I Finally Have A F*cking Life


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
I came to this site in early October of 2005 in absolute desperation. I remained a lurker for a while searching for that one post, that one tip that would change everything and end the stupid f*cking shyness that plauged me. At the same time I came down with the worst oneitis possible with a girl I didnt even know and didnt have the balls to talk to. It was the hardest point in my life, but after 7 months I got over her and moved on to bigger and better things.

During the oneitis, I worked my ass of to do retarted s*it in order to eliminate the shyness I had twords girls. One such was going to the mall asking random girls what time it was. I dont regret anything, not even my painful oneitis despite the fact that the girl really was unique in a way, she had a exotic appearance, but f*ck it. I can still recall the gut in my chest every morning before I went to school just thinking of what I was going to say to her, but couldn't.

As you might realise, during this period, I didn't go out, I didn't do anything, I had virtually no close friends, just aquentiences (sp?). I went along and pushed myself and hurt myself but evuentally started hanging out with kids and destroyed the oneitis. I'm booked for this week and next of kids that called me up wanting to hang out so I must be doing something right. I guess i'm boring but I always seem to have some wild ass story of some s*it that happened to me so I guess thats it. For instance, theres an ugly asian girl on myspace that wants to strip on her web cam for me and is in love with me. I also use my oneitis as a joke and I have other wild ass s*it as well.

Point being, you can do anything if you set your mind to it. One of the most important things is learning to not sound gay and talk out of place and or attempt to be funny when your a fu*king dumbass. I see too many kids like this and its pathetic.

I have the social life in check now along with many "undesirable" girls after me along with a couple of rejections from different girls I kinda liked, whatever. Yes i'm skinny and yes I need a good 20lbs by the end of the summer, possibly more.

To sum it up, this site changed my life. Not through tips, but through attitude, the attitude of an alpha. Its really a shame to see people trying to spam and destroy the site like a f*cking joke, it kind of breaks my heart knowing that without this site, there would of been a good chance that I would of never changed. Peace


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
good man, you are finally one of us, a true DJ.
My way of becoming a DJ was to play basketball, i copied the people who were cool on the courts, studies how to become a DJ, and now when i play i got girls who shouts they love me.

The Kidd

Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
all props to you man, never get complaecent and keep on improving


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
So all of a sudden you got friends? Uhh... Tell us the in between, one who has found the goal :D


Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
watz ur myspace man? mines /sbloodz