I am going to approach her. Five year love / oneitis. I. NEED. HELP.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hey SoSuave; so this might be longer than the average posts here; but please; I am a student-teacher who teaches how to get over social anxiety and how to approach ; as a President of the SA club at my college. If you choose a girl for me, I can 100% approach her with no fear; yet this one girl freezes me up so easily.

Before I begin anything, I want to make several statements. First of all, I am a long time reader of these forums. I have never really posted here but I LOVE all the posters here. They give amazing, solid advice that you simply cannot find on any other PUA forums. I have been reading about The Game and how to play it and how to improve yourself for a long time, here and off-site. Basically, I am not new to this. I know The Game very well.

Secondly, I want my balls busted good (not literally obviously). I want you all to be 100% upfront and clear and tell me what I should do with this woman. I swear, if it was possible, I would meet about 10 of you and let you all beat me up physically to get me to understand, because I know I can take the beatings, but I need them to progress with this "one woman".
We are going to refer to her as "Wifey".


I am a 23, 6'0 with an athletic build (180lbs, cannot pinch any fat on me, 24-26 waist)I am a criminal justice major, with a bachelor's in Biology (yes, I am about to get my 2nd bachelor's before next ends). I am a supervisor/assistant executive at a BMW/Acura/other cars Dealership where I started as a receptionist at the age of 17. I love reading, going out, meeting new people, skiing, hiking, swimming ( I am a certified lifeguard, as well as an EMT). I am also the President of a Social Anxiety club at college where I not only help people get over SA, but I also teach them how to approach the opposite sex and talk/number close/date, etc.

I love skydiving, and want to try free jumping soon. I have a "Don't give a f***" attitude about anything negative; there is nothing that can piss me off, and it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to make me lose my temper. I have over 200 friends, HOWEVER I am slowly cutting my circle as I believe the less people you deal with, the less bull**** you deal with. Most of my close friends are from junior high school, high school and from outside. Long term friends. I would do anything to help anyone who seeks my help, but the second they disapprove of my help, I bid them farewell on their endeavors.

Now, before I start telling you about "her and me", I want to tell you a little about "her" only, and why I don't want to lose her.


Right now she is 22, about to turn 23 before the year ends. We, by some miracle, go to the same college suddenly for the past 2 semesters despite being college students since 2009. She is a full time student, with two part time jobs. Extremely responsible, mature and goal-oriented. She owns her own car. Her father passed away when she was just a kid and has been working ever since the age of 15ish, helping with the rent and bills etc.

She is beautiful, white skinned, a 9.5 and not a notch below. And that's her with normal looks. Add some light makeup, dress her up and she becomes a near 10 (9.8., since there is no such thing as a 10 in the world).

We don't talk, but from our mutual friends and several close interactions, I know quite a bit about her life and her personality. She is extremely down to earth, does not flirt with men (i.e. loyal type); she is the WIFEY type. Beautiful face, body, personality, and the way she deals with things in general. 100% wife material. I have even learned that she wants to be a housewife when she marries, i.e loves cooking, cleaning and children. (Btw, she cooks amazing, testified by all her friends, many which are mutual with me). We have a relationship (I mean in general), for the past 10 years almost. This is, one of the reasons I am extremely attached to her. While other girls have been married or hooked up with so many guys, this one has been like a gem amongst the coal; and me and her just keep ****Ing running into each other. I have run into her more than I have EVER RUN INTO anyone else in my life.


Now for the Me and Her and where I need help from you guys. Critical things to think of will be marked "Critical".

We met in 2005, when we were merely 14 year olds in junior high school. Not much interaction, until someone spread a rumor about us being all lovey dovey and that we were in a relationship. At such an age, this was quite the "ohhhhh" thing back then. This went on for quite a while near the last weeks of us graduating from middle school. On the last day of school, she comes to me and says "Hey I heard you like me and what not but I have nothing to do with this" and she walks away. I stand there with a "LMAO, wtf did she just say" look as I laughed it off. I. Never. Even. Looked. At. Her. Romantically. She was a nobody to me. I don't know why the rumor was spread. I watched her walk away, and I walked away from the school with my friends thinking "that was funny and weird. Well, I won't be seeing her again". But I never realized what fate had in store for both of us 4 years later.

