Time management sound like your issue. Normal human behavior to waste time. We all put off things that don't excite us.
Get " What Smart Students Know" by Adam Robinson.
Robinson's primary point: that traditional "learning" methods are boring, time-consuming, AND ineffective. Robinson's suggests that HOWEVER MUCH time you have to devote to your studies, whether it's an hour a day per college course or an hour per week for a high school course -- whatever -- your time is best employed using these methods. If you're short of time, or the test isn't so important, Robinson says to cut back on the methods to fit your time budget and the importance of the test.
It changed the way I studied from a struggling 3.0 undergraduate to a 3.6 Masters to a 3.9 PhD. Science all the way. I found it senior year as a undergraduate, I wish I found it much earlier.
Check out the book at your local bookstore. It teaches you how to study. You will throw away your highlighters after you read it.