The simple math man. 50k miles divided by 55 miles to a gallon for hybrid you getting 909 gallons. 909 gallons is 2700 bucks.
50k miles divided by 35 miles to a gallon for normal you getting 1428 gallons. 1428 gallons is 4285 bucks.
In 50k miles you are saving 2000 bucks.
It's not worth it.
What are you thoughts?
Depends. Is it a serial hybrid or parallel hybrid?
Also, hybrids and EVs use primarily their regenerative brakes instead of the friction brakes, which means you’ll likely never need a brake job on hybrid cars.
Whats the initial purchase cost for each car? The hybrid has an electric motor/battery as well as an engine. Thats two systems to keep running properly. $2000 in savings won't go very far towards a lot of repairs beyond maintenance.
I drive a Toyota Hybrid that I bought brand new, so I have some input on this.
You definitely save a lot of money in gas for sure, no real debate on this. Hybrid cars actually do better with regards to fuel economy if you do a lot of suburban or urban driving under 50 mph, efficiency goes down a bit when you are at highway speeds. I drive a lot so this was a huge factor as to why I bought it.
I've literally done no work on the car other than basic maintenance items AND with well over 100k miles I'm still on the original brakes.
With regards to the Hybrid battery itself, Toyotas come with a 10 year/150,000 mile warranty for them. IF you need to replace it after the warranty is expired, it costs around 3k. There is a company called green bean that will literally come to you and replace it. Dealerships offer replacement for this price tag as well, I've called up and asked out of curiosity. They also come with a warranty, though not as extensive as with the original battery.
Toyota is the leading manufacturer when it comes to vehicle longevity AND with hybrids as well. You really can't go wrong with a Toyota Hybrid if this is something you are interested in.