I am lost! Help! abit long!


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Here is my situation. I have known this girl for 3 years or so. I like this girl alot. I tried presenting my feelings a long time ago but she just said, "I appreciate you telling me how you feel,but I thought we were just friends." She calls me all the time to get me to out with her so that she can pretend that she is my girlfriend in public. I am sick of that crap. I decided to leave her to her own nonsense. I ignored her and started dating other girls (way hotter girls).She met me one day, as I was on a date with a nice hot blonde( mmmh!).she was quick to call and ask who that was and we needed to hang out more often. The sad thing is that I would sometimes be thinking of her when with other girls then quickly lose interest in the girl I was dating and just ignore them. All my dates would never compare to my "friends". I have actually had the best times of my life with her and I hate it. Its killing me. I want out. I have fallen in love( yeah, I said it) with her yet I am tongue tied and dont understand where my courage has gone. I never used to be like this. I always told her crazy things sometimes without thinking. what do I do?? :(


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Well, first you need to begin to realize that you c`ock is just a tool that YOU are in charge of.

The second thing is to realize that women are not really all that important to you. Especially ones like this b!tch who has you wrapped around her finger.

Now, quit acting like a wussy who is trusting girls who use the fvck out of him and grow some balls or something.

Problem solved...

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Go check out my oneitis thread in the High School Forum. It's been getting positive feedback. As for you, you got plain f-ing rejected man. REJECTED!

SUCK IT UP AND MOVE ON! (like you did), ?BUT KEEP MOVING ON!! DON'T LOOK BACK. If she wants sum of ya, then make her prove yourself to you. Tool that b1atch.