There was a time where being underdressed was uncomfortable for me as well, now I'm so comfortable in my own skin I could go out wearing pretty much anything. I don't think introversion has as much to do about that as insecurity and self-consciousness about what others may think about your looks.I was just out walking in town, lotta HBs about. Hardly any face masks.
Anyway I was wearing all black, black sneakers, long black ankle length shorts and plain black T shirt, no logos.
And I felt insignificant. I'm used to dressing loudly, and I walk with a swagger when I do. Today I practically slumped. Not quite but you get the idea. I felt really uncomfortable and underdressed.
Is this introverted thinking? I reckon it's the opposite. And yet I'm a highly asocial person...
You could be the type of person who's not that into talking, but yet love it when people notice and look at you.