Findog said:
Don't orbit girls. You can never friend your way into a girl's pants. You meet a girl, you like her, you make your interest known
Why I "orbited" her is a very long story.
She knew I liked her just about from the beginning and eventually we became real friends.
and if she's not game, you move on to the next one. Women are like buses, there's always another one coming up.
Last time I checked, buses don't run once every six months or more.
Orbiting girls leads to one-itis. This girl actually did you a favor. You were never going to be a romantic figure in her life. Now you can go out and find somebody who will.
I know all about oneitis, I've been on this forum a very long time. I've also lived through it many times.
Video games are fine as one hobby among many, but when that's all you want to do, you are self-medicating and using it as a numbing method of escape
Video games are a great way to escape and the require minimal thought and effort. I just hate it when games get me mad. Nothing is more annoying than when the thing that I do to make me feel good actually makes me feel worse.
What are you interested in besides video games? Do you play sports or a musical instrument? Do you have any causes you are passionate about? If you want a woman in your life, you need to be a well-rounded person with many interests. If all you can talk about is video games and sports, you're not going to get very far. Take dancing lessons at an Arthur Murray studio, volunteer at Habitat for Humanity or your local hospital, take cooking lessons, do SOMETHING. Make sure you exercise plenty and are in good physical shape. Get out of your apt/house and live life for yourself. When you do that, the women and everything else will fall into place.
Right now I'm not doing much.
But before I worked out, danced salsa and other ballroom, and did some sports every now and then. I've never had a cause I was passionate about, but I can talk about many things. Though the women never fell into place, ever.
This will go away when you decide to live for yourself and don't care about the approval of others, women or men.
Something tells me I'll have a better chance ending the world energy crisis.
Figuring out how to not care about the approval of women is something I've struggled with for a very long time.
Dude, I used to be a total omega male. Forget beta. I couldn't get laid in a wh*rehouse with a thick stack of hundreds. I had no self-confidence. I didn't pay attention to grooming, how I dressed or take care of my body with exercise. I reached a point where you are now where I almost said f*ck it. I'm glad I didn't. I went to therapy and gradually started to figure things out.
Kinda a similar to me. I definitely can't get laid no matter how hard I try. Although I've always put in effort into my presentation, making sure I look and smell good, that includes working out. But none of it ever mattered which just made me feel more depressed. I did the therapy thing and it didn't work at all.
When were you able to tell that things were turning around?
You don't want or need female "friends." Men and women can't be friends in the way that same-sex friendships operate. One person always wants to f*ck the other, and it's not always the guy. I mean, I am "friends" with my guy friend's girlfriends or wives, but I don't hang out one on one generally with other single women. You want plenty of male friends. They will hold you accountable and help you get you where you need to go.
I much more prefer the company of women as I just seem to get along with them better. A lot of guys I see are annoying/stupid, loud and too competitive.
I've wanted to sleep with every single female friend I've ever had, but that doesn't mean I didn't consider some of them to be real friends.
What I want most of all is female attention, but I'm thinking I want that because it's some sort of GF replacement.
Thanks, I need it.
Night-hawk said:
Usually when a guy lashes out to a girl it's a sign of suppression, in your case the desire to have this girl reciprocate back to you as you've been wanting and waiting on for some time...and this leaks out in the form of projection, like you did on her.
I lashed out at her because I wanted her to explain herself. "I don't think we get along" and "my reasons are my own" was not a good enough explanation to end a two year friendship.
I'm not sure what you mean by projection. She's the the one who suddenly ended everything with a text message
Unconsciously you are looking for her to lash back as a sign that she does care...but all that does is re-convince yourself that she has feelings for you and things might work out.
That is true. There are several times where I wanted her to show that she cares. One time I called her an emotionless robot and that upset her so much that she refused to talk to me for a week. Thankfully a mutual friend was able to working things out.
But this time, I don't know if she cares or not, though I'm thinking she did and some things I said to her might have really hurt. Or I could be totally off-base.
It's good she let you know this, rather then keep you dragging along like some girls do...I think it was mature of her...but at the same time shows maybe she doesn't care to be friends as much as you thought.
I've been told that it was mature of her, and might have taken a lot of guts from her, but she did it in a completely immature and cowardly way.
If she would have sat down with me and talked it over, I would have felt much better about the whole thing.
The reason for this is because she doesn't see you as a genuine 'friend,' where you aren't after her sexually or for anything romantic - but as someone with an agenda, and that's why she told you separate ways is better.
I really don't know how much of me she thought as a friend or not. It wasn't until she rejected me that we started doing and going to more places together.
Her thought process is beyond me and I never got a chance to ask her.
It sucks, but at least you've learnt something about girl-friends. If you get in a mentality like you were in. Stop and back away so you can clear your head rather than just create another head-ache.
Yeah, I'm definitely going to be more wary about having female friends in the past.
Heck the
first time I asked her out, she offered friendship and I turned her down and went no contact.. But that was two years ago and fate likes to play games.