I am not God

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by dearsappho
In that respect then, Royal, what universal power decided that you CAN free your mind?

I refer you to a post by A-Unit for some more insight.


Post some reflections on this.
I've already read that, A-unit post a lot of interesting thought provoking and mentally stimulating post.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
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In your head
You need to learn to flow with the situation and your "techniques" will naturally fall into place...you'll just see the openings and take them. Like Bruce Lee used to say, "Be like water". Or was it Sun Tzu? I don't even remember now...but you can't learn to flow by reading books...you have to DO.
Did Bruce Lee become as good as he did just by DOING?


He trained, studied and philosophised. Looked at his own training introspectively and looked outside at other styles of fighting. He become a good by TRAINING and THOUGHT.

Let me refer back to Royal elites quote

No more 3 second rule, kino, or strategy, just f-in do-it.
Train enough, think enough, soon enough you will JUST DO IT. By metamorphosis you will become a natural, as fighter you apply all by instinct.

There is no success, when there is one without the other.

This is different from paralysis of analysis



Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2003
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MY reality
You're both correct...it is better to just "do" something than to think or dwell on it, but you gotta make sure that what you're "doing" is done the right way in the first place. There are really four steps in the learning process when it comes to decision making, the first part is the method our mind uses, and the second part is the outcome.

1) Unconscious(natural) / wrong decision
2) Conscious / wrong decision
3) Conscious / right decision
4) Unconscious(natural) / right decision

Step 4 is what we would call having "natural game." Instinct. At that point you're doing everything right on an unconscious level. Once you're at that level, there's really no need for you to even be on this site imho, at least when it comes to women. No wonder Pook left. :D

The point I'm trying to make is that if you are still an AFC, you're going to have to teach yourself the right way to get women, through techniques like C&F and also through your own experience. With enough practice, it will come natural to you, eventually. Then you will just be "doing" without "thinking" about it.

Read the book Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and you'll see what I'm talking about here.

Good post btw


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kaine
Did Bruce Lee become as good as he did just by DOING?


He trained, studied and philosophised. Looked at his own training introspectively and looked outside at other styles of fighting. He become a good by TRAINING and THOUGHT.

Let me refer back to Royal elites quote

Train enough, think enough, soon enough you will JUST DO IT. By metamorphosis you will become a natural, as fighter you apply all by instinct.

There is no success, when there is one without the other.

This is different from paralysis of analysis


I took this from another guys post:

"“knowledge is not enough, we must apply, Willing is not enough we must do”

Bruce Lee

I think you got it a bit off on his philosophies.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
In your head
I think you got it a bit off on his philosophies.
No YOU did not interpret the whole meaning of this philosophy.

"“knowledge is not enough, we must apply, Willing is not enough we must do”

This means that KNOWLEDGE, WILL and DOING is the triangle of success.

He does not imply DOING is the only ingredient, but a missing ingredient.

Read my post properly, I am addressing Royal elites point of ignoring strategy and thought and JUST doing in order for success.



Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
A two edged sword I say.

Neither just doing it without thinking, nor doing it by planning every single breath, step, blink of the way.

The golden middle path.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kaine
Did Bruce Lee become as good as he did just by DOING?


He trained, studied and philosophised. Looked at his own training introspectively and looked outside at other styles of fighting. He become a good by TRAINING and THOUGHT.

Let me refer back to Royal elites quote

Train enough, think enough, soon enough you will JUST DO IT. By metamorphosis you will become a natural, as fighter you apply all by instinct.

There is no success, when there is one without the other.

This is different from paralysis of analysis

Let me say something that may be kind of shocking to some:
In the grand scheme of things having great game is of no real importance

I agree with the entire thinking AND Doing things when it is necessary, but when it comes to this, all the stretagy is B.S.
Cat's make plans as if they are going to storm the beach of normandy when it comes to seduction.
Sure it's "fun" but too many of us put "wayyyy" too much importance on trying to "Game" women.

It doesnt take all of this to simply find a ltr, or someone to share your life with which I agree in life IS important. But just to bang HOT CHICKS it is fun, it is enjoyable, but it is not important.

Stop taking this whole thing sooooo serious. If you put this much energy into things of importance and relevance most of us here would be advancing at work, school, and just in life.

So when I say be a do'er and don't worry about thinking, Im not talking about life, or anything as important, Im talking about on things as trival of how long do I wait before I approach her, or should I say "give me your number" or "can I have your number" or "may I have your mumber".


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Stop taking this whole thing sooooo serious. If you put this much energy into things of importance and relevance most of us here would be advancing at work, school, and just in life.

man that staement right there is true, if i and my ex-roommate had put much effort on our studies instead of chasing skirts evry night. we would have been through university by now. thank god im on the right track now. and graduating this year.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Happy Hunting Grounds
Everything in life should be taken seriously.
Life has consequences and thus the notion of prioritsing should be taken into account.

For me personally, life isnt "just a ride" as Bill Hicks once claimed. That is just a feeble excuse to ease ones own insecurities.

To laugh off failure is the realm of illusion.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
"You're both correct...it is better to just "do" something than to think or dwell on it, but you gotta make sure that what you're "doing" is done the right way in the first place. There are really four steps in the learning process when it comes to decision making, the first part is the method our mind uses, and the second part is the outcome.

1) Unconscious(natural) / wrong decision
2) Conscious / wrong decision
3) Conscious / right decision
4) Unconscious(natural) / right decision

Step 4 is what we would call having "natural game." Instinct. At that point you're doing everything right on an unconscious level. Once you're at that level, there's really no need for you to even be on this site imho, at least when it comes to women. No wonder Pook left.

The point I'm trying to make is that if you are still an AFC, you're going to have to teach yourself the right way to get women, through techniques like C&F and also through your own experience. With enough practice, it will come natural to you, eventually. Then you will just be "doing" without "thinking" about it."

Very nice post.

To do. To take action. To initiate. To get the ball rolling is what is most important. It does not matter if you don't succeed at times. If you "DO" you will be successful sooner or later until your game is automatic. At that time you can say to be just yourself. You come full circle.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
i think this should be re-bumped again. At least for the fact that I found it funny that a post about not over-thinking reached such deep philosophical thoughts.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
You spend too much time thinking and analyzing your game and you will run short. You must just do. The way is inside of you.

Did your parents need all this analyzing of strageties to meet? Or their parents or the generations of parents before you till the dawn of time? NO.

Inside of each of you is the answer. You get to this zen zone by just acting and doing. Don't think.

I see geeks and nerds with women everyday. Did they need to consult a book of techniques just to walk over and open their mouths? NO. Yet they are still getting laid.


Cause they are listening to the inner space. They still feel fear at approaching I'm sure. But when the desire to just do overcomes all of the analytical brains objections they just act and do.

Which is the message this poster is trying to impart.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I don't think ruling out forcasting completely is the right idea. I'm not saying you need to be clarvoient about the future, but I mean if you don't give yourself a good idea of what MIGHT happen then you're not really preparing yourself for the conceqences of your actions.

I plan my actions weeks in advance and I guess the outcome most of the time it goes down like I thought it would. Not saying i'm the great swami but If you replay things over in your mind about how it could potentally happen, it's like practicing anything else. Repetiton and focus will aid you when performance time is upon you. You may slip up and things may not go exactly how you want them to all the time, but you're some what prepared to adapt and change on the fly because you've thought it through.

I'll never give up on the future, because future time spent is the most precious of time that exist. You'll never be able to alter the past, and the present can only do so much for you. The future however is completely unknown and therefore has unlimited potential.