Mr. Me said:
Like last night, one woman I was talking to tells me she has four kids at home, going through a divorce because she found out her husband was having an affair for the past five years and had to get an Order of Protection against him because he is stalking her and has gotten himself into the house when she wasn't home. She also mentions, because she has loose lips from drinking I guess, that she sold her wedding ring and got a tummy tuck with the money.
Meanwhile, I'm taking this to mean: "While I was married, I got out of shape from having kids and turned my husband off, big time so he went looking elsewhere. I refused to do anything about getting myself back into shape. Isn't it interesting that only NOW I finally did something about it, because NOW I need to attract men? If you don't mind the scars. I'm such a hypocrite! Hee, hee. Oh, and I blab too much information because I don't even realize how it could turn you off, since most men are putzes and ignore these flags I blab about because they think they have a chance with me, and so I get free drinks. Oh, and my ex is stalking me, in fact, that's him at the other end of the bar... so if we end up in your bed or mine or anywhere else, chances are he'll be outside the window. He's an a$$hole. Be prepared. But hey! You're not buying me any drinks... you're mean! You must be gay! So I'm going to now rudely and abruptly turn to the next guy without even saying 'nice meeting you!' and chat him up instead!"