Your college experience will be like going to med school in that you will give up a lot of time to learn whatever it is you have to learn and if you can't find any enjoyment in it, you'll get depressed.
That's exactly how I feel right now.
Everything seems completely pointless.
I mean, why would I spend four years of my life studying sh!t I hate just to get some degree and compete with thousands of other students to continue working a job I hate?!
Just because "Well, that's the way life is!"
I don't need some Mr.Knowitall professor that has never practiced what he preaches to tell me when Columbus whacked off on his way to America.
Why would I want to sacrifice my life for society when the only thing I get back is the illusion of status and false confidence in the form of money?!
It seems like everybody's criteria when it comes to choosing a major nowadays is "What will bring me the most $$$?!"
Most college kids I see would kill their own grandma to become rich. They see everybody as competition because they believe life means doing the same things everyone else does, just better. It's a never ending rat race!
I don't need a porsche.
I don't need a rolex.
I don't need a huge mansion.
I don't need some dudes name on my underwear.
The only thing I need is enough $$$ to do the things I enjoy and these are not all luxury material things.
I want to get into the golf biz because that's what I truly enjoy.
Chaos is all around us, we just don't notice it cuz we are just too busy watching sitcoms or browsing the net.
Most people live their lives in quiet desperation. I want to live loud and go down with fireworks ...