Only when they become single 35 year old moms. But by then they will have too much baggage. Hopefully in the next generation or so there will be a resurgence in maturity and they will stop setting the bar at 9 when they are a 6. But nothing’s happening soon, it’s a world full of simps.
They will stop setting the bar at 9 when the 9s stop fckng them. As long as the 9 is willing to fck her she has the ability to set the bar at 9 because the reality is that it is valid. If female 9s will fck you whenever you like, that would be the bar. Usually, the 9 is an older guy and the 6 is a younger woman, that is not jaded (not aware yet of the games). This is not the fault of the simps, it is the fault of the 9s.
We assume women are just a biology experiment and will fold into whatever the men are doing. This is what they are doing. The kocks carousel doesn't exist without kocks.
As men, the choice is to become closer to a 9 or to game better or look for and support laws that enforce codes of conduct that prevent this cycle. It is much easier to join the fun than to stand for reform. The issue is that men no longer look for the common good.
women are not going to fix any of this, it's just silly to even think that they would even though they have the MOST to get out of it.