Over that summer, her cousin who liked me, used my email(we shared passwords, I obviously got betrayed) to send herself emails that I liked her (the cousin). I think she was jealous thinking I had something with "Wifey". This made things more complicated. But **** just ended there, all done and done, we all lost complete contact with each other for that summer and the following 4 years to come...

High school started, I was the center of attention in high school (I was disconnected from everyone from the middle school). In the first week I made over 20 friends, I instantly became popular and known throughout school. I ended up leading a group of about 8 people (4 girls and 4 guys) who always swarmed around me, we were basically the "Cool Group", within the semester. My name skyrocketed through the roof; people I didn't know of knew me. I had girls after me all the time. I would reject one girl every semester. I just did flings. Joked around. Never took any of the biatches seriously. My point is, my life was going great, I HAD ZERO MEMORY of "Wifey". Never thought of her. Not. Even. Once. Not in the first year. And never throughout the entire 4 years of high school. I didn't ignore her. She COMPLETELY didn't exist to me; didn't even think of her accidentally.

High school finished. Graduated. Summer 2009. Out of nowhere; a beautiful summer morning, I wake up 5AM after having a vivid dream of "Wifey". After 4 complete years. Literally 4 complete years. I have a dream of her. Five in the morning. My heart pounded. Why her of all the thousands of people I have had met? She comes back to me like a deja vu flashback via dream after 4 years of non existance.

Don't think that's something? Keep reading. THE SAME DAY, around 11PM, I go outside to play basketball. WHO DO I RUN INTO ON THE STREETS?! Wifey!. Right there! In the morning I dream of her, and BAM at nighttime I run into her. After 4 FULL YEARS. We stare at each other and walk by. No words. I play basketball to 2AM.

I run into her the next day again. And the next day. And again the next week. And more times during the month. The whole remainder of 2009 we keep running into each other either once a week, or twice a month, on the streets, but never saying a damned word to each other.

That goes on for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and now 2014. Countless encounters (dozens and dozens over the years).

In 2010, I add her on facebook after having seen her around a dozens of times. She rejects the request the very next day. I send her a message asking how is life treating her and why she rejected my request. No answer. I write again, "Ok, we'll talk once you drop the attitude. Bye". I drop cold.
I go to vacation for 2 months. So obviously don't see her during this time. I return and we continue running into each other again. Near late 2010; she starts "stalking" me on facebook: she starts commenting on our mutual friend's photos and statuses AFTER I comment on them (so I would get the notifications; seeking my attention?). I ignore her posts. She starts adding some of my male friends from middle school (she obviously knows them too; we all went to the same middle school). But also adds some of my personal friends. Then writes things on their walls about how's life etc. I ignore all this.

This goes on into 2011. We see each other outside even more often now. But still, no words. Throughout 2011 we run into each other regularly, and still don't talk. Now, to cut short, I will say that from 2009 to this day today, we have run into each other many times. However, I don't want to count the encounters of 2009-2011 for much, because I think things picked up around 2012.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
That said, I will now just highlight some critical encounters where I think she gave massive IOIs that I never picked up on or simply ignored.

THESE are what you guys will be analyzing for me and giving me a clue on where I stand so far. (Btw, please don't attack me for remembering the meeting dates, I just have a very God gifted memory :) )

March 2012: A college party. I go there with a couple of friends; all dressed up, suit and tie, looking suave. A lot of good looking people. So I am there walking around, and guess who joins the party after a while? Wifey.

She looks. Jaw. Dropping. Shiny green dress. Beautifully done hair. She seperates herself from her friends and just hangs around where I am. Eventually a crowd forms around a group of performers. I grab a chair and get a better view; probably the best view. Girls were belly dancing. So while I am standing on the chair, my friend nudges me and notions me to look over to my left. I look and I see WIFEY staring at me with a look of dissapointment/disgust (that I am looking at other women, who are half naked?) I act casual. And continue my thing. After a while her friends take her away and they go home; the entire hallway walk out, Wifey keeps looking back at me. We leave after a while as well.

