I could really use some help guys.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hastings, England
OK I'm a long time reader but not to much of a poster. I have read the DJ bible a couple of times all the way through and have trained my mind to use the bible as law. Well here is the situation. Don't start calling me an AFC or claim I'm putting girls on the pedestal. I know I made a mistake and I'm just looking for advice.

OK I'm in a band. All the band needed was a singer. We made an account on bebo advertising for a singer and just getting a bit more well known. Well this girl wants to audition. fine by me. Well the day before the audition this girl (from now on lets call her erm Sara) invites me to a party at her place. Well what the hell? It will give me a chance to get to know her a little better. Well I always make a rule with myself that I will only have a professional relationship with people I will work with. Well I went to hers. Turns out it was some kind of slumber party thing. Well I didnt care, thought I could put some DJ skills into practice with her friends (I have no rule about that:whistle: ). Well in total there was 5 of us. Me (oh in case it makes any difference I'm 17 and shes 16, I go college and she goes 6th form) Sara, two other girls and one of my band members. Well her friends were not much to great. HB4s at the most. But Sara! WOW! She had to be off the scale.

Well as the party/slumber party thing went on me and Sara got closer. I was trying to stick by my rule about only having a professional relationship with her but it was getting hard. We all watched some film and then we played twister! Yeah twister! Well after that she was initiating kino on me all night. Well it got to about 3 in the morning and we decided to get some sleep. I was on one sofa, one of her female friends was on the other. The other guy was just on a seat. So that left Sara and her other friend on the floor. Well after 10 minutes on the floor she had enough of that and got onto the sofa with me. We then talked till about 5 before we finally fell asleep. At 7 everyone was up! I'm not sure how I even managed to move the next day after only 2 hours of sleep.

Well her audition was at 2pm. She seemed pretty off with me in the morning but that could of been because I could barely move. Well about 12 I took off as I wanted to go sort out for the audition later on. I said I would walk back to her place later on as she was unsure of where I lived. Well did that and walked her back to my place. We were deep in conversation until the rest of the band members turned up. Well I thought I would take this opportunity to use a little DJ trick. So I completely stopped talking with and started to talk to the rest of the band members. This worked pretty well as she started initiating kino all over again. And I don't mean small time kino. She was non stop hugging me and putting her arms round me.

Audition went on for about 2 hours. She was pretty good at singing so she became a band member. Well about 3pm the band members started leaving. By 6pm everyone had left except me and Sara. Well I was quite shocked as she had only really just met me but yet was still comfortable to be alone with me. Well we got to talking about all sorts of thins. Then she lay her head on my legs and I just gently stroked her hair whilst we talked. We stayed like this for about 2 and a half hours. It was so strange. I'm not sure how to explain it. She is really different form every other girl I have met. She is hot, funny, great fun and well just great. I'm not saying I'm in love (because that would be just stupid, I have only known her a few hours) but she is really something special.

Well at half 8 she had to go home as she was meant to be back at least an hour a go. So here was the first mistake I made but it was not really a huge mistake. Instead of asking me to walk her home she took my mobile phone and refused to give it back until I had walked her home (I know I should of just said "OK I will walk you home but you have to give me my phone as I don't want to feel I have to walk you home, I want to walk you home, I know AFC mistake but I don't really think it would of made any difference any way). So I started walking her back to her place. Well I thought why not use a few more DJ tips (I had completely given up on my rule about a professional relationship at this time). So I decided I would do a funny neg hit. I'm quite small for my age (5 foot 4) and I saw she was like a fraction smaller then me. So I started calling her shorty (lame I know but hell it worked). Well she kept on pretending to get really upset every time I called her short So she "needed" a hug from me every time I called her short. As I'm sure you can imaging I called her short rather a lot after that:rolleyes: . Well what would of been a 10 minute walk lasted an hour. Well we finally got to her house. She gave me my phone back (I was still mentally kicking myself about that). She was on her stairs and then she said "well I better give you another hug but I can't do it on these stairs" so she walked down them and hugged me.

This is when I made the BIG mistake. It was obvious from everything that had happened that she wanted us to be more then just friends. Her body language, initiation of kino on me, pupils were seriously dilated whenever she looked at me etc was sure signs that she wanted us to be more. Well we were hugging and then it happened. All my confidence went! I could not believe it. all my DJ training left me. I knew I should kiss her but for some reason I kept coming up with all these excuses like "my lips are probably to dry for it, does my breath smell? etc. Suddenly I realized we had been hugging to long. I instinctively started to pull away then she broke the hug. She then became kind of flusted and pulled out her keys and made some comment about the band on her keyring. Unfortunately it was a band I did not really like. I talked before I could stop myself and said "on that note, I'm leaving" and with that I turned and walked off thinking about how badly I had just screwed up. Well the next day (Monday) She started talking to me on bebo, msn and then she started texting me. She seemed fine with me. Today she has been talking on msn with me.

Well I'm confused. I chicken out of the kiss close as yep I put her on the pedestal. I made a complete fool out of myself when we said goodbye but she is still talking with me and a little flirting over msn (not that you can have much on msn).

So this is the question: Did this mistake I made at the end of the date push me into the friend zone or has it made her even more interested in me? I know one tip from the bible was that to really tease her when you two are about to kiss suddenly kiss her on the nose and walk away, this will then make her want you even more. So has this blunder I made actually worked in my favour or do you think I now have no chance with her?

Well that's what I wanted to ask. Any opinions will be gratefully received.



Don Juan
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
Oh dear . . .:box:

Dude . . .Don't worry . .It happens to the best of us . .True . .Perhaps it was a mistake not to close - that way you may just lose the initiative . . .. .But forget it . Its now happened . . .Friend zone or more interested . . .Who knows . . .

. . .Be bloody bold and resolute . . .Stop analysing it, regroup and go for her again . . .And don't worry about it . . .You seem by large to be doing fine . ... . . .:wave:


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hastings, England
Yep your right. I have to do the DJ thing and go for it. When I next see her I will know if I'm in the friend zone or not. If I'm not then bam I will kiss close. If I am I will move on to the next one. Thanks for boost


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hastings, England
Will do. I am seeing her in sunday. She has spoken to me everyday since then on msn. Is that a bad thing? I have not given her advice or anything (although it came close, man girls just want you to tell them how great they are all the time don't they!). So when sunday comes I will see where it goes. Any tips on weather I know I have been thrown into the friends zone would be good.