I am NEVER doing online dating again


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
After like a gazillion tons of pressure from my friends I decided to give it a try.

So I put up a profile, wait a few days, nothing. Then I put up my pic, wait a few days, 2 messages from the finalists of Ugly People Award. So I take the initiative and send some messages to a bunch of girls near my city. I got replies, but they were either ugly or boring (Hobbies: "Hangin out with mah grrlfriendz"). I finally found a decent profile, she was pretty, and seemed interesting.

So I meet her for some coffee and ice skating. And then I saw her...

God, it was like The Blob meets Ron Jeremy. She had magically gained 100lbs since her photo was taken, and somehow grew a mustache in that time. I considered calling the circus in case they'd lost their main attraction, but then I just got outta there. I SMSed her and said I was having penis troubles so I couldn't come out.

I'm going back to my luddite ways until they invent 100MP digital cameras. Even a dimly lit club can't hide 100lbs!!!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
You're going to be bored with most girls. The university near me has me spoiled in that every chick I meet off-campus now seems like a moron.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
lol you'll get those from time to time, but there are some genuinly hot, good women on there too. You probably didn't get the attention you wanted because your profile wasn't up to par.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
What do you expect when you don't have a marketing plan. What people don't realize is that sarging online takes as much effort as successfully sarging offline (the same theories apply). You get what you put forth.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
What do you expect when you don't have a marketing plan. What people don't realize is that sarging online takes as much effort as successfully sarging offline (the same theories apply). You get what you put forth.
Too true. :(


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
diplomatic_lies said:
God, it was like The Blob meets Ron Jeremy. She had magically gained 100lbs since her photo was taken, and somehow grew a mustache in that time. I considered calling the circus in case they'd lost their main attraction
hahaha oh god ... you made my 5 minutes!! :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
i would like to share a rather funny story .
i was brand new to computers and online and being divorced.
i had gotten a link to some yahoo personal page.
i had to sign up to be able to look (but it was free back then )
anyhow, a guy sent me a picture and he was blonde with blue eyes and like 6ft 4.
we chatted a little and i thought he seemed nice so i gave out my phone number.
i talked to him once or twice before i went to a big music fest in another state.
i broke my collar bone crowd surfing that weekend in atlanta and when i came home i was all in pain and on lots of pain meds. my ex even had the kids for a week or so for me to get better.

one night this guy called me and wanted to take me to eat. i told him i was not in the best of moods to be going out but he couldnt take no for an answer telling me i still had to eat. since i couldnt drive i gave him directions to my house.

half an hour later there he was, all five ft four ,with curly red hair. i thought sheesh why did he send me a pic that wasnt him, right? but to dennys i went anyways trying to make the best of it. we sat there waiting on food while he was trying to think of things to say. a huge group of bikers sat beside us and they were actually very funny. he got annoyed because they were bigger and funnier i rekkon. he starts talking out loud about them in a bad way. i thought they might pound him . i thought it was mean to talk about these bikers like that because he was insecure and it was more mean to lie to me about what he looked like.
needless to say, i never saw him again and what was his name?

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
diplomatic_lies said:
After like a gazillion tons of pressure from my friends I decided to give it a try.
Why would your friends be giving you a "gazillion tonnes of pressure" ? to try the internet route?

Something your forgetting to add at the end of all your bullsh!t P.C theories on chicks?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
What do you expect when you don't have a marketing plan. What people don't realize is that sarging online takes as much effort as successfully sarging offline (the same theories apply). You get what you put forth.
Yeah, I suppose that's why I didn't get it right. However I don't think I could've prevented women from posting pics of themselves from 5 years and 300lbs in the past.

( . )( . ) said:
Something your forgetting to add at the end of all your bullsh!t P.C theories on chicks?
You know, I just realised, for every 10 of your women-hating posts, I've gotten laid. You keep hating them, I'll keep laying them ;)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
diplomatic_lies said:
Yeah, I suppose that's why I didn't get it right. However I don't think I could've prevented women from posting pics of themselves from 5 years and 300lbs in the past.
Wrong attitude. You should care less what they post, it's up to you to be discerning enough to seek out the truth on who they are on your own. There are tons of ways to qualify a womans profile and the fakers will let themselves be known when asked the appropriate probing questions. Guys need to be accountable about who they select online, its the same accountability that they use when offline.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
This made me think of a woman's profile in which she had one pic which was entirely her face, and she adamantly said she would not send any other pics, because there was "one perfectly good one" right in the profile.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out her body probably looks like she just swallowed a water buffalo whole.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I stay away from women with only a face shot unless her profile says that she's slender. I won't touch it if it says "athletic and toned" and I sure as hell pass if it says "average" or "curvy." I have yet to meet a woman who said she was slender when she wasn't. Any woman that would is a truly a bad case, even worse than if she said she was "athletic and toned" (which is usually a joke nowadays unless you live in Colorado).