May 2013: Around 10PM in an ice cream parlor. I am sitting inside with a buddy of mine. Wifey sees me from outside the window and she comes in. She orders something and walks by me/my table and sits on a table in front of mine, with her BACK TO ME. I shrug it off and continue with my friend. After a few minutes, Wifey turns her head around to look at me and upon eye contact looks away. She finishes her food. The looks at me again. Same thing happens. After about half an hour of sitting and doing nothing but messing with her phone; she TURNS around and sits so now she is sitting sideways to me. She starts looking at me. Constantly this time. I don't look back but I can see her grilling me. I get up to go use the bathroom and walk near her. She starts playing with her hair, starts fixing her hair as I approach. I walk by, and use the restroom. I get back to my friend, and Wifey starts looking at me again. Now she starts fixing her jeans and shoes. She sits straight and looks at me again without looking away. All of this happens over around an hour. She eventually gets up around 11:15PM and walks by me, I give her a small smile and she gives a small smile back but with a very disappointed face as she walks by and walks out of the parlor. I had made a huge FKIN mistake here not approaching her.

June 6th 2013; only 2 weeks after the ice cream parlor. I am walking all suited up outside, and I see her coming with 3 girls(sister, bff, and friend). Wifey is on the phone, but as soon as she sees me, she lowers her phone to her pocket and seperates herself from the girls a few feet to walk in line "towards me". We make unbreaking eye contact and we just walk past each other. I look back to see ALL of them looking back at except for Wifey (so she told them about me previously?)

July 5th 2013: About a month from the previous major encounter. Its around 740PM and I am walking home. I see her car double parked outside a grocery store. She's inside the car with her sister. I walk into the store. Now see, the store's front is ALL GLASS. You can see everyone and everything inside, brightly lit. And I know she saw me. Why? Because when I get in there and go to the back, I see her mother getting fresh meat. I grab anything random and walk to the front of the store to checkout. Before I even reach however, Wifey walks into the store directly towards me with such confidence on her face and in her body language. But ALas, we give each other eye contact and walk by, brushing our shoulders with each other. As I wait on line and start giving the Uncle my items (we all call him Uncle, the store clerk), I see Wifey walking around for no reason so obviously, and she randomly grabs a bottle of Sprite and comes stands behind me on the line. I ignore her and give the Uncle my credit card. She interrupts us and says out loud "Uncle, my mother will pay for this too" and leaves the store, leaving tension in the air. I walk out and see her sister grilling me from the car and Wifey at the steering wheel. I had screwed up again.

August 9th 2013: Again, just a month since the grocery store encounter. I am walking home; and I see her coming towards me with her sister and 3 other girls. Wifey seperates herself from the group, walks 4-6 feet away from them to the side I am walking towards; and stands still and starts looking at her phone. As I get closer to her, she looks up into my eyes and gives me a weak smile. I just walk by. 15 feet ahead I look back to see them looking back at me one at a time while Wifey regroups with them. Sensed major tension and disappointment in the air. I screwed up AGAIN. Jesus Christ.

August 18th 2013: I am outside Baskin Robbins with a buddy of mine. I look across the parking lot to the other side because I see a group of girls walking towards Baskin Robbins. I instantly recognize Wifey even from 100 feet away. She looks gorgeous in her black suit laced with green. They all walk by us, Wifey keeps looking at me, and so does her younger sister (her sister looks at me with a "talk to her you idiot" kind of look). They all walk inside, and 4 of my other friends show up with my brother in one of the sexiest of the luxury cars, the Benz C and E Class. We go inside get some iced coffees and get inside the car. I roll my window down and see Wifey make unbreaking eye contact with me as the car drives around and out, she never breaks eye contact until we lose sight of each other.

In August 2013, I transferred to a different college after getting my bachelor's in biology. Guess who I see at college? WIFEY. She and I are now in the same college. Same school, once again, just like Middle School. First semester, at college we only run into each other once.

