yup... I'm a trapeze catcher...
the dude who hangs upsidown (sp?) and catches really hot chicks who do tricks and I throw them back to the bar and they in turn mount the board again. ;-)~
I just got a job with Club Med teaching trapeze...
I can envision it now...
I wake up in an awesome resort filled with hot, beautiful chicks.... eat at a buffet every meal... walk out to the circus area and say " *sigh* Another day at the office...."
and I know its a crappy pic, in the orig you can see my face but it got pixilated out when I scanned it... I'm going to develop some new film and post new pics...
and btw.... I've posted my pic up three times before(face-shots as well) and all got 9.9....
I have been asked to become a model a few times but I nver really pursued it.... I like flying trapeze much better...
thanx for the replies guys...
Hurry up and torture me before I fall saleep and miss it
[This message has been edited by Jin (edited 09-25-2002).]