Kiss the flag and thank a soldier? Are you serious? Im going to thank a 19 yr old who was desperate to get out of either jail or his poor neighrbood?
I doubt when soliders sign up that they are thinking about fighting for Pandora. They are thinking about the GI bill and that enlisment bonus.
Btw I also work in healthcare and have no issues. I have worked in many other industries and had no issues. So yeh its the women.
Yes, I’m dead serious. You work in the freest, most accessible, fair and efficient economy in the history of the world. The fact that you work in healthcare is not a feather in your cap. There are no bad years in healthcare or health services.
Billionaires are running out of China and other places like rats off of a sinking ship. Leaving 8 or 9 figures behind to do so. Realizing decades ago that their business partner was the communist party and knowing at some point it would have to happen. Making sure their kids got a western education, setup somewhere in a good city and then moving in before they hit 70. Saying out loud that they’re willing to pay for privilege and priority to accelerate their acclamation into this country. Do you think they ever said that in China? Absolutely not. Uncle Sam hits these guys with a 500k vig per person to cut the line to a green card and they get it. I’m giving you perspective that you aren’t going to find in every day life and you can take it or leave it.
When your perspective and humility matures your professional and financial situation will too and not a minute sooner. There’s a reason the wealthiest people are the 0.1%, it’s perspective that sets them apart.
Your perspective on those who dedicated themselves to service is disgusting. Your freedom and paycheck was built on blood and treasure and stays that way because of it.