Now, since this semester started in Jan 2014; we have run into each other over 14 times at COLLEGE ALONE. I will only post 3 critical encounters:

February 20th 2014:
I am walking across the lobby, and I see her approaching me. I keep walking straight, and she keeps looking at me as she walks; we walk by each other and she turns her head to the left to continue looking at me. Only time I broke eye contact.

March 2014: There's an amazing gyro cart right outside my college. I go outside and wait at the sidewalk for the WALK sign to get across. While waiting, I look to my left and I see Wifey on the gyro line. She is literally staring at me, like a STATUE, while waiting on line. I am talking to someone on the phone so I keep turning around taking a few steps walking etc. After 2 minutes I peek over again and she is still staring at me like a statue. Basically, the entire time she waited on the line, before and after ordering her food, until she got her food, she stared at me non stop for about 5 minutes. She went inside. I went home.

April 23rd 2014: I am in the library and I look outside the window. I see Wifey coming down on the escalators. I get up and exit so I can follow her and talk to her maybe. By the time I reach the lobby, I lose sight of her. MY friend is sitting there however, so I go over and we start talking. I look over to my right and I see Wifey sitting on a bench eating her food (same gyro cart one). Obviously she was already looking at me since she had the upper hand view. We make good eye contact and she looks down at her food. I talk to my buddy. And sit down next to him. I now have a clear view of Wifey and she keeps taking glances at me. After about 10 minutes, I get up in a "Well I am leaving" manner. When she sees me do this, she INSTANTLY starts picking up her things and gets up and walks towards the center of the lobby. I also walk towards there and we "cris-cross" each other, she passes me first however. I get to the exit turnstiles and she turns around to "throw away her food bag" as she looks at me two more times before I exit the building. HOLY JESUS! Why did I not talk to her!?
That's the critical events I am going to list. There's more, but this should be enough. Obviously all the meetings had major eye contact. That never broke until we passed each other, OR SHE would get nervous and look down.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
Now here are some interesting things I found out through mutual friends:
-Around 2010/2011, she was in a relationship (or something) with a guy. It was a bad relationship. She was apparently always crying. This is around the same time she rejected my facebook request. Apparently, she ended the relationship around late 2010, early 2011. THE SAME time she started all the facebook things like commenting after me, adding my friends etc.
-Since 2012, she has been posting SAD LOVE songs on facebook. One particular song is titled "My Heart Belongs to You" and it's main lyrics are
"All I hear is raindrops; I can't make this tears stop, you left my world so cold.
You were my best friend as far as I could see.
But then something changed when you fell for me.
Now I am the one who is pain, since I turned you away.
But now you moved on. I know I made you wait too long. I had my chance but now it's gone.
But I am willing to, make a go at me and you; cause I can't live my life without you".
Another one says things like "Give me one more chance. I never understood you."
Another one says things like "Why do you keep coming in and out of my life? Why do you always walk away? What are you afraid of? Aren't you looking for the same thing I am looking for? Don't you get the butterflies in your stomach too when you see me? So why do you walk in and out of my life? Let's take our time baby".

From mutual friends, I have learned she has NOT dated since 2011. She is usually depressed over "someone". She keeps cutting her social circle, and has been making it smaller and smaller to the point where she hangs out with her sisters and 3 girls only now. She has removed most of the guys from her facebook; deleted compliments from guys from photos, and now she deactivated her facebook.

I also noticed something. Everytime I would change my profile picture, she would change it too. If I would change it back to an older picture, she would change hers back to an older picture as well. So she's looking at my profile actively? (Well now her's has been deactivated for several months; afterall, fb does create stupid feelings).

I am planning to talk to her today. In 10ish hours, I am most likely going to be standing with her face to face, and talking to her.


What THE **** happened over the years? Did she start liking me for some reason? Is it because I ignored her? I literally went cold after that day she rejected my fb request. Or was it because she broke up with that chump; she came for me whereas before she felt she couldn't?
HOW DO I START A CONVERSATION? Since we have seen each other so many times, especially at college now as well, HOW DO I OPEN with her? TOMORROW. In 12 hours.

