That's what it officially was, a tournament. 120 teams all over the country competing to become the best one.
Not. 120 x 12 people coming to have fun, that's more like it.
It was more like a festival, really. People camping on the grass, different places with different music, and a lot of beer.
Arrived there quite late (had a performance first). Friend helped me carry my stuff, and bought me a beer. Then had some goldstrike, got pretty pumped up. I went in and partied for a while, still a bit on my own. I started moving with that friend, Simion. Then I got eye contact with a hot girl, smiled, and started dancing with her. Asked for her name (and last name, a bit lame, but if she doesn't respond to that she's way too drunk in my opinion), and then made out for a while. Decided to move on after a while.
Second girl was with her friends. Talked, made her laugh (don't remember exactly how). Probably they were just sitting there, while there was music. I don't like that, so I talked to them. When we got closer, her friends wanted to go. I moved on, and ran in to them again. "Thought you were leaving?" "Yeah, no, blah, bullcrap". Went to another bar, saw her again. Took her from the group, put her arms around me and made out. Bam.
Party ended, music went out, we all had to go outside. Saw a really cute girl. She was not responding well, really hard to get, but I decided to go for a good talk and ignore all the guys around her, trying to get her attention. We then walked a while and met the rest of her team. They were annoying, so I gave her my number, let her text me and said "I'm leaving" and just left. She wanted a kiss first, and went into a full make-out. Score.
Slept that night in a tent with 2 girls which were not really pretty, but hey, I had to sleep somewhere. Cuddled with the hottest one, she had nice boobs, but everytime she tried to make out with me I moved away.
I might have been a little picky this night, but hey, still managed to find three girls that kinda matched my standards.
Second day we sported for a while, and then decided to just quit and start drinking. There was a short colourparty, and I had a nice click with this girl. However, when I was out for beer one of my teammates started flirting with her. Too bad. Had a boyfriend though, or at least pretended to have one for my friend. Grinded with some girls (place was stacked, so It was kinda natural).
Then another teammate and I started to use on the worst pickupline ever: "Hey girl, do you play Candy Crush?". Tried it on fatties first, then on milfs (that weren't milfs when they came closer). In the end we chatted up some hot chicks, while acting ridiculous (I didn't care at all at the moment). It was nice to see there's nothing really wrong with approaches. Talked to much girls, opened 2 real cuties, turned around and the next second another teammate took her over (he managed to make out with her too, good for him).
Found another guy that didn't give a ****, and in the night we just started sandwiching chicks and having fun with everybody. It was nice, but it seemed like all the hot girls were gone. This one girl, Rebecca, chatted me up (I knew her from the night before), talked a while with me, gave me a kiss on the lips and then said she was going to find her type. WTF.
Spent all night looking for girls, dancing and talking and other stuff. Was fun, but I felt really bad I didn't find myself a nice girl.
Conclusion & tips to myself: practice approaching on fatties, and then work your way up. Search more physical contact in dancing areas; it's that easy.
Visit more festivals.
Now I'm tired.