I am not God

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
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And since I am not I will stop trying to predict what will happen. If anyone read the "cf vs charm post" I posted an answer on how I just rediscovered a childhood practice I had as a child and that was that i was a "do'er" and somewhere in life I became a "thinker" ie "Non-do'er".

That is the key to life, make a decision and do it, and then see what happens. I have been trying figure out all the possible futures or outcomes by every decision I can make, but I'm like screw that ****.

From now on I will just do, and sure you have to deal with the feeling of uneasiness of unexpectness, but be serious how many of us have things go exactly how we plan it anyway.

I see a chick I want f-it forget thinking of how, when, where, and what, just step too her and whatever happens happen. I see a chick I want on the floor I want to dance with f-it go to her and what ever happens happens. I get a girls phone number I will call it when i feel like it and whatever happens happens. I am man enough to deal with whatever reprecusions come.

No more 3 second rule, kino, or strategy, just f-in do-it.

Life is more exciting when you don't know what's coming anyway.

I don't know about anyone else here but me personally Im just on some f-it-grab balls and see what happens ****. I am personallny not expending another bit of energy on trying to figure out the best way to "do it" when the best way to "do it" is just to do it.

Wow the more I write this the more it comes clear, what the hell does it matter if I try to kiss her and she says no, or I tried to get azz and she said no. All this sh$t goes on in my head, but it really doesn't f-in matter. By worrying about this crap, instead of doing I guranteed nothing at all happen. What ever the real life consequences I now realize it wouldnt have been 1/4 of what I imagined it would have been.

I rather have been told "hell no" and knew then sitting here days, months, years later trying to figure out what might have been.

"I am not God", wow what a revalation.
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Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
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its not like i ever followed any of these rules to begin with.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
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In your head
Life is more exciting when you don't know what's coming anyway.
I'm glad they don't launch space shuttles with your kind of methodology.

It's all good to subscribe to the NIKE world and 'Just do it'

But what what are trying to achieve? An EXCITING REJECTION? or Successfully attracting a woman.

Shoot your gun but at least aim it right



Feb 10, 2005
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I actually like this post. But I would just add there's nothing wrong with just doing it then reflecting on what you learned and how you could've improved what you did. I think the problem is a lot of guys (myself included) think too much about how to do it rather than just going out and acting. Also a lot of us have acted and didn't get a very good response and realized their game plan wasn't going to get them anywhere. But I agree more action and less thinking, is needed. Experience is the best teacher.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
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In your head
But I agree more action and less thinking, is needed. Experience is the best teacher.
Experience is only valuable upon reflection and understanding.

Lets us admire the AFC who tries again and again and again and again chasing after girls with flower, cards and teddy bears.

They are just 'doing it' yet they get no where.



Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
again I say this is a great post. Your coming up with some gems today. Was this post provoked by something that happened to you?

As has been said this attitude can be a double-edged sword if you ask me.

Thinking too much leads to inaction or unnatural approaches. Trying to perform a pick up is a lot easier to do in a persons head. Applying what has been thought through almost never even occurs since it is likely the situation will be far different then it was when thought up.

Action without a plan may be dangerous as well. You had brought up this today with your post regarding sluts, princesses or both. A person needs to know themselves and their goal. I can say that at least for myself I know that I am pretty much closing the book on sluts, at least for the time being. BUT of course I say stuff like this and then bam next thing you know I'm waking up next to one. That is my problem with thoughtless action. It tends to flow down the path of least resistence. My nature easily takes over and I do things that I realize afterwards were bad ideas. Kaine brings up an interesting point here as well. For some action is easy, but at the same time it gets them no where as their attempts are meaningless.

I get what you are saying though that plans never tend to make any difference anyways and just feed anxiety. Sometimes you do just have to do it yet you cant throw out the end goal when you do. I also think that from reading your posts that you are already at a level were you are comfortable with yourself, know what you are doing and know how to get the job done. You may be playing on a different field than a lot of folks.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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Belvidere, I think Royal is trying to point out that for example on this board too many guys spend their time debating over stuff that really has on importance in reality.

Watch any of the threads and watch them degenerate into constant arguing and bickering. I've seen too many young men spending hours on here when they should be out in the real world sarging women.

So he his calling for a need to stop analyzing things and start doing things.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
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I would agree and I think that Royal brings some very interesting topics up on these boards.

You are right in a way but on the same token you can find almost as many posts were the poster has thoughtlessly acted and then is trying to backtrack to do what a "DJ" should do. Like, so I knocked up a slut and she wont get an abortion or the girl I am with now is totally skanky and told me that she filmed a porno last week were she got gangbanged by seven midgets and a duck. I mean post for post most people are either thinking too much or not thinking at all.

Action is extremely important and without it nobody gets anywhere. It is important to actually think sometimes to though. You need to qualify girls so you dont have to regret your actions. You also need to act on what you yourself actually want.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
The point of this is about "insignificant" things. Of course you should look ahead too "important" issues, but as Mr. Harris pointed out a lot of time people waste energy stratagizing pointless point.

I just ask this, when anyone of you actually do the things after you have pondered on it for 30 minutes is it usually anywhere near as hard as you made it out to be. Or when you spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to go and have a 3 minute convo with a woman does all the planning ever come into play. You usually finish with "wow that wasn't as bad as I thought".

I have seen post on here about "where do hot girls sit next to other hot girls on the bus" or "she looked at me do you think she likes me" Now if this is a waste of energy and "planning" I don't know what is.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
The point of this is about "insignificant" things. Of course you should look ahead too "important" issues, but as Mr. Harris pointed out a lot of time people waste energy stratagizing pointless point.

