I found this on myspace

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Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
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Big Ole apple
I don't know if this guy thought it was going to get him laid or what??

Stop being so.............. yourselves. I know way too many really beautiful girls who think they don't look good... It hurts... because it's our fault, guys I mean. We make girls feel like they have to be perfect. You know what I mean, flat stomach, huge boobs, round ass, long legs, big lips, and on top of all that, they have to dress like a .........., and be one as well... nobody can measure up to that... and its not fair... because nobody should have to. The little imperfections are what make people special. If everyone was perfect the world would be so boring, variety is what makes life interesting. So guys, stop making girls have to live up to your, I'm sorry, our... deluded fantasy visions of perfection. Stop acting like boys and start being men... realize that women don't exist to fufill our sexual desires. Stop talking to them solely to get with them, be nice to them because you want to be their friend, not because you want to hook up with them. Say nice things about them not to flatter them in hopes that you'll get some, but because you know they like to hear them. In short... we need to grow up and stop being ****s... just because we have them doesn't mean we need to think with them.

what do y'all think, is he just some AFC?


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
girls dress up for girls

that dude is on some madd virgin ****


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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Now that's a real man!


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2005
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its either he's real smart and is in disguise tryin to act like a sensitive nice guy to get attention

or maybe he's a real idiot and a complete AFC

p.s. as far as this whole us making the girls look perfect and all that nonsense

I for one, bust my a$$ at the gym and watch my diet counting calories and protein everyday

I want to look a lot better and we dont make girls be all perfect

thats nonsense

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
The woman that generally DO look perfect usually end up having some sort of attitude... I've only met a handful of exceptionally beautiful women that didn't have the attitude of 'I'm hot shyt, so bow down.'

But, the guys still blurting some pu$$y shyt.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Well I sent a message to the kid and told him what I thought, basically.

It was hard to explain alot of the points, because he's not educated in the laws of attraction. His ignorance is clear by the statments that he makes on his page.

Well here's what I wrote:

Subject: Sorry kid, but your statement bugs me to hell.

Let me dissect this so I can try to understand where you're going with this. Then after, I'll give you my take on the whole senario.

I'm really concerned about your statement in your "general" box.
"Stop being so.............. yourselves. I know way too many really beautiful girls who think they don't look good... It hurts... because it's our fault, guys I mean. "
Are you expecting to be the savior of women? Do you think being sensitive and understanding will get you laid? I'm wondering if that's what you're going for. From my standpoint, you seem like a kid who's had his heart broken a few too many times. I bet you've even confided in these beautiful women while they tell you about how horrible their boyfriends are, all the while saying "Well I'm a good guy! Why aren't you with me?!

You're angry at men for being men. Men are leaders. Men posess strenght. Men guide. By the natural order of things, it is the man who is head of the household. This is the strenght women desire because they themselves do not possess certain strenghts a man has. Also vice versa with men. We look for something in women that we lack. They are the ying to our yang.
"We make girls feel like they have to be perfect. You know what I mean, flat stomach, huge boobs, round ass, long legs, big lips, and on top of all that, they have to dress like a .........., and be one as well... nobody can measure up to that... and its not fair... because nobody should have to.""

What you're basically telling men is to settle for something they're not attracted to? All i've seen on your front page is pictures of Lindsay Lohan, Angelina Jolie and alot of cute girls who are posting comments to you. The truth is, is that you like big boobs. You like round asses and flat stomachs. You like when a women wants to impress you. Why women put on make up and dress nice is to ATTRACT. Not to scare away.

They're not looking for guys who are weak. They are looking for the strongest man in the room. Despite what how you feel, attraction doesn't work by people settling for something they don't like as much as something else. If you could have a 2006 mustang instead of a 1990 Toyota Camry, you'd bet your ass you'd pick the '06 mustang.

Attraction isn't a choice. We a naturally attracted to what we feel is attractive to our subconscious standards. Sorry, but I'll automatically be physically attracted more to Naomi Campbell than Oprah.

And on the other hand, guys don't attract girls by being slobs. We attract women through talent, power, positive personality, etc. To catch fish, you need bait. Plain and simple. And the type of girls you get depends on what type of bait you throw out. If you're a slob, expect to get a slob. That's the natural order of things.

"The little imperfections are what make people special. If everyone was perfect the world would be so boring, variety is what makes life interesting."
You're kinda going off on a tangent. No one ever mentions that a girl has to be perfect. No guy is ever looking for the perfect girl. That just dosen't exist. I think you living in your own head and saying things like that because maybe girls aren't attracted to your shortcommings?

I don't know you from a hole in the ground, but I'll be an ass and just assume. I have nothing to lose. =)
" So guys, stop making girls have to live up to your, I'm sorry, our... deluded fantasy visions of perfection. Stop acting like boys and start being men... realize that women don't exist to fufill our sexual desires."
That's what porn is for. And in all honesty women fufilling our needs sexually is perfectly natural. To go against this statement is going against the very will of nature itself. You think women don't feel the same way?
"Stop talking to them solely to get with them, be nice to them because you want to be their friend, not because you want to hook up with them. Say nice things about them not to flatter them in hopes that you'll get some, but because you know they like to hear them. In short... we need to grow up and stop being ****s... just because we have them doesn't mean we need to think with them."
I can understand to a point with this statement, but complementing a woman dosen't make her respect you more. I'll be glad to tell you why if you're curious.

So "In Short", stop blaming men for the things women do. As I've stated before, attractive women aren't as miserable as you think they are. They've got beauty to get them the things in life that they need; Security, money, a very successful man, etc.

I've never seen a supermodel live out of her car. Should she?

I'd like to hear what you think. Send me a message or add me!

You guys think there's anything in there that's been left out?
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