I dislike ugly girls (NYC)


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
I know this is an entirely subjective matter, but I don't like "ugly" girls. I'll talk to them and stuff though, and it really disturbs me how these women actually have the balls to hit on me alllll the time when I'm clearly engaging in platonic dialogue. I feel like that's an ******* thing to say, but even the ones that just act friendly I dislike. Is this a just narcissistic ego impulse and can meditation/heeding the principles of Zarathustra perhaps remove this tendency? I'd like to be rid of it.

If you're from NYC and like pretty women, I'd like to field test this theory that I dislike all ugly women with you. Hit up some bars/clubs and see if I can bag some ugly girls numbers to chill w/. I can do this by myself, but multiple brains are better than one also since this is a DJ forum we can also bag some fly ladies in the process. I think the best place to bag ugly girls numbers is at starbucks/barnes&noble. Even if you don't wanna WING IT with me, let me know if you know some spots where there is a large conglomeration of individuals, the majority of whom are ugly women 21+. It doesn't matter what type the crowd is - LES ****ty bar, awful night at PACHA, high class ugly old people party. Just let me know.

Let me know.:woo:


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
AdvancedNeophyte said:
I know this is an entirely subjective matter, but I don't like "ugly" girls. I'll talk to them and stuff though, and it really disturbs me how these women actually have the balls to hit on me alllll the time when I'm clearly engaging in platonic dialogue. I feel like that's an ******* thing to say, but even the ones that just act friendly I dislike. Is this a just narcissistic ego impulse and can meditation/heeding the principles of Zarathustra perhaps remove this tendency? I'd like to be rid of it.

If you're from NYC and like pretty women, I'd like to field test this theory that I dislike all ugly women with you. Hit up some bars/clubs and see if I can bag some ugly girls numbers to chill w/. I can do this by myself, but multiple brains are better than one also since this is a DJ forum we can also bag some fly ladies in the process. I think the best place to bag ugly girls numbers is at starbucks/barnes&noble. Even if you don't wanna WING IT with me, let me know if you know some spots where there is a large conglomeration of individuals, the majority of whom are ugly women 21+. It doesn't matter what type the crowd is - LES ****ty bar, awful night at PACHA, high class ugly old people party. Just let me know.
Let me know.:woo:
NYC? Women over 21? Yikes! I will be praying for you. :confused:


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
Yes, im totally feeling you on this one. From my experience, ugly and/or socially awkward girls don't know if you're flirting with them or not.

Personally if I hit a platonic relationship with an ugly girl, she better provide oppourtunities for me to hook up with her single friends. If I look at it this way, my relationship with said ugly girl won't be as bad.

If you're going out to approach ugly girls to test it out....Yikes! Good luck finding a wing lol


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
Yes, im totally feeling you on this one. From my experience, ugly and/or socially awkward girls don't know if you're flirting with them or not.

Personally if I hit a platonic relationship with an ugly girl, she better provide oppourtunities for me to hook up with her single friends. If I look at it this way, my relationship with said ugly girl won't be as bad.

If you're going out to approach ugly girls to test it out....Yikes! Good luck finding a wing lol


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
Yes, im totally feeling you on this one. From my experience, ugly and/or socially awkward girls don't know if you're flirting with them or not.

Personally if I hit a platonic relationship with an ugly girl, she better provide oppourtunities for me to hook up with her single friends. If I look at it this way, my relationship with said ugly girl won't be as bad.

If you're going out to approach ugly girls to test it out....Yikes! Good luck finding a wing lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
If you're trying to stop disliking women based on their appearance, then you COULD follow the principles of Zarathustra. Be warned, though, that you'll end up having complete and utter disdain for all women entirely. Nietzche was a monster of a misogynist and it was so pervasive throughout his works that you really get to asking who hurt him so badly during his youth. So maybe, if you really followed the path of Zarathustra (and became completely isolated and celibate for several years), you'll lose the superficial assessment of women and just assume that they're all filthy *****s with no value to add to your life.

