I am finally willing to improve myself, and I will work hard for it... I need SS help


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
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It's regarding the other thread I made about the girl that I have oneitis... All this made me realise a bunch of stuff, and including the posts I got in my thread, I decided that it is time I start working on myself to become the best I can. So I will list everything that needs improvments (and add some if I ever think about new stuff) as time goes, and I would appreciate it if you guys could either: Comment about what I want to improve, give me tips/guidance, add some important stuff I'm missing. The first thing I would need help with is figuring out what a good haircut would be for me, and it's hard with my type of hair... Any suggestions would be nice :eek:

- Get a decent haircut (need suggestions on that)
- Shave regularly
- Put cream on my face (will start real soon but now I have a special anti-achne cream that I'm using and I don't want to risk putting ordinary cream to make things worse).
- Brush my teeth 3x per day and use floss (I have bad gums...)

- Buy a perfume (suggestions of perfume would be nice, and also, should I wear it everyday? or only when I go out?)
- Buy nice clothes (all I have are jeans and t-shirts mostly... Again any suggestion [magazines to look at, different styles] would be appreciated)
- Cardio (I want to get ripped so I have to get dedicated into doing cardio)

- Start helping more around the house (keeps me busy and it would be nice for my mom)
- Find a new hobby (any suggestions? Right now I workout and read a lot)
- Find a job (I will have one this summer, but I want one when school starts again)

Attitude (I will work this once I have improved all the other aspects since improving everything else will already boost my confidence)
- Shoulders straight, head up when walking, no hands in pockets
- Get over approach anxiety (suggestions of what to do?)
- Grab what I want, don't hesitate (suggestions of what to do?)

So, anything else that I could add/work on that seems obvious but I have forgot? Also, any tips on any of these aspects I named?

My current hairstyle:
http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/871/gdsdsgdsqr4.jpg (if your curious: thats my lil cousin. Also, I had 8 beers that night so I was kinda... smashed a little)

As you can see, I have really curly hair so it's going to be hard to get a nice hairstyle, so any suggestions would be appreciated

Thanks a lot for your time, I appreciate it

P.S. If you even wanna know :D I'm almost 19 years old (in 2 weeks)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
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Sean Cameron said:
Wow, you look like a total fag. And in the first pic, who is that 10 year old girl? You're practically raping her.

And in the second picture, we see your fag picture again, along with some guy in the back ground with a montreal canadiens crest. WTF is up with that? Montreal Canadiens suck balls.
Instead of wasting both of our times why don't you do something useful and um... go kill yourself?

sigh... trolls


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Find a new hobby (any suggestions? Right now I workout and read a lot)
ultimate Frisbee, soccer, swing dancing, piano/guitar, martial arts. Try picking from among those.

Find a job (I will have one this summer, but I want one when school starts again)
Bad idea. It will hurt either your grades or your success with women or both.

Get over approach anxiety (suggestions of what to do?)
Grab what I want, don't hesitate (suggestions of what to do?)
Could try hitting up a club just for the sake of practice. It's not the same as approaching people in normal interactions, but the similarity will still boost your confidence a bit.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
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BannedGod, I think it's VERY cool for you to post your own pic and open yourself to suggestions. I wish more guys here had the balls to do the same. Let the BS you get here roll right off your back.

- Get a decent haircut (need suggestions on that)
- Shave regularly
- Put cream on my face (will start real soon but now I have a special anti-achne cream that I'm using and I don't want to risk putting ordinary cream to make things worse).
- Brush my teeth 3x per day and use floss (I have bad gums...)

Aside from seing a doctor/dentist on a regular basis and keeping up the hygene routine, you don't need to stress over the other things in the list above. Haircut, shaving...doesn't really matter. What matters most is persona. Those curls can do you lot of good, so don't go with a spike haircut thinking it's going to change anything.

- Buy a perfume (suggestions of perfume would be nice, and also, should I wear it everyday? or only when I go out?)
- Buy nice clothes (all I have are jeans and t-shirts mostly... Again any suggestion [magazines to look at, different styles] would be appreciated)
- Cardio (I want to get ripped so I have to get dedicated into doing cardio)

I'm currently wearing 360 Blue by Perry Ellis. And it's colgne, not perfume. Women wear perfume. Pick your own cologne. Most men's magazines have inserts with samples in them. A lot of guys have an editorial issue with Maxim magazine, but there are almost always several cologne samples in there. Smell around for yourself.

