I go to get tested today....


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2001
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Won't get results for 48hrs. I think everyone should make an attempt to get tested for HIV/AIDS...

Hey, just because I'm an ego maniac, can we make Nov. 19th "ATTENTION ALL LADIESMEN: Get Tested Today!" day? :D

It's a good thing.... and here's to good news everyone. :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Are you in a high-risk category? (IV drug user, homosexual, recent blood transfusion, frequent unprotected sex with multiple women). If not, I believe its unnecessary.

Oh I guess it doesn't hurt anything to get tested, but still......


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
TheLadiesMan said:
Won't get results for 48hrs. I think everyone should make an attempt to get tested for HIV/AIDS...

Hey, just because I'm an ego maniac, can we make Nov. 19th "ATTENTION ALL LADIESMEN: Get Tested Today!" day? :D

It's a good thing.... and here's to good news everyone. :)
WTF?? Find a clinic that does OraQuick testing. There are at least 3 in my area that do it for FREE, and the result takes like, 2 minutes to come back. No blood drawn, no bull****. They just swab your gums and wait.

I had some girl freak out because we fooled around on a second date ("Oh my god I NEVER do that! What was I thinking??" :rolleyes: ) and she caught a cold a few days later and thought she got the HIV from me. Of course she didn't, but I figured best to just calm her down.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2001
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
You know squirrels, I thought about that, but I want to do the blood thing. Just to be sure.

I had unprotected sex over the summer, and just trippin a little. Besides, like Sarah Silverman, "I just want to hear some good news for a change." :)

My life is full of ironies.... I've never had any type of STDs in my life, amazingly. So I figured....


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
TheLadiesMan said:
You know squirrels, I thought about that, but I want to do the blood thing. Just to be sure.

I had unprotected sex over the summer, and just trippin a little. Besides, like Sarah Silverman, "I just want to hear some good news for a change." :)

My life is full of ironies.... I've never had any type of STDs in my life, amazingly. So I figured....
There's no more certainty in blood testing than oral testing. Whether they use blood or not, it's the same test...an ELISA test. Same test, different body fluids.

With modern oral tests, the likelihood of a false negative is very, VERY rare, just about as rare as an ELISA blood test. Which means if it comes up negative, oral or blood, you DON'T have it.

The oral tests are SLIGHTLY more likely to give a false positive, but not much more likely than a blood ELISA test. This is because the oral test has to be slightly more sensitive to detect the presence of the virus antibodies in saliva. Usually, though, a false positive is due to an antibody build-up from some other disease, cold or flu for example, skewing the results.

Even so, if you get a negative on EITHER the blood or the oral test, you're clear. If you get a positive on EITHER test, chances are 99.5% or so that you DO have it, but they have to confirm with a Western Blot. (which is more expensive, so I KNOW your HMO didn't cover it)

I'd be more worried about something like Herpes.

Or the worst STD of all...pregnancy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
TheLadiesMan said:
I had unprotected sex over the summer, and just trippin a little. Besides, like Sarah Silverman, "I just want to hear some good news for a change." :)
Man, you guys get your panties in a wad over this stuff.

Personally I would rather not live my life in constant fear and anxiety, but to each his own.

I guess you really aren't "freaking out", so whatever....


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
I think this STD thing is hyped beyond belief. As long as you are a heterosexual male with normal sexual habits, and not a druguser, then your chances of catching HIV is minimal.

The risk of catching other STDs is a little bit higher, but NOT as high as everyone want you to believe, besides most of them are curable. Sh!t, I've gone bareback on several occasions in Thailand, and in Australia, and I've never catched anything.

By the statistics I should already be dead! :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Centaurion said:
I think this STD thing is hyped beyond belief. As long as you are a heterosexual male with normal sexual habits, and not a druguser, then your chances of catching HIV is minimal.

The risk of catching other STDs is a little bit higher, but NOT as high as everyone want you to believe, besides most of them are curable. Sh!t, I've gone bareback on several occasions in Thailand, and in Australia, and I've never catched anything.

By the statistics I should already be dead! :)

no offense meant here, but you want us to listen to a guy (you) who plays russian roullette with his life?

even if the hype around HIV and STDs is bs, you didn't know that when you were going bareback.

i mean, do you have a deathwish or something?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
joekerr31 said:
no offense meant here, but you want us to listen to a guy (you) who plays russian roullette with his life?

even if the hype around HIV and STDs is bs, you didn't know that when you were going bareback.

i mean, do you have a deathwish or something?
Heh, no I don't have a deathwish.

Alcohol + drugs + avaliable chicks = stupidness from my side

I don't encourage anyone to fvck around bareback, I'm just saying that the statistics we get force-fed through the media every day, is hyped up. Almost all STDs (herpes, and HIV being the exceptions) are pretty much curable. In thailand you can walk into any pharmacy and buy antibiotica/meds to take care of them. Furthermore there are HIV meds out there that will give you a 'normal' life.

