I don't know what to think!


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, before I get to my current situation I need some exposition. Also, I go to a small school (70 kids per grade), and people usually just hang out with their own clique of friends.

Anyway, up until 9th grade I didn't give a ****. At all. I didn't talk to anyone, I didn't wear any nice clothes, didn't play any sports, barely had any friends. Basically a total loser. At the beginning of 9th grade I decided to do something about it and started talking to more people. As the year went on I got into this nerdy group, and also I was talking to two people in a more popular clique. Over the summer, one of my "friends" basically took every single chance he got to call me annoying, a bad person, etc. and basically killed my self-confidence. The others in the group did nothing to stop it, even sometimes encouraging it. So by October I was not friends with these people anymore.

Also in the middle of July or so I found this site. So I began immediately putting these skills to work, and I hooked up with one girl about a week before school started. Unfortunately, she was the oneitis of this aforementioned "friend" and he got even more pissed at me. The girl and I remained friends.

So, school started, and I was talking to more and more people. None of these people I talked to ended up being good friends. The "friend" asked the girl out, they went out for 2 months, and she dumped him because he was a **** to her also. He didn't seem to care.

Meanwhile, after I had left the "nerdy" clique, I seemed to be welcomed with open arms into the more popular group, who the two people I was talking to last year were part of.

Now, here's where my problem starts. I have an overwhelming fear of being thought of as annoying, or a loser. I want to go to parties and such, and I do want to mess around with girls. This group does that, they are connected to many other schools, go to parties all the time, etc. I know almost no one outside of my school.

Anyway, these people are talking to me, but I have trouble figuring out whether they actually like me and think of me as a friend or if they're just being nice and tolerating me. I have hung out with them once, in mid-October (we saw the departed, then I slept over at one of their houses), and I have tried to make plans since then, but they've always flaked. This is another worrying point for me, I don't know if they're actually flaking or trying to be nice to me. Also, I rarely initiate the plans, if that matters (for example, I was invited to see Borat but the plans fell through).

Meanwhile, my parents forced me to do the school play, which wasn't that terrible. Anyway, at one of the dinners after a show one of the cast members brought a friend of hers, I'd say like an HB7. I sit down next to her at dinner, flirt with her the entire night, get her number, and she texts me the next day saying that she missed me. So I think I'm covered with girls, and that I don't have too much to worry about.

So basically, I'm just worried over whether this new group of friends actually likes me or not. I'm getting a mixed message, sometimes they seem to welcome me, and other times they seem to dismiss me. Sometimes they walk up to me and invite me to go do something, sometimes they talk about their plans in front of me without really noticing me. Sometimes they spot me out of nowhere (i met them out of the blue at a mall right before thanksgiving, and they spotted me first and yelled out my name, which is a good sign I guess), and sometimes they walk right past me at school without even aknowledging it. Basically I need guidance.

Ah, thanks for reading, and thanks for all the help.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
seems like a shady group to me. but i can't really say.

i hang out with so many different people it's amazing how i fit them all into my schedule.

i have two groups of friends that dont hang out with each other that i have known for years and years( my true friends)

and then i have another group of friends that are just for partying, chillin, i don't really consider these people as "friends" just people to chill with.

i mean i could say for 100% that if i got into some deep ****, the first two groups of my real friends would be down for me any time anywhere and same with me to them, whereas the people i just chill with if they got into **** i wouldn't care or bother involving myself, and vice versa.

keep in mind all this aknowleding stuff is bs in telling who is your true friends. perfect example is how i give high 5s and hand shakes to my chill group more than my real friends. my real friends group is so tightly knit that we don't even care for the greetings and stuff anymore


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
lol. that sucks. this really depends. that friend who calles you a loser and annoying all the time... if he keeps hanging out with you. it means he likes you, he calls you that so u can realize the moment you do something nerdy or annoying, so that you can stop yourself. I know, becuase i used to have a friend like this. we'd always get into arguements, but we were like brothers. True friends often do that to improve ourselves.

as for your group of friends, screw them, you know you can chill with them anytime, you need a few good buddies, that are in the group. that's all, maybe 1 or 2 "bros" that you can call your "real friends". cuss without real friends who give honest sincere advice, we'll never change