I feel like total **** right now!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
You never want your FIRST to be with an ugly chick. Cuz then you'll look back on it and be like, "WHY did I do that? What was I THINKING??", especially once you realize that SEX isn't all it's cracked up to be. :D

But ask yourself this: DID YOU HAVE FUN??

If the answer to this, despite her uglitude, is YES, then f**k what everyone else thinks. You don't have to try to impress everyone by pointing out the hot girls that you've banged. Just roll with it.

Now it the answer is NO, then you've learned a very important lesson...you don't bang women just to be able to say, "I had sex." Because sex don't mean jack sh*t by itself. Happens to all of us, we eventually reach our grand goal of having sex, it's crummy sex the first time usually, and you start to realize that having your pen!s in a girl's vag!na is not the end-all be-all of life.

Either way, it's done now. So stop whining about it. ;) Honestly, we don't think any less of you because you banged a skank uggy...we've all been tempted to do the same. So you don't have to prove to us that you're "still a man" and "only attracted to good looking girls" by acting like you're disgusted by it on this forum.