Ok, I posted this a while ago, but it is just getting worse and worse. There is this one dude in my class that is constantly trying to make fun of me behind my back. Everytime I turn around he starts talking sh!t about me. He is the most insecure person I know. He´s trying to turn everyone against me so that people start to hate me for no reason. When I´m alone with him and confront him he starts kissing my ass, but in public he uses every opportunity to pick on me behind my back. However if I hear what he says I always have a good comeback, so that everyone laughs at him. I really hate that kid. He´s one of those insecure little b!tches that needs to talk bad about other people to make himself feel better because that way he gets attention and wants everyone likes him. The problem is he always tries to put me down in front of others when I´m not there and everyone is starting to lose respect for me. I tried some things to stop him. I told him in a calm way to stop disrespecting me behind my back. Everytime people start giggling and looking at me I´m like: "Do you got anything to say to me?" no response and they stfu. Then I´m like: "That´s what I thought". Man, I really feel like I´m in Kindergarten sometimes. He´s small and I´m big and I could easily beat him up, but I don´t want that. I don´t wanna get suspended. How would a dj handle that immature pu$$y bully?