Huge procrastinating problem and becoming a jerk


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ok well I’m not sure if this post should be here or the anything else forum, but anyways, I’m having a huge procrastination problem (when you keep putting off things to a later time) and this is seriously screwing up my life with chicks and more importantly school.

Well for school I've pretty much wasted a whole semester and it seems like I’m going to fail 2 of my 3 classes because for one of them I delayed my essay so much that I lost 40% percent on a 30% essay, so I basically have to get almost perfect to pass that class. Then for the other class I didn't hand in his 100 mark essay which could screw me in the class and get me a fail, oh it gets even better yesterday I found out that I mixed up my lab exam times by 2 hours (for bio) and by doing that I missed it and there's no way I can reschedule it till next ****** semester even though they had empty spots for other times, but I guess that's what I get for not double checking the time. Even for tests I procrastinate like I seriously just wait till I got 2-3 hours before the class do all my studying because I keep procrastinating.

For chicks it's not as bad, but it's like every time I get an opportunity to get a number or something I just delay it and tell myself I’ll just ask for her number later or something which never happens. It's not that I’m scared to talk to chicks in class I just put it off till it’s either to late to do it or I can come up with some type of excuse to tell myself not to do it..

Also another thing is I’ve been stuck as a nice guy for a while now and I’ve been wanting to change that and become a “man” but I seriously can't and it's really starting to bother me, I feel like how can I be a man if all I know is how to be the nice guy that I’ve been for so long and I know we got posts on this subject form people like pook on the secret of the jerk and stuff but it’s just about taking control of everything which I can’t do as the guy that I am now. I feel that I’m holding my self back in so many ways by being the nice guy that I am when it comes to things because I’m afraid to offend people or that someone might get mad at me or something stupid like that, so I just keep quiet, instead of speaking my mind. An example of this is when I let people borrow my things like movies or games I’m afraid to say no or to ask for them back since they haven't seen it yet or played it and they just keep holding on to them, so I just think to myself why the **** did you borrow my things if you weren't planning on using them. So I figure I need to stop being a nice guy and just become a big jerk to everyone over the next year so I can just stop caring so much about stupid things because everyone expects the jerk to be a jerk.

I know this was a long *** rant, but I needed to get this off my chest. So anyone got any ideas on how to get over my huge procrastinating problem or anything you want to comment on the whole becoming a jerk thing.

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
Make a goal for yourself, and everything (being a pushover, slacking off, and jacking off) will be solved if you get into your head that you have to do yourstuff.... or you will fail

Or get your ass kicked and than go and cry...

those are your two options

Seriously though, the getting your ass kicked and crying part is good for you when you realize your life is in the dumps


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
first you have to want it. It sounds like you do so good.

Second, realize that willpower has nothing to do with it. The mere fact of trying to force yourself to study means your pitting your subconcious mind against your concious. Instead of willpower use visualization.

When you're by yourself, beating yourself up, saying "god why am I such a f*ckup, I need to study. Study, stupid! study!" (can you tell ive been there?) you just imagine yourself sitting down and banging it out, just going into school mode and getting it done. Visualize this alot and your subconcious will orient itself to this goal. Same goes for women, imagine yourself rolling up on some broads like you're king sh1t, tom cruise with a pistol. Once your subconcious is lined up it's natural to go with the flow and get what you want.

the semester is prolly almost over for you, so don't spend too much time imagining success in the dark, you have to put it into action faster than most.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
Guess what? Your schoolwork procrastination problem is about to take care of itself.

In most colleges, you get placed on academic probation if your average is too low, and if you don't get it back up the next semester, you get chucked out of college. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. I hope you are capable of learning a technical trade, because very soon you are going to be working for a living, 4 years before you planned on it. If you've failed two out of three classes you likely have a very, very low GPA. You're going to have to study your butt off to get your cumulative GPA high enough that you'll overcome this disastrous semester. Getting straight C's next semester in all your classes isn't going to be enough. Screwing up a semester when it's your first one is very hard to overcome.

Is that motivation enough for you? Start studying NOW. If you don't, you're out.

If this does not motivate you, you were not meant for a higher education. Your potential lifetime income will most likely be lower without a college degree.

The choice is yours. Make the right decision. The answer should be obvious.

The other obvious thing is that chicks and grades will go hand in hand for you. Mastering grades is part of the type of discipline you'll need for being successful with women.


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Ok well, looks like I definately failed two classes, since I checked my mark for one of the classes and I failed that and for my other class I didn't even right the final since I knew there was no way to pass, which was due to me dealying studying so much yesterday that I reallly didn't have enough time to study much in the morning.

johnnyrem this my 3rd semester but my GPA wasn't really that high 2.55, now it's at 2.19 just because of the one class I failed, and it's going to get even lower. Another thing is that this is the only semester I messed up, in my other two semsters I got B's and C+, so it's not like i've been this bad at school all the time, but yeah your right i'm definately going to be on academic probation and i'm going to definately have to work my ass off so I don't get kicked out, it's just going to be hard to get out of these bad habits i've developed.

Boner da Stoner about the whole making a goal for yourself thing, i've tried making goals for myself, but they've always just falling through, with me not sticking to them.

Superchristx Yeah I could try that visualization thing you mentioned it might help me out but I don't know if it will because i've tried something like that before where I'll tell myself I'll do this and that and I end up doing none of the things I pictured in my head I would do for one reason or another.

Also marceldwayne the quote you posted is so true "Procrastination is a lot like masterbation.... You're only screwing yourself!!"