i accidentally peed on her during bj? ADVICE

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I officially declare this guy to be a troll. He gave it away with the puke post. Let's stop feeding him.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Stop apologizing dude. You've already apologized too many times. If she doesn't accept it, oh well. Move on...

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Forgottenmemories said:
yeah but if i do that, the ball will be in her court. if i say that to her, she will be considered like the prize. something that i have to impress and "win". i dont want her to realize that and give her that status. that would make me an AFC correct?

or is that an acceptable apology? i think it kind of makes me look weak to be honest. She is hot, but i dont want her thinking shes the hottest girl ive messed around with. because then she would feel too good about herself and think of me as less than her which would eventually lead to me being forgotten/remembered as an AFC. i am not less than her, i know that. i was starting runningback on our school football team, i write for the school newspaper, and i am the head of the school's business club. we are equal. i dont want her thinking of herself as the girl who " got forgottenmemories so sexually excited that he peed in my mouth ". that makes me look pathetic as fvck?

agree or disagree? elaborate please. i need all the advice i can get. i wont be seeing her until tuesday, or later. depending on if she skips french class again or not.

You're not an "AFC" you're an AFPee. Change username to: Golden Showers, Mellow Yellow, TimmyTinkler or Mr.Plastic Bedsheets.
Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
I officially declare this guy to be a troll. He gave it away with the puke post. Let's stop feeding him.
i am not a troll. the puke post? that was an just an idea that i was considering to tell this girl to make it seem like peeing on her wasnt that big of a deal.

i came on these forums seeking advice, because this is what these forums are. for people to give and receive advice.

If you are not going to give me advice, then fine. I dont care. Leave. If you think that this sort of situation is IMPOSSIBLE to happen, that anybody who this has happened to is trolling, then you are not very intelligent and i wouldnt want your advice in the first place. but DONT discourage others who originally were going to give me advice, to not give me advice. because i need it. Unfortunately, this HAS happened to me.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I can't leave. I'm a mod...

OK, I get it.. You're young and alarmed about what happened.

Some pointers:

1) You were in a hot sauna and your bladder was relaxed. Very understandable.

2) Lots of women pee when having sex. Look it up. Why should a man be penalized for the same? Another example of the double-standard.

3) You already know that all that apologizing was not helpful... But here is why: Women take all their cues from outside of themselves, like children. She saw that you were freaked out about it, so being a woman, she fed off your energy and freaked out further. In a sense you "gave her permission". It's just like a kid, when he falls down he will look at his parents to see whether he should freak out or brush it off. When you want to examine how women think, just look at children. They are one and the same.

4) This is most important: You need to take the frame back NOW. You need to become unaffected by it. You were in a sauna. The environment caused you to lose control of the bladder. Big deal. You're human, and as I said, MANY women do this. Your attitude toward her should be "Deal with it or go away". No more apologies, no more feeling bad about it. She is trying to shame you (even if subconsciously) and this is not acceptable. She is simply too young and too immature to understand.

5) The puke story is what really threw me for a loop. It's never a good idea to implant movies of even more disgusting things in a woman's mind. Whatever you plant in a woman's mind becomes her reality. She is largely incapable of differentiating fact from fantasy. That's what men do... they are the rational rock that they need in order to maintain some kind of foothold on reality. So YOU need to define reality and what your standards are. Women follow along with that.

When I speak to women, I am always careful to implant nice images into their imaginations. I do it very subtly with the words and phrases I use. I just paint some unicorns and rainbows and let her fall in love with me all on her own. That takes some skilz that come later in life as you gain experience. I'm talking about deep nuance with language here.

So for now, set your standard, that you will not take abuse or ridicule for an accident. You are a young man who is able to define his own reality. This is an opportunity to step up to the plate and get to the next level.

We all have had emarrassing experiences, and this just happens to be yours. I guarantee that somewhere in her life she has peed and probably crapped in her pants by accident. A girl of substance and value wouldn't have reacted the way she did, especially after you apologized.

She is beneath you. She has demonstrated this. Should she still be welcome as a guest in your world? Think about that.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Forgottenmemories said:
i am not a troll. the puke post? that was an just an idea that i was considering to tell this girl to make it seem like peeing on her wasnt that big of a deal.

i came on these forums seeking advice, because this is what these forums are. for people to give and receive advice.

If you are not going to give me advice, then fine. I dont care. Leave. If you think that this sort of situation is IMPOSSIBLE to happen, that anybody who this has happened to is trolling, then you are not very intelligent and i wouldnt want your advice in the first place. but DONT discourage others who originally were going to give me advice, to not give me advice. because i need it. Unfortunately, this HAS happened to me.

Ask her if she's patriotic. Then tell her your uncle was stationed at Gitmo and his stories of waterboarding had you acting out uncontrollably in the heat of the moment.