ever Onward". You'd kick a salesman in the nuts if he did that to you instead of just dealing with you directly. It's no different for approaches.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
hey i get rejected all the time don't feel bad it's the experience that counts the most and some girl treats me like an a hole i just say ***** and keep going


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
MetalFortress said:
He's right. That's like a car salesman "accidentily" slipping into a customer's path and then leaving a note by a car that the customer "accidentily happens to pass" and the note says "Psst, wanna buy this car? ~Ever Onward". You'd kick a salesman in the nuts if he did that to you instead of just dealing with you directly. It's no different for approaches.
I don't think the guy had it in his heart to approach this girl though he just wanted to do it so he wouldn't hate himself for it


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Geez, give the guy a break. He's obviously not a big, established STUD like half of you claim to be.

Just because he doesn't say anything out loud doesn't mean his rejection hurts any less.

He did it wrong, now he knows. But he had the nards to do it in the first place.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
once upon a time ..i used a similar approach for a bookstore employee *chick.. i had talked her before , i knew her name etc etc..but i had not the balls to call her to coffee :) so i had put a note between a book and told her there is something in the book :p *what a method :p @ call me call me :p
result?? of course she had not call me..pff she doesn`t know what to miss:)

but now i can talk better but still a looong way to walk :)