As far as clothes, this is where you can improve the most aside from persona. Style is completely suggestive and entirely up to you. Match your clothes to your personality. If you're the quieter, mysterious type, go with dark colors and an elegant "bad boy" rub. If you're outgoing and talkative, go bright, colorful and edgy (ie. peacock), et cetera.

Cardio doesn't get you ripped. It slims you down and builds tone. If you want to tone up and gain muscle mass, you have to do both cardio AND lifting, as well as a lot of eating.

- Start helping more around the house (keeps me busy and it would be nice for my mom)
- Find a new hobby (any suggestions? Right now I workout and read a lot)
- Find a job (I will have one this summer, but I want one when school starts again)

Again, hobbies are completely suggestive and entirely up to you. Working out and reading is fine, but you should have a few hobbies that not only interest you sincerely, but ones that also enables you to teach new things to other people. Women love men who can teach them new things, and if your hobby does that while keeping you entertained outside of women, it's win win. For example, I'm currently getting into bonsai trees. I find it very peaceful. I also skydive, which is exciting. Most women do neither and I always have their full attention when the topic comes up. I teach them things they don't know. They love it, even when they aren't willing to actually do it themselves.

Attitude (I will work this once I have improved all the other aspects since improving everything else will already boost my confidence)
- Shoulders straight, head up when walking, no hands in pockets
- Get over approach anxiety (suggestions of what to do?)
- Grab what I want, don't hesitate (suggestions of what to do)

Attitude is pinnacle. Many of the things you're not entirely sure about yourself right now are issues only because of the lack of proper attitude. But all of the things about you become workable, even assets with the right frame of mind. Basically, don't change anything about yourself hoping it will improve your personality. Improve your life and happiness. Personality and confidence will follow.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
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Yea I know cardio alone wont get me ripped, but it's the only part of the formula that I'm missing. I eat extremly well and lift 3x per week. I'm quite religious about that part lol

Coldcoal you seemed to put a lot of importance on persona (obviously it is important) but I didn't really mention how to improve in that department, since I'm not quite sure how to myself... Could you give me some examples? (maybe some stuff you yourself had to improve, for example)

Attitude is pinnacle. Many of the things you're not entirely sure about yourself right now are issues only because of the lack of proper attitude. But all of the things about you become workable, even assets with the right frame of mind. Basically, don't change anything about yourself hoping it will improve your personality. Improve your life and happiness. Personality and confidence will follow.
Also I don't really get this part.. maybe because I'm quite tired lol


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
Aside from that other stuff, you should DEFFO cut your hair, you would increase by like a whole point on the 'looks scale' imo. A style thats real popular in the UK but I didn't see at all in the US is this. Get it cut short, like, an inch and a half or a little longer, and fading into shaved round the back and the bottom, if you see what I mean. Fringe is cut into, meaning slightly different lengths all the way along, same in the middle of your head. Then you take some wax or fudge (not gel, wax or fudge makes your hair look dry, gel makes it look wet) and just mess it up, if you've done it right, it should be kinda spiky and a bit messy.

Thats a cool and easy style. When I got it cut like that, everyone said it looked WAY better than when it was longer....even my grandma!!

Hope this helps!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
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Cut that thing on your head, lol it will drastically improve your looks. Look at pictures of haircuts and choose one you like/think will suit you and take the picture to the hairdresser


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
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BannedGod said:
Yea I know cardio alone wont get me ripped, but it's the only part of the formula that I'm missing. I eat extremly well and lift 3x per week. I'm quite religious about that part lol

Coldcoal you seemed to put a lot of importance on persona (obviously it is important) but I didn't really mention how to improve in that department, since I'm not quite sure how to myself... Could you give me some examples? (maybe some stuff you yourself had to improve, for example)

Also I don't really get this part.. maybe because I'm quite tired lol

What I ment by that part you didn't quite understand is that many of the changes you're aiming to make may put you into a different camp of women, but it's not going to change your luck with women overall. If I could take the brain out of your head and drop into the body of Fabio, the only thing that will change is how many more women will look your way. But you'll still screw it up because you still won't know how to handle them. It isn't all about looks and a resume. It's mostly personal, up close interaction, and the persona it takes to interact with women is in itself a vast improvement above all others. Once you have it, what you drive, your hair cut and what cologne you wear all become minor issues; things that will only help you tweek the different types of girls you can attract. They are secondary. The persona is primary.