Help me out friends. I need it. A teacher is on his knees asking for help. I am called an Alpha by many, yet Wifey makes me freeze. Advise me. Be real. Be strict. I need this.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dude you are seriously over analysing this. You want the quickest and simplest way to find out, wtf is going on and where you stand? Go right up to her and ask her out, or call her up and ask her out. If she gives you anything less than an yes or doesn't offer a counter offer, then she's not interested. Move on.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
Lol, I am not a troll. Believe me, I would never write all this for laughs.

Thunder god, yeah man, I said it in the last post that I am going to talk to her today.

I want to know two things:

Why did she start acting this way?
And since we have run into each other so many times but never talked, how can I open a conversation with her without making it awkward? Give me a few examples; a simple hey won't cut it.
Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
Dude you are seriously over analysing this. You want the quickest and simplest way to find out, wtf is going on and where you stand? Go right up to her and ask her out,.
this. THIS

I know OP personaly. OP can talk up any girl he wants, he can sex any girl easily, but he fkin freezes when it comes to his "wifey"

I think we need to do as he says; bust his balls so he can feel them when he talks to her tomorrow


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
LoveAfter2009 said:
Lol, I am not a troll. Believe me, I would never write all this for laughs.

Thunder god, yeah man, I said it in the last post that I am going to talk to her today.

I want to know two things:

Why did she start acting this way?
And since we have run into each other so many times but never talked, how can I open a conversation with her without making it awkward? Give me a few examples; a simple hey won't cut it.
Why won't a simple "hey" cut it? Again, your over analysing things and worrying about the outcome. Just go up to her and talk like a normal human being, and dude seriously stop calling her "wifey". At this point, you don't know jack **** about her. For all you know, she could have been nailed by 2 dozen guys. Until proven otherwise, assume the girl isn't as innocent as they appear. Stop being so outcome dependent. I know it sounds cliche, but just go with the flow. Also you need to be dating other girls as well as pursuing her. What this does is give you an abundance mentality, so that your not so worried about messing things up with this one girl, which ironically makes you more relaxed and calm, which improves your chances. When you know you can just get another girl really quickly, you won't be so scared about losing that one particular girl. Also by dating other girls, it makes you look more attractive to her. Girls like guys with options. Just make sure she founds out discreetly rather than directly.

Hey's a quick and easy opener next time you see her since you said you haven't spoken to her in a while.

You: Hey, how's it going?
Her: blah, blah, blah, how are you?
You: I'm great, blah, blah, blah
continue the conversation....
talk for a little bit, ask her when is she free to get together to catch up or some other BS. Done!!!

She'll give you an answer. Anything less than a yes or a counter offer, means she's not really interested.

If you get a brain freeze, just ask her a bunch of **** about her. Girls love talking about themselves during the conversation before you ask her out.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
Why won't a simple "hey" cut it? Again, your over analysing things and worrying about the outcome. Just go up to her and talk like a normal human being, and dude seriously stop calling her "wifey". At this point, you don't know jack **** about her. For all you know, she could have been nailed by 2 dozen guys. Until proven otherwise, assume the girl isn't as innocent as they appear. Stop being so outcome dependent. I know it sounds cliche, but just go with the flow. Also you need to be dating other girls as well as pursuing her. What this does is give you an abundance mentality, so that your not so worried about messing things up with this one girl, which ironically makes you more relaxed and calm, which improves your chances. When you know you can just get another girl really quickly, you won't be so scared about losing that one particular girl. Also by dating other girls, it makes you look more attractive to her. Girls like guys with options. Just make sure she founds out discreetly rather than directly.

Hey's a quick and easy opener next time you see her since you said you haven't spoken to her in a while.

You: Hey, how's it going?
Her: blah, blah, blah, how are you?
You: I'm great, blah, blah, blah
continue the conversation....
talk for a little bit, ask her when is she free to get together to catch up or some other BS. Done!!!

She'll give you an answer. Anything less than a yes or a counter offer, means she's not really interested.

