B0SS MAN said:
I want to do the whole friends with benefits thing and just have fun until I find somebody worth sticking with and no I try to get to know the person.
Friends with benefits?
That's what you're trying to do?
Well look,I think you need to take baby steps dude.
I mean you can't just go from not being able to get a girl attracted to you straight to a friends with benefits thing just like that.
Start off just getting a girl interested in going out on a date with you.
Once you learn how to do that,then you can transition into the "FWB" scenario.
BOSS MAN said:
I usually just take an interest in whatever that they are talking about and I'll give my opinion on it, I'll tease them about whatever they are saying...
Hey,that's not bad. It's a good way you interject yourself into the conversation,but once you're in it,you need to steal the frame.
You need to turn the convo onto you and the girl. Go ahead and talk about whatever the convo originally was for a little while,then turn it onto you making flirty/romantic comments about NOT JUST
YOU and her.
BOSS MAN said:
or I will try to see the romantic side of the situation. For example:
Interest: Today this girl showed me this sign she made and I was asking how long it took her to do it and who it was for and all that.
I see what you're trying to do here,but it isn't enough. You need to be more agressive,more personal.
Instead of asking her who the sign was for,you should have said something like,"Wow,that's a nice sign. I love it. And here I didn't even get you anything".
You see what I mean? You need to make the romantic comments PERSONAL...about you and her.
BOSS MAN said:
Teasing: I was talking to this girl the other day and she told me she was getting her license and that the guy in drivers ed told her that she was a good driver so I said that she can't believe everything she hears.
That was a good one man,I like that comment.
Keep on doing that.
BOSS MAN said:
Romantic Side: Awhile ago it was cold for a long time and the girl I was talking to said she hates the cold so I said that I like the cold it's good cuddling weather.
Good line,but again,you need to make it more personal.
An improvement of this line would be something like,"Yeah,I don't like the cold either. Let's go somewhere and cuddle and keep each other warm".
Your lines seem ok,you just need to direct them onto the girl and YOURSELF.
All this is good to make a girl think of you romantically,but even ALL THIS by itself
isn't enough.
Evenutally...you need to ask the girl out. All that flirting and teasing and playing around (EVEN IF IT IS PERSONAL) will mean
nothing if you don't ask her out.
Other things you can do is tell a girl you like the way she looks in something she's wearing.
DON'T SAY,"you're hot" or anything like that.
Say,"I LIKE" the way you look in that (whatever it is she's wearing).
I know everything I said may seem a bit overwhelming,but for now,just focus on making your comments more personal.