I ****ed up.... don't EVER make my mistake


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I went to the club tonite and had a friggin HB10 in my book on the hook for about half an hour... the girl was sooooooooooooooooo stuck up and I made it in somehow after she rejected like 30 guys, for whatever reason, i'm guessing my looks and style she had a convo with me... I went extreme CnF and qualifying and she qualified like a motha fvcka mannn !! I can't remember exact conversation, but she was intrigued, alot of kino sexual wiping hair off her face touching her sides and face and ass, BUT i totally ****KED UP !!!!

I had this bangin ass bvitch for so long, she was german and italian about 6'3 on heels... i'm about 5'9 on a good day and I had her asssss !!! SHe loved me, I had her qualifying and feeling embarassed about the way she danced, she was telling me i was the realest guy she eva talked to in a club, fvckin A i had rapport and everything but I totalaaallly ****edd up mannn !!!

I didn't #close her, and more importantly I didn't kiss close her... she was juss leaning on the stage with that 'fvck me' look and i juss kept teasing and qualifying her, i couldn't stop... i ran the same routine round and round for like 20 minutes and i guess she finally got tired of it or figured i wasn't sexual and wasn't going to fvck her and she gave me the fvcking....

"I gotta go to the bathroom, i'lll be right back !!"

I already knew it was over at that point, i waited like an AFC and after 10 minutes knew she wasn't coming back. Saw her in the club about 20 minutes later and tried to approach with a ****y opener about buying me a drink and she shut me down properly and mannn i was soooooooooo into her asss i juss couldn't even run the jealously game cuz she was so hot, i coudln't get her out of my mind... puss ain't pussssssy, her's was PRIZED *****sssy trust me !

So for all you newbs, take my advice as I should have, I'm rusty in the game after being in a relationship for so long... don't hesitate to kiss close the target or show your sexuality.... SHOW YOUR SEXUALITY EARLY as possible trust me, they want that, don't tease them for toooo long or its game over... fvck i'm still mad at myself, i'm going to sleeeeeep really mad cuz i messed up with one of the hottest girls i've seen in about a few months...

I don't even like white girls but this bvtch was SOOOOOOOOOO hot, damn man, great style, 5 inch heels, curly long hair, beautiful face.... she was so into me but alas i was a chump and chumped out... lesson leanred... i already *****edd to all my friendas about it and they say... "theres other girls" and of course i know i'll fvck some other chick tommorow if i want, but the point is...

I WANTED THAT CHICK and fvck i'm madddd... make a move early !!




Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah I was tryna generate attraction through words and it worked, but my actions were blahhhh.... I def. will learn from this, ehh it rolls like that sometimes eh ??? Juss wish i was fvckin her right now, prolli the 3rd hottest chick i've eva fvcked in my life, woulda been nice... but ehhh w/e... hope this helps someone to see how important it is to make a move QUICK !



Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
It's just some random chick at a random club, who gives a crap.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I don't think your problem was not being sexual enough. You just didn't return her interest in you by showing interest in her. I do the same thing some times, where I get so caught up in how fun being C/F can be, and I forget to reward her IOIs toward me. If you're too sexual too fast, you'll end up making out with her and later on she gets buyer's remorse before you get to fvck her.

BTW, what did you deside to do with your GF?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
I'd be willing to bet you won't forget this lesson too soon......and you'll be a better man because if it....


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
It's just some random chick at a random club, who gives a crap.
True, I'm over it now... but last nite was one of my first nights back in the game and for being so rusty I pulled off pretty much the most prized girl in there, so I guess I patted myself on the back and then slap myself for not closing.... Not worried about it now, cuz i already fvcked my girl and not horny anymore ;)

Or it could be because you're 5'9" and she only saw you as a brother/cousin type. Not trying to be an a**hole, just telling the truth.
Not trying to defend myself, but that's just not true. She was being very sexual, the long drawn eye contact. She gave me at least 3 chances to kiss her, dancing in front of me and i juss didn't notice myself runnin same routine over and over until it was over.... maybe i drank too much, this has happened before when I drink... I don't see my openings... lesson learned

I don't think your problem was not being sexual enough. You just didn't return her interest in you by showing interest in her. I do the same thing some times, where I get so caught up in how fun being C/F can be, and I forget to reward her IOIs toward me. If you're too sexual too fast, you'll end up making out with her and later on she gets buyer's remorse before you get to fvck her.

BTW, what did you deside to do with your GF?
Point taken that was a problem too, but trust me I wasn't being sexual and she noticed. Both were a problem in the end. It wasn't soo much CnF, it was more of qualifying that's my bread and butter but i went overboard. I had her qualifying then requalifying, she was jumping in and out of my hoops, but guess she got tired of jumpin eh haha ??