I will ask this, when anyone of you actually do the things after you have pondered on it for 30 minutes is it usually anywhere near as hard as you made it out to be. Or when you spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to go and have a 3 minute convo with a woman does all the planning ever come into play. You usually finish with "wow that wasn't as bad as I thought". I mean sometime you will spend 3-4 hours trying to figure out what you are going to say during the first 2 minutes of your phone call.

I have seen post on here about "why do hot girls sit next to other hot girls on the bus" or "she looked at me do you think she likes me, and what should I do now that she have me her number"? Now if this isn't a waste of energy and "planning" I don't know what is.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2004
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Happy Hunting Grounds
I like the post, but how many time have we heard the 'just do it' philosophy.

To be able to 'just do it' you need to have skills; skills that allow one to 'just do it'.

Its seems that this board is still at a loss as to exactly what enables some to 'just do it' and others to not.

By having an 'I dont give a ****' attitude, Im positive that is what you will promote upon the approach. Ive tried it many times and I always asked myself why I did this.

I came to the conclusion that I was a fragile individual that needed to protect my ego with a titanic sense of bravado. It didnt work. Im sure the women I approached could sense that.

Now that I feel a bit more aware of myself and my game I can open up and talk honestly about myself and other things with women I want without spilling my guts so to speak.

Composure is the key here. Always be aware of yourself.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
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The ironic thing is people come here to try to free themselves from the prison of insecurities then get all these rules which only sets up more mental barriers then before they came here.

At least before you were couragous enough to fly, crash, and burn. Now after reading 2000 post you wont fly crash, and burn anymore and that is simply because now you wont even get in the pilot's seat.

The greatest things I can tell you is the same things Morpheous told Neo "FREE YOUR MIND"


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2004
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Happy Hunting Grounds
Indeed Royal.

The strange thing is that this site is cyclical in nature.

We come here hoping that all our problems will be solved, have a bit of success or failure and at the end of the day we arrive right back where we started- dissatisfied. And a good job too...

That, my friend, is the path of true enlightenment is it not?

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by dearsappho
Indeed Royal.

The strange thing is that this site is cyclical in nature.

We come here hoping that all our problems will be solved, have a bit of success or failure and at the end of the day we arrive right back where we started- dissatisfied. And a good job too...

That, my friend, is the path of true enlightenment is it not?
For me the path of enlightenment was when I started to ask myself "Why Not" or "who said".

For instance "who said" I cant just walk up to a woman I find attractive and tell her that. When somebody tells me the things I cant do I always answer "why not" or "who said". There are people who will get an urge for eggs but wont make them because it's 8 pm. Who said you can't eat eggs for dinner, or french toast for lunch.

Once you learn to "Free your Mind" life becomes really simple, and ez. Your mind is clear, because you can now see truth from illusion.

I have very few "mental barriers". I dont do "either, or" anymore. You know you either have to buy the red shirt or the blue shirt. You either have to buy cake, or potato chips. "Who said" that life is either-or? No one, that is those mental barriers that matrix has set up.

The key to living is too "FREE YOUR MIND".


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
When I look back on it, most of the times I've gone up to a woman and said or done something "thoughtlessly", it was because I was trying to think faster than I could speak/act. And it was usually AFTER a long period of thoughtful nervousness.

The problem is that most people don't think about "what" and "how", but about less significant things like, "if", "whether", "when", "where", "why".

The usual problem when someone acts "thoughtlessly" and goofs up is actually a result of OVERthought...or a lack of solid skills at DOING Don Juan caused by devoting practice time to THINKING Don Juan instead.

If you get into a fight, you can't sit there thinking, "Hmm...if I counter this right cross with a left hook to the body, it'll lead to this...", you'll get your ass clobbered. You need to learn to flow with the situation and your "techniques" will naturally fall into place...you'll just see the openings and take them. Like Bruce Lee used to say, "Be like water". Or was it Sun Tzu? I don't even remember now...but you can't learn to flow by reading books...you have to DO.

The point is...well...best illustrated with another quote from Top Gun...

"That's technically the worst thing you can do...the MiG's right on your tail, what were you thinking?"

"You don't have TIME to think. If you think...you're dead."


I've been compiling a list in my head of people who still post here and actually KNOW what they're talking about. Royal Elite is definitely on there.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Happy Hunting Grounds
I do agree with you Royal, but in essence the mind can never be free.

Rene Descartes posed this question centuries ago in his meditation.

He attempted to 'free his mind' as you put it in order to establish some ground rules, if you like, of existence (he coined the phrase "I think therefore I am).

What Descartes found problematic with his meditations is that, in order to free your mind; to completely be absent from restriction, you have to approach it from the perspective of a restricted thought pattern. Therefore your route of enquiry is already contaminated, thereby rendering it defunct by nature.

To free your mind is to be aware that one can never be truly free. (What did Neo find once he was freed from the Matrix?)

Then you can relax...

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by dearsappho
I do agree with you Royal, but in essence the mind can never be free.

Rene Descartes posed this question centuries ago in his meditation.

He attempted to 'free his mind' as you put it in order to establish some ground rules, if you like, of existence (he coined the phrase "I think therefore I am).

What Descartes found problematic with his meditations is that, in order to free your mind; to completely be absent from restriction, you have to approach it from the perspective of a restricted thought pattern. Therefore your route of enquiry is already contaminated, thereby rendering it defunct by nature.

To free your mind is to be aware that one can never be truly free. (What did Neo find once he was freed from the Matrix?)

Then you can relax...
Now "who said" you can't free your mind? What universal power, who controls the expanse of the universe decided this?