I am sick of your confidence ****! I have a deformed ugly penis for pete's sake!


Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
I am so sick and tired of you people talking about being confident with women. I am still stuck in the friend zone. Had kissing time with female friends but just couldn't have sex with them. Sure some of your advice did work but it only works up to a point. Not only that I don't know any sports! I was brought up in a very maternal environment with no father figure or anything. I do not know anything.
I feel always inferior to other men because I don't know how to play basketball.
And because I don't know how to play any sports I develop a kind of a girly body movement which girls find repulsive. And because I grew up in a maternal environment I have the maternal values stuck inside my head which make me a genuinely real loser Nice Guy. It suck cause no matter how good I am with the techniques or tactics or anything I still suck. Everything is temporary for me. I have used the most extra-ordinary hypnotic seduction techniques only to wear off after a few minutes. I have no money, neither having any seduction location, I am not handsome, I do not have a six pack and I kinda developed things which you call as emotion.

I didn't develop any aggressiveness or assertiveness. My clothes are just so absurd, I don't even know how to drive anything, I am not even that funny. I am rare though to the point of being weird, and my face ain't symmetrical nor any of my body part. I am a sensitive nice guy, couldn't really handle the insult girls give me due mostly to my insecurities. I can't and just couldn't insult girls. I feel anyone is better than me.
I am the most loser guy in here I think.
I don't know what to do. I am just the most loser guy there is.
So sick and tired already.
I wish anyone or if anybody can help.
I am challenging though which gets all the pretty girls to want to be friends with me but won't have sex with me due to some deficits. I could only get them to kiss me while I pretend not to get interested and they throw me the instant I give any sign of interest.
Right now after my bestfriend okay ex-female bestfriend finally dump good for the thousandth time I feel like I want to die and just kill myself whom I dated for 6 years! I did everything I could even proposing to her. It's no use.
I might as well kill myself after this message.
Good bye ya'll. So sick and tired of living in this world. I keep running and ended up in the same place. I am a ****ing 24 year old virgin who never had a girlfriend though have kiss a hundred girls on the lips of course.
What's the secret. I know but just couldn't do it.
okay bye.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
You'll get no pity from me. Your either trying to make your life better or your whining about it. If you know all of your problems, take the next 3 years (ya I said 3 years) to fix them. If you don't feel you are worth fixing, why are you even here? Of course you know deep down inside that you are worth it, that's why you came here. You want help and you want pity, well no pity for you. But you will get help. Your assignment, go do 50 pushups a day and say 'I am worth it' "I am awesome" after each one and go read the dj bible and report back.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
mankey said:
Sure some of your advice did work but
Hey man, what kind of advice are you talking about? This is our first post! Or is there somebody else behind your new nickname? Maybe Elstud, or Scion?

Ban plz!


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Ayo....why did you type that sh!t, all your doing is making yourself feel worse...smh...if i were you i wouldnt worry about girls or getting pvssy...

and i only read the first paragraph

u need to work on how u feel and think about yourself...cuz thats the only sh!t that matters...
now that you type all that,,what are you gonna do aout it...complain to us???....we dont know you and we can only tell you o much...
but it really all depends on you...u say u dont have confidence and all that but now is the time to start working on it...

there is alot of material on sosuave that help me out so much and i know it could do the same for you cuz i was king afc...
here some steps you cn take to rebuld your inner self

1)-love yourself unconditionally no matter what even if you do wierd sh!t and are a lame loser SO FVcking WHAT...we all are weird and corny. stop calling yoursel a loser because "as a man thinketh' he shall become" so why would you be any less than a damn beast who thinks the best for himself

2)-Develop more of a positive attitude.. you are so negative no wonder why no ch!cks really wanna date you...Listen to this..ALL GIRLS WANNA HAVE FUN..ALL...u cant b fun if your negative...

3)- go workout a little....this is underrated and i know alot of people read "WORK OUT" and say pfft...but DO IT...i lost 20 pounds this summer mydude..do u know how good i ****in feel...and everyday im done i go smoke a blunt...and i feel like im fvcking king...u know why...CUZ I AM B!TCH....no what i mean...

4)- Be a man..and man up and never ever come to sosuave amd type this stuff ever again...men dont look for sympathy thats a female trait...u need Learn to deal with life head on NEVER EVER EVER RUN EVER from anything...

i felt compelled to type all this cause i feel where your coming from...sometimes we look at our lives and say "whats the point" be we know what we want from life and we"ll never get it having a defeatist attitude and think woe is me..work on yourself and then the external comes next


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Commandante said:
Hey man, what kind of advice are you talking about? This is our first post! Or is there somebody else behind your new nickname? Maybe Elstud, or Scion?

