I got burned down... my fault for letting my game slip... need real advice!


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
For weeks i've studied hard, and decided to practice my game in college things went well, this took to the streets and my confidence skyrocketed for 3 months, then i took a job which i absolutely hated well the first month i guess my confidence remained, but then 2 months later (which is currently) my confidence vanished (because my routine continued for 3 months and hardly no social interactions i guess ****ed me up badly) and i'm now having negative inner thoughts, I KNOW IF I START HAVING POSITIVE THOUGHTS my game will skyrocket.

I don't know what to do to stop this negative thought, i guess once i get another practice target my confidence will skyrocket again but that isn't the point with my current confidence this won't happen. How do i come out my shell again? I've lost the game c&f practices etc...

I'm trying to study again, but feels like i've burned out.

What steps should a novice guy like me follow, i've had a quick read over the 8 week program, and that look's challenging but i don't want to practice myself anyone else want to do it with me and share support?

The more ****ed up thing was, when i was with two girls and my best friend, i had more game than him but now his getting all the intention, i shyed away i knew it was inside my brain waiting to explode but couldn't make it come out >_< because lost the game. I read somewhere here that if a new dj starts feeling great and gets carried away with it he will suffer depression long term, that's EXACTLY RIGHT!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2002
Reaction score
I've been around this site forever and playing the game in real life for what seems forever and there are only three things I've found to be useful all the time...

1) Work out.....confidence can not be faked, it has to be developed and built up with real accomplishment. Working out gives you muscles and increased confidence in me like nothing else I have ever done. Picking up chicks, studying some ****y routine....its time better spend in the gym.

2)****iness and niceness don't work unless they're real. I used to think being ****y was the **** and being nice was useless....in the past year or so since I've left this site, I've realized its not true. If your ****y because your honestly justified in being ****y (i.e you have something to be ****y ABOUT) it will work for you. If your nice because its who you are, and not because you want to pick up a chick, it will work for you. I'm a little of both, and modesty aside, I'm a chicks dream come true ;)

3 You can't trick yourself into having positive thoughts. The negative thoughts are symptoms of something else. You can't just read some **** on this website and expect to all of a sudden have an anser to all of your problems. Identify the problem areas in your life and fix them, then worry about chicks. Oh...and if your friend is having a good run, then be happy for him and use him as a wingman/ to introduce you to chicks.

I know this advice is pretty general but hopefully you get something out of it.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
The reason why you're heading toward depression is because you place too much of your self-esteem on your game. I bet you place your level of confidence on how many number you could get, how many girl you can laid, and/or how good-looking you were, etc.

That's not healthy self-esteem. If you truly had real self-esteem than it would be VERY difficult to break it. No, what you really had was low self-esteem being masked by an outer layer of "fake" confidence.

Look back to how you acted when you first started learning seduction. Do you TRULY think you had true confidence? If you did, than something like a ****ty job couldn't have been able to shatter it.

What happen is that reality has struck you. You begin to consciously realize what your subconscious mind had know for a long time: that you are nothing but a "wolf in sheep's clothing." You just realize that you are not some smooth player, some ultimate stud, some super pimp. You get the point, and your conscious mind is havig a hard time handling it.

All the things that you placed your self-esteem on is now gone. You're now desperately struggling to hold together what is left of it. However, the hard to try to hold on to your damaged self-esteem the faster it will slip away from you. I know because I've been there. I went into my depression for almost the same reason and I have emerge back from it stronger and wiser. That is why you should heed my advice.

Girls are the last thing you need right now. What you NEED most right now, is to spend some time ALONE and THINK. You need to work on what is inside you, BECAUSE if you don't this can happen to you again later. Ask yourself some questions. Do you truly like yourself? Do you accept everything about you? Are you aware of your surrounding, ie consciously aware? What are you REAL goals that are truly yours not others? What are you REAL values? What do you really want in life? What kind of person do you want to be?...etc.

Buy this book "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" by Nathaniel Branden to get insights on the qualities and characteristics that contribute to healthy self-esteem.

Also beware of people who say **** and **** a lot in their post. They don't have any higher self-esteem than you do. While your low self-esteem manifest in shy, submissive altitude; their low self-esteem manifest itself in anger and hostile behaviors. Take a look at some of the lengendary posters: Pook, Adonis, or Senor Fingerz. They rarely, if not ever, used any curse words in their posts.

I like to know where you read about "a new dj starts feeling great and gets carried away with it he will suffer depression long term." Can you tell me where I can find it?