Most women who are unattractive on the outside are also unattractive on the inside. Diamonds in the rough are literally as rare as diamonds in the rough.

Even the ugliest of women can still take excellent care of their bodies and surround themselves with good people. Those who don't have that kind of support and social exposure will end up needy and depressive and generally unhappy. Why would anyone want to associate with those kinds of women? Of course this is a generalization, but I've met plenty of ugly women in my lifetime who are collectively responsible for my feelings expressed in this post.

If she isn't physically attractive, the odds are low that her personality and ethical framework will not only be adequate but will compensate for her lack of genetic competitiveness.

But then again sometimes they're freaky as hell and occasionally cool as SHT even if they're not LTR material. Certainly easy targets for a draught, and if that's what you're after, I think you'll find that even moderately ugly girls aren't so ugly with the lights off, as long as you will still respect yourself the following day (approximately 8 hours after you've kicked her out of your pad).


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
Jimbo I appreciate your prayers I hope the beneficence bestowed upon me by Zeus and Apollo help me to overcome my inability to communicate with ugly females for prolonged time spans without dissing them. Also do you know where I can meet girls in NYC Jimbo? As I live under a bridge in Central Park, I can usually subsist off the breadcrumbs old people give to the pigeons here, so I don't really hit up clubs that much just get free wifi from starbucks and spill coffee on girls to start conversations. Any advice would be appreciated.

JY word lol, I don't have the luxury of living in T.O. where I can just sing hooks to Drake songs and get 90% of the women there to engage in convo only by using that technique, it would be glorious tho...i am very envious.

DR yes I find this aspect of FN hilarious, was just reading his self-critique of Birth of Tragedy where he explains how his prose was saccharine to the point of effeminacy. Funny funny hahahaaa. I disagree with your assessment of Zarathustra however, nowhere does FN imply that the ubermensch can not be a pimp.

Also I changed my mind, I've cured myself of this aversion to ugly females by empathizing with Dr. House who is the man yet continues to only bag 4-6 pieces throughout the course of the series. Some of those girls were cool, so I like ugly girls now too.

So, now this is basically just an NYC "sarge" I think you guys call it thread. What's really good son. If you can pull humorous intelligent 9-10 23+ y/o females holla at me.

Holla at me. I'll start a list. I'm thinking this can occur several times w/ 3-8 nigguhs pulling hoes simultaneously.

List of ppl who have bagged intelligent 9-10 23+ y/o females in the past that live in NYC and would sarge with random people on SS forums. I do not care if your disposition is monogamous or otherwise as long as you can fulfill the necessary prerequisites for bagging.

List of ppl who fulfill requirements:

1. AdvancedNeophyte
2. ??
3. ??
4. ??

Holla at me.


New Member
Mar 22, 2011
Reaction score
AdvancedNeophyte said:
I know this is an entirely subjective matter, but I don't like "ugly" girls. I'll talk to them and stuff though, and it really disturbs me how these women actually have the balls to hit on me alllll the time when I'm clearly engaging in platonic dialogue. I feel like that's an ******* thing to say, but even the ones that just act friendly I dislike. Is this a just narcissistic ego impulse and can meditation/heeding the principles of Zarathustra perhaps remove this tendency? I'd like to be rid of it.

If you're from NYC and like pretty women, I'd like to field test this theory that I dislike all ugly women with you. Hit up some bars/clubs and see if I can bag some ugly girls numbers to chill w/. I can do this by myself, but multiple brains are better than one also since this is a DJ forum we can also bag some fly ladies in the process. I think the best place to bag ugly girls numbers is at starbucks/barnes&noble. Even if you don't wanna WING IT with me, let me know if you know some spots where there is a large conglomeration of individuals, the majority of whom are ugly women 21+. It doesn't matter what type the crowd is - LES ****ty bar, awful night at PACHA, high class ugly old people party. Just let me know.

Let me know.:woo:
Yes, im totally feeling you on this one. From my experience, ugly and/or socially awkward girls don't know if you're flirting with them or not.