DonJuan11 said:
Asking a girl what she thinks of you will kill any attraction whatsoever.
I'm going to take the opportunity to tell something, it doesn't necessarily apply to your post. Everyone keep in mind it's ALL about the CONTEXT and also the way you say it. Basically, what I want to tell here is that you must say things IN THE RIGHT TIME. Like an alpha male would! For example, we all were excited when he learned that awesome DJ tool: ****y and funny, but many failed to realize that even that used wrongly can be bad. Usually it's good, sometimes it is not. I think it's got to do with the time you say it too. Maybe a better example: Telling a girl you love her. Don't think that's ALWAYS crap, sometimes it's a smooth move.
Of course, if you jokingly ask her what she thinks of you may be good, but maaaybe if you're confused about what she thinks it may be a good thing to ask, I'm just saying. We all must learn how to look at people's body language, learn to guess what people are thinking, so we know when to say what. Somethings we do intuitively, but I bet many skills are learned. I take this chance to recommend you guys a book on body language, while, imo, of course it isn't necessary, it MAY BE VERY HANDY. Kinda like many things we learn on here, am I right?

But I still have doubts... so I ask: Is sometimes qualifying yourself a good thing? I think it may be, not sure yet.