If you get a brain freeze, just ask her a bunch of **** about her. Girls love talking about themselves during the conversation before you ask her out.
I know where youre coming from, but trust me, she is a virgin. She's from a religious type of family but she is a modern conservative, she is modern but is basically the wifey type , doesnt flirt like most girls, no clubs nothing etx.

I said hey might not work because we have ignored each other for so long. I mean this isnt a normal approach where u go upto a stranger. We know each other.

but still I would take the advice here. So I shouldnt start off like "Oh look who it is, "Wifey", how are you?" Or long time no talk. Or would a hey really be better?

Fkkkk. I teach this **** to people and here I am confused as fk myself.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
Btw, dating is cake for me. I have around 12 plates right now, been ignoring them. 3 of them would die to have sex with me. Its that easy. I just dont want them. Theyre all 7s to 8.5s


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
I don't think there's much to say. I pretty much agree with what thunder_god has said. I'll just add that you should keep things simple and concise in your mind. There's a million assumptions and questions running through your head, and none of them might be relevant to the situation -now-. It's like a river - everything upstream can tell you things about the spot of river you're at, but just by examining the water in front of you, you can see immediately what the current situation is.

Truth is, it might not have anything to do with you. She's withdrawing from the world in general, in alot of social aspects. It sounds like she may have clinical depression, which saps alot of motive and tolerance of the world from you. And it has nothing to do with 'cheering' up the person (although it doesn't hurt). If it is the case with her, it feels like a weight in your mind.

I'd say, be casual, be courteous, be cautious. Get a read on her state before pushing with conversation. Keep things lighthearted, but if she wants to talk about deeper stuff, let her do the talking. No drugging up the past. No pressure. I would treat her just like a friend, at least for this first interaction. Ask how things are going, what's new with her. Basic stuff. I don't know the setting you're talking with her in, but should apply to most. If the conversation goes well, and it feels good, make an offer 'we should catch up again sometime'. If she accepts, great, you got a date. If not, no biggie, handle it understanding, say it was good seeing you again, and walk away. If she gets uppity any point during it, handle it calmly, cool, understanding. And you'll probably get your answer about her, all throughout talking with her.

Last, if she backs off or rejects, anything like that, don't take it personal. It sounds like she has a mess, and if she's not capable of being civil or reciprocating - then it may strongly have something to do with her. Looks like she's paying attention to you, so it's very possible it'll go well.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
RedScorpion said:
I don't think there's much to say. I pretty much agree with what thunder_god has said. I'll just add that you should keep things simple and concise in your mind. There's a million assumptions and questions running through your head, and none of them might be relevant to the situation -now-. It's like a river - everything upstream can tell you things about the spot of river you're at, but just by examining the water in front of you, you can see immediately what the current situation is.

Truth is, it might not have anything to do with you. She's withdrawing from the world in general, in alot of social aspects. It sounds like she may have clinical depression, which saps alot of motive and tolerance of the world from you. And it has nothing to do with 'cheering' up the person (although it doesn't hurt). If it is the case with her, it feels like a weight in your mind.

I'd say, be casual, be courteous, be cautious. Get a read on her state before pushing with conversation. Keep things lighthearted, but if she wants to talk about deeper stuff, let her do the talking. No drugging up the past. No pressure. I would treat her just like a friend, at least for this first interaction. Ask how things are going, what's new with her. Basic stuff. I don't know the setting you're talking with her in, but should apply to most. If the conversation goes well, and it feels good, make an offer 'we should catch up again sometime'. If she accepts, great, you got a date. If not, no biggie, handle it understanding, say it was good seeing you again, and walk away. If she gets uppity any point during it, handle it calmly, cool, understanding. And you'll probably get your answer about her, all throughout talking with her.

Last, if she backs off or rejects, anything like that, don't take it personal. It sounds like she has a mess, and if she's not capable of being civil or reciprocating - then it may strongly have something to do with her. Looks like she's paying attention to you, so it's very possible it'll go well.
Thanks bro. That really lifted some of the weight off my chest.

