Your time and company are sufficient. Personally, I set up dates to scenic places. I challenge them to play a game and "the loser buys the other ice cream, coffee or a burrito." It costs $1 to $2 for a game of table hockey. I usually win the challenge and the girl buys me food
They have told me that not paying for a date made me memorable. In my opinion, paying for a woman communicates you are lower value than her, almost as a form of compensation for the differences in value between the two of you. Be playful and creative. Logic is the enemy.
Not paying for a date made you memorable, lol. Guess it depends how you go about it compared to guys she's experienced,
Oersonally don;t think paying by itself makes you beta. Obviously you could be 'beta' and pay for stuff. Can see how your game would make things interesting and improve vibe. But if you;re just refusing or start a discussion about who's paying what, that spoils the vibe and won't create a good impression/feeling for them about you.
If they're insinuating going for expensive meals, 'shopping', then alarm bells will go off. I mean, shopping, can;t stand it at best of times, never mind on a date!
TBH I wouldn;t go for a meal either in restaurant until a few dates down line, but I don;t particularly like eating out and general vibe of restaurants for dates, but thats just me, but its not a financial thing.
But Op should be wary about someone hinting at more expensive dates, things, as its unlikely she'll suddenly lower expectations as time goes on. I'd lead her along to try and get lay, but just be aware shes probably materialistic, show offy etc and will be expecting the same and more if things develop.