Personal opinions are going to vary from individual to individual. You and I might both read the same article, and depending on our goals might come out of it with two completely different and opposing points of view. As I see it, there are two key aspects of the DJB - self-improvement and seduction, the first being necessary to facilitate the second. To say that the DJB is solely about "bettering yourself" isn't true; this isn't a self-help forum.
I agree with this, but I am unclear by what you mean by "self-help" in the context of this website.
To say it's got nothing to do with anything other than seduction isn't true either; what you've been doing obviously hasn't worked, so you need to change that to reach the level you want to be at.
Actually, the reason I came to this website was because I had girls hitting on me sexually and couldn't find any decent ones. My first post in this forum was concerning a girl who was engaged to another guy and constantly giving me sexual hints like "Oppps, come over her and look under my skirt, I have goosebumps on the inside of my legs." Actually, pretty much all of the girls I have been involved with prior to this website were like this, girls who were bold enough to express their sexuality to me and even offer in some cases.
Now, you would think this was a good thing, but considering I was sort of a jerk I had no clue how to form a relationship with a girl. I'm still struggling with that in fact.
As for the whole monologue on psychosexuality (some aspects of which I agree with) I still don't see the relevance it has to this thread, at all...
That was inspired by your remarked about Mystery,Gunwitch, and Ross Jefferies, and also about the premarital sex issue. I was showing from psychological viewpoint the reasons that people would seek out the advice and methods of these people. I have done a detailed study on the Gunwitch method and discovered some flaws with it that would actually keep people from developing healthy LTRs. That's besides the point, though.
I have looked into mystery some, but havn't read enough to form an opinion. Ross Jefferies I steere clear of for the most part, especially when it comes to the jedi trick mind-manipulation crap that gets to sounding really pathetic after awhile.