You are right, she is withdrawing herself from the world. I mean, fill time student, 2 part time jobs, done with fb, has cut her social circle. Yet she always gives me this cold stare, it alwayschills my spine. Like she wants me to come over to her, but at the same time she is afraid I might come.

I still am trying to understand why she is doing all this whereas she initially basically rejected my approach to her. Did she felt like I ignored her like nothing and this created some sort of attraction? Afterall, girls want what they cant get.

By the way, the setting is our college. We are in the same college, same school just like when we were in middle school nearly a decade ago. Its like history is repeating itself.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
LoveAfter2009 said:
I know where youre coming from, but trust me, she is a virgin. She's from a religious type of family but she is a modern conservative, she is modern but is basically the wifey type , doesnt flirt like most girls, no clubs nothing etx.

I said hey might not work because we have ignored each other for so long. I mean this isnt a normal approach where u go upto a stranger. We know each other.

but still I would take the advice here. So I shouldnt start off like "Oh look who it is, "Wifey", how are you?" Or long time no talk. Or would a hey really be better?

Fkkkk. I teach this **** to people and here I am confused as fk myself.
Who cares what religious background she has. At the end of the day, she's still a women, is she not? Stop making her out to be some goddess that only immortals can get. Your a man, its time you started acting like one. Men take what they want and could care less about the consequences. BE A MAN! Dude if your so scared about talking to her like a normal human being, then forget it. You don't deserve her. Go hide away and live in a rock or something. Treat her like a frigging colleague or acquittance if you have to just to strike up a conversation. What do you do when you see an old colleague that you haven't spoken to in a while? Talk to her like that, gauge her level of attraction, at the high point of the conversation, ask her out. You get your answer, you either get a date, or you walk away permanently until she reaches out to you.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
Your a man, its time you started acting like one. Men take what they want and could care less about the consequences. BE A MAN! Dude if your so scared about talking to her like a normal human being, then forget it. You don't deserve her. Go hide away and live in a rock or something. Treat her like a frigging colleague or acquittance if you have to just to strike up a conversation. What do you do when you see an old colleague that you haven't spoken to in a while? Talk to her like that, gauge her level of attraction, at the high point of the conversation, ask her out. You get your answer, you either get a date, or you walk away permanently until she reaches out to you.

In under three hours I will standing with her face to face and talking. I am feeling confidant but will admit, also a little anxious.

It's as if my experience of talking to hundreds of women suddenly became non existent because of this one.

I fully assume she wants me too, based on all the things she has done. Including not dating since 2011 even though guys are always trying to hit on her like thirsty dogs.

If by chance she rejects, I am not going to fall. I am going to KEEP FKING TRYING.


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score
She lives only 10 minutes from my house. So I always have chances of running into her again.

Yes I am putting her on a pedestal, but only because for some reason I believe she also has put me on a pedestal from her side as well.

Remember, I started truly falling for her starting late 2012 and especially late 2012. After she had started giving such complicated IOIs, online and in person.

@YAboi, yeah. I am dropping the outcome dependant attitude since last night. And surprisingly I feel like I actually did it "overnight" (in counter respect to the saying "you cant change overnight").

One question. Say she says she doesnt want to talk or walks away, how do I deal with that? Obviously I wont pressure her but should I just walk away or say something I would to normal girls?


Don Juan
May 13, 2014
Reaction score

THE only way I run into her today is if I wait outside her class room. Now this can be good or bad.

Should I wait for her to come out and pretend I ran into her?
or should I literally wait near her room (there's a huge lounge) and as she comes into view and makes eye contact, I get up and walk towards her? Implying I was waiting for her.


Don Juan
May 4, 2014
Reaction score
LoveAfter2009 said:

THE only way I run into her today is if I wait outside her class room. Now this can be good or bad.

Should I wait for her to come out and pretend I ran into her?
or should I literally wait near her room (there's a huge lounge) and as she comes into view and makes eye contact, I get up and walk towards her? Implying I was waiting for her.
Wait for her. If she asks tell her you are waiting for a friend but looks like he wont show up.