I finally did it... I became asexual !



Duffdog said:
great, next you are going to wake up when you are 48 years old and realize you were wrong and wasted your life. Then, you will go shoot a bunch of girls in a gym because you are mad at them for not having sex with you.
Morrissey turned into a mass murderer?

If the lad wants to be asexual then all the power to him, it's not a life I could live, but at least he isn't knee deep in oneitis, that would be far worse for his mental state.

Whatever bakes your cake mate, you stick to your guns.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
"A true DJ is to not give two shiets about girls or what they think of them"

I disagree... you should care to some degree, I fully understand it's about self improvement... but.. It's been said many a times that a DJ is a man who is comfortable and happy with himself...the reason he does not care is because he is happy, and by being good to himself and taking care of his situation, he can now give those positive vibes to others.... so in essence he does care, just not in the sense you would think.

He does not shun women and consider them all vapid *****s not worth his time...Do right by yourself and everything falls into place behind you.