Very few guys actually caught on to the point of my post.
It doesn't matter when you actually hit your prime as a man in this thread, what matters are the opportunities present. Sure you might have more money and better game in your 30s but you cannot do the things you could have done in your younger days.
Outside of Dan Bilzerian, I don't see what guys are partying with hot girls and living that cool sort of life after their early 20s or mid 20s at latest.
Even the so called "alphas" at 30 either settled down and doing way more low key stuff.
You don't get that chance to have your own cool crew and party it up with hot girls in your 30s like you did when you were younger.
Everyone around your own age has moved on and "matured", life just sucks and becomes more of a drag if you want to chase that kind of a life but that life is what is the peak of game itself.
I don't want to be on some date with one woman, I rather sleep with a lot of them on rotation and do cool sh-t with hot girls and cool guys like partying and traveling rather than adult garbage.
Think very few guys get where I am coming from.