Also good point about being sexual too fast and juss gettin make-out session with no fvck in the end, that's happened to me before also. When I was at the height of my game I would never kiss girls in the club and I got good results as the first time they got a real taste was right before we were about to have sex.... but tks for pointing that out

Eventho i'm probably going to hell and might end up fvcking up something great, I've decided to juss cheat on her for a while but stay with her. Yeah I know its fvcked up, but I can't break up with her... juss can't do it, she's too special but i'm not at the point she's at... no marriage for me right now and getting antsy and want girls like last night... it's exciting, my girls too easy she's like my slave... i feel like chasing some girls for a while.... Headed over her place right now for some much needed make-up sex, juss puttin it out my head and going to be happy... not think about how much of an ******* i am :(



Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Oh another thing that hit me just now about last night that I noticed...

It's very easy to lose the 'prize' mentality. I remember couple times she shvt tested me and I failed all of them, but she was very interested and didn't write me off until like the 5th test, I was surprised she was so interested, don't know why either... I don't remember my opener and I felt myself being a tad needy but she gave me multiple chances...

Her tests:

1. Saying, "Please i don't have time for this..." walking away....

a. I messed up by kinda blocking her way and stopping her, she wasn't serious in walking away but I wasn't cool to let her go... juss needy

2. I made fun of her clothes and she looked me straight in the eye and made fun of my shirt and gave me the 'GAME ON' look.. and i had no response, surprised me she stepped up like that

3. And of course the big one, not showing enough sexual interest...

4. Also when re-opening her, I should have been direct as a last ditch effort instead of the ****y opener after I already displayed neediness...

Like someone already said tho, i'm not harping on it, in the end it was just some girl in a club, but my first time back in the game and I forgot how much I love the field and chasing and getting new girls... i been locked away for the last 8 months lol, i'm back... let me enjoy this ;)



Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry to hear that bro! happens to the best. All you can do is laugh it off in the end ;)
A good lesson in the end though


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Scumfrog said:
Sorry to hear that bro! happens to the best. All you can do is laugh it off in the end ;)
A good lesson in the end though
Yeh. The imporant thing is that you KNOW where you went wrong, instead of making a post saying "what did i do wrong??? :confused: " then we will all be like :box:

Next time, be more confident, and ALWAYS assume that she wants you to fvck her brains out! you'll be surprised at how many times your assumption will turn out to be correct. Most importantly.... ACT ON IT!


New Member
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Oh how I hate that "I gotta go to the bathroom, i'lll be right back !!" Sometimes they indeed come back, but you can never know. So better is not to stand there like a moron. you should get a new girl instead fast.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Huh? You sure you had her in the first place?

I would not say she was ever even interested. I'm with blueangel on this.

If you fvcked or something THEN you know she was interested.

I see it happen all the time, guys going around thinking they make girls attracted to them as the girl just talks to them.

Uh.. If sex was actually involved then you know she was sexually interested.

lol and she turned down every guy that showed interest, she just thought you were a real brother type if you just talked to her about her clothes and sh!t. You never had her, don't fool yourself.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Bvbidd said:
lol and she turned down every guy that showed interest, she just thought you were a real brother type if you just talked to her about her clothes and sh!t. You never had her, don't fool yourself.
I don't think any of us can make that assumption unless we were there watching the whole thing. There's nothing wrong with teasing a woman about her clothes. What would you suggest he talk about?

Cod3r said:
Also good point about being sexual too fast and juss gettin make-out session with no fvck in the end, that's happened to me before also. When I was at the height of my game I would never kiss girls in the club and I got good results as the first time they got a real taste was right before we were about to have sex.... but tks for pointing that out
No problem. And don't get me wrong, I don't think there's anything wrong with kissing a girl you just met. I just think there's a difference between the overly sexual kind of kiss and a comfort kiss. She needs to feel comfortable ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
You should get another girl fast.
To tell you the truth, after she left I knew it was over and had no more interest for any other girls and to run the 'jealousy' game wouldn't have worked as she had more than enough guys to replace me with.... juss not my night to be with her, i'll get mines soon enough lol 4 sure

Huh? You sure you had her in the first place?

I would not say she was ever even interested. I'm with blueangel on this.

If you fvcked or something THEN you know she was interested.

I see it happen all the time, guys going around thinking they make girls attracted to them as the girl just talks to them.

Uh.. If sex was actually involved then you know she was sexually interested.

lol and she turned down every guy that showed interest, she just thought you were a real brother type if you just talked to her about her clothes and sh!t. You never had her, don't fool yourself.
Eventhough I believe she was interested, of course I don't know for sure so I leave that open as a possibility... but being in the situation and having had many experiences such as this before to compare it to, I can read the signs pretty clear and she definitely was sexually interested... but again can't really assume since I didn't fvck her right ?? Good points...

You put the pvssy on a pedestal
Agreed, not at first but as the interaction went on... i def. put it up there ! I always admit mistakes and this was def. one of the big ones of the night, ehh I'll learn in the future

lol and she turned down every guy that showed interest, she just thought you were a real brother type if you just talked to her about her clothes and sh!t.
We didn't talk about clothes btw, I made one remark about her clothes and she made one about mines and then we moved on to other threads of conversation... total about 30 minutes, clothes was 20 sec

Like I said tho, if in reality the girl wasn't interested... that's fine, but just by my unbiased judgement from the best of my ability and experiences with women I can say pretty sure she was... we'll neva know... no big deal, like someone already said she's just one girl in one club ;)
