So about 10 minutes ago I had a chance to approach a girl I would consider out of my league. Tall slim light skinned black with a nice ass. I was looking at her and was making up excuses like "oh, I've only got 10 minutes left of my tea break" and "I fapped too recently so I won't be a good version of myself, I should get a nofap streak running first". I allowed those excuses to stop me from approaching and now I'm regretting it. Even if I had approached her and she ignores me that would've been better because I would've taken action, which I'm planning on doing more of this year... "Rejection is always better than regret" I'll have to keep this is mind moving forward
If you feel that way just approach the next one you see. Don't place too much value on any one girl you see or missed chance or mistake or whatever. Also....cold approach rarely leads to anything in this social media pandemic world but you should do it for yourself. Just go out and approach every pretty girl.
Start very simple to warm you up with an innocent question like excuse me do you know where the nearest coffee shop is? If she lights up and seems interested keep talking to her and number close....if she is cut and dry just answering the question thank her and walk off. This is simply to get your feet coold with the first approach. After that first one, be more more direct and aggressive with the second.
If you look somewhat decent you will get a number or two by the end of the day. It's a good exercise Don't attach yourself to any real results though. If it happens, great though.
If you practice you will get much better and more fluid. At the very least, these approaches will help you out a lot in your confidence with nightlife game and girls you meet online