But I get your point. Don't fvck around bareback. It might not be worth it in the end.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Centaurion said:
But I get your point. Don't fvck around bareback. It might not be worth it in the end.

i look at ****ing around bareback the same way id look at driving drunk.

ya, odds are youll make it home ok. but the consequences if you don't are VERY severe.

when i was young and stupid i'd drive home after having a few beers. and i never had a problem. never even came close to being in an accident.

but now that im older, i shudder to think what my life could have become had i been in an accident.

thats one of the great things about getting older - you start to realize the risks you are taking. when you are young you think you are indestructible, that in the game of russian roullette you won't get the chamber with the bullet.

but when you get older you start to realize that you weren't indestructible, you were just LUCKY.

and while if you drive drunk or go bareback you will probably keep getting lucky for a long time to come - you'll keep getting lucky until that ONE time where your luck runs out, and then its game over.

now you've killed someone or you will live the rest of your life with an std or hiv or whatever.

personally, i think a condom is a VERY small price to pay for casual sex.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
joekerr31 said:
i look at ****ing around bareback the same way id look at driving drunk.

ya, odds are youll make it home ok. but the consequences if you don't are VERY severe.

when i was young and stupid i'd drive home after having a few beers. and i never had a problem. never even came close to being in an accident.

but now that im older, i shudder to think what my life could have become had i been in an accident.

thats one of the great things about getting older - you start to realize the risks you are taking. when you are young you think you are indestructible, that in the game of russian roullette you won't get the chamber with the bullet.

but when you get older you start to realize that you weren't indestructible, you were just LUCKY.

and while if you drive drunk or go bareback you will probably keep getting lucky for a long time to come - you'll keep getting lucky until that ONE time where your luck runs out, and then its game over.

now you've killed someone or you will live the rest of your life with an std or hiv or whatever.

personally, i think a condom is a VERY small price to pay for casual sex.
This man speaks truth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
joekerr31 said:
i look at ****ing around bareback the same way id look at driving drunk.
Me too. I do them both a lot, and never had any problems. Hell, I used to deliver pizza while drunk. I was stoned out of my gourd all day every day in law school. Yesterday, I drank a few pints of Guinness, consumed illegal drugs, and then went over 170 mph on my R1 on a dark country road.

And you guys are trippin over the risk of not using a condom?

I don't want a risk-free life. Safety is boring.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Me too. I do them both a lot, and never had any problems. Hell, I used to deliver pizza while drunk. I was stoned out of my gourd all day every day in law school. Yesterday, I drank a few pints of Guinness, consumed illegal drugs, and then went over 170 mph on my R1 on a dark country road.

And you guys are trippin over the risk of not using a condom?

I don't want a risk-free life. Safety is boring.
there is a 78.45% chance that this man will be the future president of the united states! :D and i'm not joking.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Quiksilver said:
Being safe is boring but being stupid is still stupid.
very good point.

cover your penis in kibbles and bits, tying your hands behind your back and locking yourself in a room with a hungry doberman pincher wouldn't be boring, but it sure wouldn't be smart.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
The thing a lot of people aren't considering is while the odds aren't in favor of getting HIV or whatever bad thing happening. Statistically you can be luckier or unluckier than average. For every person that's lucky someone is unlucky. Why push your luck with risky behavior? Having multiple encounters bareback is increasing your risk. And medicine can't cure every communicable disease. There's all kinds of conditions that might have a pathogenic cause and that medicine doesn't fully understand nor can treat.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
I think I have a guardian angel watching over me. In thailand I went to this bar where I got a bj, my buddy went to the same bar the day after and also got a bj. A week later he was pissing razorblades and screaming in agony, while I was knocking back Singhas (thai beer).

Aint life funny :)

Road Demon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
NYC Metro Area
ELISA sometimes gets false positives as you can get antibody cross reactivity; normally a positive result is then confirmed via western blot (to actually look for a specific HIV viral protein). If you have the HIV viral protien then you have HIV infection.

Home Access HIV test kit is about FDA approved @ 45 bucks. You can do it yourself.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Do you talk on the cell while driving? Equivalent of driving really drunk. Yet no one gets up in arms about that.

The driving drunk thing is overrated too. They only publicize the retards. A lot of us if we're slightly over or near the legal limit are still in control of our cars and take it easy going home. I pay less attention to driving cruising every day home from work listening to music.

Driving hammered so you can barely see straight --> bad.
Driving carefully on ill populated roads at the speed limit around 0.10 BAC --> not so much.

They only lowered the limit to bug people or whatever invalid reason they used. 0.08 hasn't made it any safer to drive. Most of the big deadly crashes are people venturing into the crazy drunk levels who likely drive like jerks sober too.

Even the founder of MADD was against it:
Ms. Lightner is now lobbying against laws that would lower the standard blood-alcohol reading at which it becomes illegal to drive from 0.10 percent to 0.08 percent

Everyone is afraid of the wrong things.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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mrRuckus said:
The driving drunk thing is overrated too. They only publicize the retards. A lot of us if we're slightly over or near the legal limit are still in control of our cars and take it easy going home. I pay less attention to driving cruising every day home from work listening to music.
No, no no..the driving drunk is completely underrated actually. It's a huge issue, at least here in the US. I know this from experience from past work dealing with vehicle accidents.

From what I've seen and experienced, which is a lot, I'd estimated 80%-90% of vehicle accidents had alcohol involved.

Vehicular deaths are #1 on the charts for young people, and almost always it was due to alcohol and being stupid.

Do not take drinking and driving lightly, and when you are out at night, especially on a friday and saturday, assume everyone is driving drunk around you and drive defensively.

Not to go off topic on this thread, but this I feel needs to be pointed out.

On topic, use condoms and protect your boys!! ;)