i don't get it...

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
so i'm 15 and i'm trying to meet more people and actually have a social life. so for example, when i'm in a class and theres a girl sitting next to me, i say hi with a smile and eye contact and ask her a question, and she just gives me one word answers and doesn't notice i'm there. almost as if they are trying to ignore me. this is wut happens with most of the girls i try to talk to. i know i don't smell or anything, maybe cause of my looks? ... i don't think i look too bad....wut might be the problem?


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
i'm guessing shes not interested in you..

maybe its ur body language, girls can read that like nothing.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Crazy Asian said:
so i'm 15 and i'm trying to meet more people and actually have a social life. so for example, when i'm in a class and theres a girl sitting next to me, i say hi with a smile and eye contact and ask her a question, and she just gives me one word answers and doesn't notice i'm there. almost as if they are trying to ignore me. this is wut happens with most of the girls i try to talk to. i know i don't smell or anything, maybe cause of my looks? ... i don't think i look too bad....wut might be the problem?
Ok, so I have seen you post frequently and it sounds like you have issues. I would like to help but it is so difficult when you dont know all the circumstances.

My recommendation is to improve yourself first by strengthing all the aspects of your life that you believe you lack in. Build a foundation that you can always fall back on.

This is all about makign yourself a stronger person and building character, not about some quick fix, strike it rich techniques to get the ladies. First start out with tips on how to be more friendly like you said, eye contact, smile, DO THEM EVERY DAY, APPLY THEM! They're no good if you do not practice them. Try to read one relevant article a day and apply it the next day. It seems to me your mood is always down, negative, and that you come back here downtrodden. Dont give up so easily!

At first I was unsure about my appearance if I was a good looking or ugly, so I posted some pics of mine of Hotornot.com, that could help, but wait like a month for a final rating.

Alright, this whole revolution is going to take time, you must stay determined, you will NEED TO do an activity that builds strength, character, makes you mentally stronger, physically stronger, emotionally stronger. When its cold outside I wear shorts and a t shirt and fight the cold, I'm freezing cold but I stay strong and dont give in. That's just a small example. When I exercise I push myself, I dont give in to the temptation to rest.

I realize I kind of had it easy, I had a huge foundation of character, but it seems you need that foundation of strength, character, and a boost in self esteem so its going to take a lot of hard work from you. Raise that self esteem, set some small goals, then achieve them. Find something that you love to do, a hobby, excel at it, master it, and it should be something practical not like video games. I mean there is just so much to talk about, diagnose, that its going to take a lot of time, effort, and determination. Good luck man.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
You may also want to think that a possibility is that she is testing how much confidence you have, in the context of, if she is ignoring you, go up to her and say "Hey, do you wanna talk to me, or what?" Not like that, but meaning that. She will notice that you aren't just another dude, but a Don Juan.