You guys are completely wrong to assert that only KKK, skinheads, meth freaks, etc., would have yelled at BB. You're cherry picking. Stop it.
It's real easy for you to see the harm in feminism. But you let the rest of the liberal agenda slide when it's not liberalism as pertaining to sexual relations. That's self-defeating and ultimately hypocritical.
So BB, you run an endless "consciousness-raising session" on everyone around you with your liberal agenda on race relations. You do so with the same slant as liberal feminism: "I can do anything I want, anytime I want, and anyone who disagrees is a dangerous, ignorant radical who must be silenced and shamed." You want everyone to tolerate and respect your culture and practices, but you feel free to wipe your ass on everyone else's beliefs.
I don't know because I wasn't there. The shouter could have been a right-wing nut. But he just as easily could have been an ordinary conservative. Point is, the shouter obviously thought that you, BB, were the one who lacked insight and clarity, and was offended that you, out of naivete and ignorance, presumed to be teaching everyone else right and wrong. From the point of view of the shouter, you were the provocateur, and the shouter was simply responding to your provocation. He probably thinks that he exercised great restraint by not taking a poke at you then and there.
I'm not for a moment excusing the shouter for picking a fist fight. I already said that you were right to walk away. Violence would not have solved the disagreement. I'm just pointing out that you're playing the victim -- and that's a liberal ruse that we're all very familiar with. You played a part in inciting the little drama you lived through. You aren't some innocent victim of "racist oppression" and you weren't on the receiving end of a "hate crime" just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Little wonder this all seems like a faked melodrama to men who are sick to death of dealing with feminist two-talking.
The feminist agenda is just one facet of the overall liberal agenda. And oh how easily that feminist agenda slides in and out of the liberal-paternalistic racial agenda. Trying to fight liberal feminism without fighting liberal racism is like stomping on Jello. The same suffocatingly sweet goo is just going to squish out and reappear in other places.