In order to improve the way you behave around women, you have to essentially kill the anticipation women create in men all together. When a woman says hello to you (or vice versa), you don't get all excited, ask yourself if she likes you and start to sweat over what should you say. You act like a million women say hello to you all of the time and it means nothing special. You talk to them on the phone all of the time and it means nothing special. You date all of the time and it means nothing special. Yet, you still have to let women know that you're interseted in them sexually and not in a platonic way. The reason this odd blend works is because many women like a guy that can get the girls BUT will also pursue and pay attention to the one they're with. It makes them feel a little special, even if they don't know it.

When you get it just right, the "rules of seduction" will no longer apply to you. The idea of waiting three days to call a girl will seem completely absurd to you. All of this ****y/funny/kino lingo will seem a little stupid and over-anyalized.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Sean Cameron said:
My suggestions were deleted, so I thought I'd just give you a recap. Don't look like such a fag. God your haircut is bad. It's just horrible. Any girl that would be with you, would be embarrassed. Catch my drift, fag?
Are you a part of the Westchester baptist church by any chance?


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Sean Cameron said:
Nah, but you're thinking of the Westboro Baptist Church. And if I was one of them, I'd probably murder him in the name of god.
Where the hell did I get Westchester from? Is that in Cali? I think I might have been last summer actually.

Anyway congrats. You made a post without being homophobic or racist


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Sean Cameron said:
I'm not homophobic or racist. In fact, I support gays and I'm a multiculturalist. I just say those things to annoy people.
Well thats a start!

Assuming you're a straight guy and not already a master PUA, this site could seriously help you out a LOT. I know for a fact it changed my life...sounds drastic but its true. Just don't try to annoy people, if you want to criticise, disagree etc, fine....but don't just piss ppl off for no reason man, it ain't nice.

We're all in the same boat here, we should be pulling together for the greater good!


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Sean Cameron said:
The forum is flawed because it's about validating women as your gods. I know what the philosophy states, but people validate themselves through women. This board is flawed, and anyone that learns through it become a flawed person. Hence why people are still insecure, needy, or misogynist or whatever their personal fvck up is.
Na man you're wrong. You're right that I was insecure but now I'm not, I swear to you, plus my sex life is better than I ever thought possible, seriously.

It doesn't teach to validate women as gods, far from it...thats what most guys outside of the community believe, this site teaches guys to see them for what they really are, people...people who like sex just as much if not more than men do, and then suggests how to improve yourself and the state of mind to have that will allow you to be successful with women.

And I also don't validate myself through women either. I never show off about how many women I've been with, I never think, "I am awesome/a pimp/ a man etc because I fvcked X number of women/ a really hot woman etc....I validate or 'rate' myself through achievements, ambitions, self confidence, my personality, social skills etc.

I reckon you wouldn't have found this site if you weren't interested at least a little bit in the philosophies and ideas behind it. I don't know you or you're background, skill with women etc. But if its low, or even lower than you'd like it to be, try this for 6 months: Improve yourself physically and mentally as much as possible (ie: inner game) read a few seduction methods, get approaching....and you really will become a better person.

DAMN that was long...I hope you appreciate the effort.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah most of you cats here put women on a pedestal.Most of them are dumb ass sh1t.

Just look at where american society is culturally speaking since the dawn of the Single mother/career women.

Most of them ain't jack **** without their fathers or husbands directing them.

A few breakout of the pack and a few more are genuine ladies..most are only good for what's between their legs.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
Hmmm maybe I can't express myself that well on here, but I really do know what you're getting at and I agree to an extent. But I can't live without sex....so if you want to view me as validating myself with women, then fine....I don't, I have a pretty interesting life....but if thats what you think, so be it...I can't live without sex, if that makes me a woman-worshipper, then so be it.

Edit: to the OP, sorry for hijacking your thread, I was trying to salvage that guy, he probably can still be....I did contribute to it btw! Hope it helped

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
How are you gonna get ripped doing cardio?

There aren't many magz you can read nowadays that can help you with style.Gay Q isn't what it used to be.

Step into a nice store in the mall and most of the stuff they have near the walls are what's hot right now.

Determine your own style and remember that a preppy look might not get you much attention from a goth chic(ew)..

Perfumes?Lacoste,DKNY and even Diddy's Unforgivable is nice.Lost of good colognes came out this year.

Learn to Dance(grind ,really,to be honest most guys don't really dance anymore.)..

You might wanna hit a few clubs by yourself even,it's hard to get attention in their if you're not six one 220 lbs or you have a beamer parked outside.But it will make you more resilient to rejection..