Ban plz!
not moi, though even though he has all these loser beliefs he has kissed more girls than me (my count is 1). Isn't there a reason these girls kissed him? Maybe they kissed him before they found out that he views himself as a loser.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
were level 4
we dont want lvl 2s

go join a club and get to lvl 3 (enjoy life a bit or something then return)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
mankey said:
Good bye ya'll. So sick and tired of living in this world. I keep running and ended up in the same place. I am a ****ing 24 year old virgin who never had a girlfriend though have kiss a hundred girls on the lips of course.
What's the secret. I know but just couldn't do it.
okay bye.
Bravo, bravo!


You would have made more points if it were a bit more subtle.

(It's a good satire about losing attitudes)


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
You are obviously just feeling sorry for yourself and not making an effort to better the situation, you're not going to get much support on that regard.

Then again, chin up, you're only 24 now, when you get to 28 you'll evolve into a Primeape and things will get much better for you. Hang in there.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
New York City
You claim to have all these problems about how you have a feminine body and a feminine mindset, maybe you should consider going all the way and having a sex change.

Think about it. If Rosie O'Donell can score a woman then you can too.


New Member
Dec 2, 2009
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You know, the friend zone isn't always a bad thing, mankey. If you aren't sexy, this is kind of the option you have. And that's okay.

You can work out and become decent-looking. You can improve your confidence someday, somehow. But if you are 24 and a virgin, I don't think that the "stud" gene is within you. And that's okay too.

Lots of women don't trust studs.

Lots of women even get off on trying to teach non-studs how to become studs.

Don't pretend to be something you're not. Work out more so you look better. Make some male friends who are more confident, and they will teach you a lot. But at the end of the day, you have to find your niche and work with it.

You do have one thing going for you though: a sense of humor. I'm a young woman about your age, and I think that your headline was the most hilariously misplaced one I've ever read on a forum.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
1. Sex is not more important than living.
2. Learn how to live and the sex will come.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
Willis said:
1)-love yourself unconditionally no matter what even if you do wierd sh!t and are a lame loser SO FVcking WHAT...we all are weird and corny. stop calling yoursel a loser because "as a man thinketh' he shall become" so why would you be any less than a damn beast who thinks the best for himself
Damn good point.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Brighty said:
Then again, chin up, you're only 24 now, when you get to 28 you'll evolve into a Primeape and things will get much better for you. Hang in there.
Oh my god.. :crackup:

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Feed the Trolls! Come on gentlemen, keep feeding this troll. Let's see how many pages this thread can grow into.


Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Ooops sorry for saying sorry I know bad boys don't say sorry. Ohh I read in the above forum that some of you guys are actually envious of my kiss count.Ihave been able to kiss hundreds of girls after getting slap thousands and thousands of times. I tried this sosuave article about being a sexual maniac, guess what? it works but for me, I have to get rejected by 900 girls! Just to be able to kiss one girl. It is not that easy! I am a nice guy remember and I attract girls for friendship really easily and they just line up to be friends with so, So I kiss them immediately, you get slap but does getting slap ever been so bad? The answer is no! The key to kissing hundreds of girls is to just kiss her like how a bad boy would kiss a girl. Say something like I love your lips and just kiss her, before she can get a slap at you, you've landed a kiss on her lips. Don't ask her a question like can I kiss you cause that would trigger her neocortex. You want to bypass her logical barriers don't you?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
mankey said:
You want to bypass her logical barriers don't you?

You want her logical barriers to work for you. Sneaking a kiss in doesn't mean sh*t because as you have seen it doesn't go anywhere after that.

You have to build up the attraction which you're not doing. You're deceiving them with the friendship routine in hopes of getting somewhere. But you're not.

Instead of this BS, I would suggest you simply say nothing and act as if its a date. Don't say it, don't verbalize anything otherwise you ruin the magic. Just do the steps.

What I do:

1. Talk, try to get her to laugh be a little playful.
2. Begin touching, at first slight taps, then longer touches. Instead of taking to her, I'll stop her and touch her to show her something... etc. I use this as often as I can if they don't object.
3. If I'm feeling it then I kiss her and make out. More touch, and sweet words.
4. BOOM! The bedroom.

All of this can take place in as little or as much time as I need. If she's not feeling it then I take a step back for a bit until she's comfortable.

BTW, nobody's jealous of your kiss count. Really. Put that arrogant crap away until you have something to be arrogant about.