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Shiftkey said:
What's in Colorado...?
The best fvcking (er, well rounded and attractive) women in the USA (in my opinion). :up:


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I've never seen the point of dating online but that's because for the bulk of my adult dating life I've had a very large and diverse dating pool to choose from.

Out of curiosity, what are the benefits of online dating? Do any of you feel that you're more compatable or safer corrsponding with some on over the net? Also, for those of you who are successful dating online, what reasons did you have to try it out? Are there not plenty of quality girls in your areas available or is the idea of an endless dating pool with people looking to hook up just more apealing?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
I stay away from women with only a face shot unless her profile says that she's slender.
But even that doesn't guarantee anything. I've seen more than a few online gals who listed their bodybuild as "slender," but definitely were on the heavy side of average. They must be either trying "big lie" tactics or roam with a rather well-fattened herd.


The main benefit of online dating, PRMoon, is for us older geezers. Most women seem to disappear off the face of the earth around 30. Almost all those who are out and about aren't available. Therefore, I have a go every now & again, even though I don't particuarly like it, nor does it play to my strengths.

Hell, even when I check out bands whose members are older than I am most of the gals are still practically kids. Do most women over 30 ever get out?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
PRMoon said:
I've never seen the point of dating online but that's because for the bulk of my adult dating life I've had a very large and diverse dating pool to choose from.

Out of curiosity, what are the benefits of online dating? Do any of you feel that you're more compatable or safer corrsponding with some on over the net? Also, for those of you who are successful dating online, what reasons did you have to try it out? Are there not plenty of quality girls in your areas available or is the idea of an endless dating pool with people looking to hook up just more apealing?
For me it's time efficiency. Between work, sports, school and other filler stuff I am a bit limited on time. Although I still sarge when I'm out I base my approaches primarily on looks (so what else is new). Yeah, I can talk them up and find out more about them but often its a spur of the moment approach and I don't have the time to do a full qualification.

In a 15 minute span online I can select a few women that fit my criteria of looks, interests and other characteristics and drop them a quick email. Within a couple of days we've traded a couple of emails, done our mutual qualifying set up a meeting.

All of this and the total amount of time spent to set up two or three dates is about an hour total, usually less. I get to meet women that I've already decided would be worth getting to know better while keeping a busy schedule.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
diplomatic_lies said:
After like a gazillion tons of pressure from my friends I decided to give it a try.

So I put up a profile, wait a few days, nothing. Then I put up my pic, wait a few days, 2 messages from the finalists of Ugly People Award. So I take the initiative and send some messages to a bunch of girls near my city. I got replies, but they were either ugly or boring (Hobbies: "Hangin out with mah grrlfriendz"). I finally found a decent profile, she was pretty, and seemed interesting.

So I meet her for some coffee and ice skating. And then I saw her...

God, it was like The Blob meets Ron Jeremy. She had magically gained 100lbs since her photo was taken, and somehow grew a mustache in that time. I considered calling the circus in case they'd lost their main attraction, but then I just got outta there. I SMSed her and said I was having penis troubles so I couldn't come out.

I'm going back to my luddite ways until they invent 100MP digital cameras. Even a dimly lit club can't hide 100lbs!!!



Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Dude, go to hotornot.com. Post a pic, and watch every UGLY chick in a 100 mile radius request to me you. Its gross.
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
That's too bad. You are losing out on a lot of opportunities.

I didn't read the other replies, but I cannot see why this happens to guys. If you filter the women you talk to, you will be able to tell if she is a fatty or not, if she is honest, if she has drama issues, if she is a slvt, etc. etc.

Qualify more.

And for all the guys who find it "gross" that ugly girls will approach you online, think of all the hot girls who find it "gross" when the fat, virgin retards from this very site try to hit on them on those same sites.

It's a two-way street. You can't be hypocrites. Stuff happens, who cares.

Live and learn.