Attitude adjustment:Right now you don't want any relationship.That should be your mentality..
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
you would look good if you shave your head with a electric shave machine

also buy nice clothes

try to do something new everyday


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
BannedGod said:
- Find a new hobby (any suggestions? Right now I workout and read a lot)
Dancing (seriously). Make sure you go there like you own the place and lead from the start (even if you suck at dancing, confidence will be key). You want to go with something that young females go for - I heard salsa is good, but I have no experience myself so I don't know. Particularly if you get good at it, it's a great chance to get laid like crazy (as I've seen from a friend who's a ballroom dancer - I rip on him constantly for being a girly man, but guess who's laughing when he goes home with a slender tall blonde who can put both legs behind her head...)

I like my thai boxing personally, but if I could do it all over again I'd go tell my five year old self that dancing would be a lot better for him in the long run than martial arts, as there aren't many girls doing martial arts (and typically, those that do... You don't want to fvck). Of course, martial arts (especially the 'hard' ones like boxing, thai boxing, bjj etc) will work in well with your weight training, and are excellent cardio... And who doesn't like the thought that they can take just about anyone on and beat them comfortably if they have to ;)

There's nothing so far wrong with your current hair, but don't take my word for it - Go find a good hairstylist (the Gay male ones are the best for making your hair attractive to girls, apparently... Although the best hairstylist I ever came across was a well and truly heterosexual Mr. T lookalike - Go figure).

For clothes, go to nice stores (I always go for the 2nd or 3rd most expensive in town, for no particular reason) and ask the younger female assistants what they like - But make sure they don't try to screw you over by telling you something that is obviously awful looks good.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
- Cannot really think of anything bad about your face. It just seems more like low self-confidence instead of a facial problem.

- I use Axe body spray, body wash, and deodorant/anti-perspirant. The type is essence and it takes care of any bad smells that I have and it is relatively cheap.
- Fvck nice clothes, I wear baseball uniforms from sixth grade and could put on power rangers shirts and still get girls. It has nothing to do with clothing, it is all attitude.
- start weight lifting and cardio (I do both and I have an excellent body. I need to get back into biking and weight lifting before the semester lets out)

- Find a passion in life (outside of parties and girls).
- Personally, these are my hobbies. I swing dance (three or four times a week), hang out with friends and meet new people, listen to country music for a couple hours a day, read self-improvement/wealth accumulation books, play video games, watch college sports with the president of my university, create business ideas, and dream for an hour a day (what life will be like and what kind of business ideas that I get).
- I'm personally next year going to take up ballroom dancing and salsa dancing.
- Finding a job isn't my thing, but everyone likes money


If you don't feel like you deserve something, than it won't happen. If you feel that you deserve something, than it will more than likely happen as long as you work toward it.

I remember thinking the same way, I didn't improve the attitude and you know what kind of play that I got? My right hand was my best friend. You got to understand that if you don't have High Self-Esteem (HSE), than pretty much nothing will occur other than you being screwed over (figuratively). If you conquer low self-esteem (LSE), than life will be at your mercy and you will be able to control everything.

Some examples:
1.) I was up at a softball game and I asked this girl some questions. Convo Time:
Me: "Whats the score?"
Her: "about 5-6"
Me: "Alright, excellent"
Her: "Yeah, why you here?"
Me: "I don't know, that b!tch over there asked me to come" *pointing to the girl that was batting*
Sarah (current girl that I am trying to date): "Hey, whats going on?"
Her: "Wow, she is a b!tch?"
Me: "Not as big as this one" *points at Sarah*
Her: "She's a b!tch?"
Me: "She's the worst of all of them. She's a fvcken c0cktease!"
Sarah: *hugs me*
Me: "God, get off of me. Sorry, this thing doesn't understand her place" *sh!t eating grin on face*
Her: "Well, I'm not a b!tch ;) if you would like to come back to my place later tonight, I'll just prove how I am not a b!tch."
Me: "Maybe, I'll just do that" *I look at Sarah"
Sarah: "You come back to my room and I'll really show you a good time."
Me: "Couldn't we just have a threesome?"
Sarah: ;)
Me: "Alright"

====No I didn't get the threesome, but I could very easily have done it. BTW Her flirted with me all that night ===

Would anyone else have had the balls to say that and get away with it. Attitude is the MOST important thing that there is. Once you got the correct attitude, everything else will just fall into place.

Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
You look very handsome banned god. I think we should be friends because you look like a very cool guy. I love the hair, and I'm sure it drives the girls crazy, and for a hobby, you can play with magic the gathering cards. They're great.
