Egocontrol said:
Yeah, i tried to tell her last night that im done with her and today she called me and imed me saying that shes not losing me again cause it already happend once and she doesnt want to again. So I said what do you plan on doing so you dont lose me then and she just said she didnt know. Then she proceeded to say that i would need to improve in some areas before she would even think about being in a relationship with me. Now i dont think there is much i need to improve on and that got me pretty mad. So i just told her that im good how i am and that she took me for granted. Shes off the reservation man, and shes still trying to call me.
Ok man I learned this lesson the HARD WAY so don’t follow my fate please dear god!
Ok this women lets look at a few things here.
Red flag 1:
She is your friend but your shagging her, she has a BOYFRIEND!
Red flag: she has male friends lying to her BF about having MFriends and screwing them, what makes you so special in this loop?
She is a lying cheating who** and can’t be trusted, DO NOT THINK your better then the BF, he is some poor smuck who cant see the fire for the smoke.
Red Flag 2:
She is willing to keep you on has a fu** toy and is trying to use mind games to screw with your head.
Do your think her poor smuck of a BF is totally sane after being with this girl?
She is not trying the same stuff on you that has worked on the BF, soon you will be the ill fated smuck that she says ‘I am off to see bob my best friend, he is male, we are going shopping for an hour’. You like a total fool believe you are special and she wont cheat on you, but it is a repeat of you and her now, think about it!
Red Flag 3
You really like this girl, this is one for you my man, since you are going down a very bad road here.
She has a BF she is cheating on her BF with you, she is hiding it with you being a mate, she has got you so involved you cant see the issues for the puvsy and the as* and the fairy tail life you have inside your head.
Her unavailability has got your mind spinning all sorts of Disney fiction in your mind, about how great it would be just you and her e.t.c and you cant see the problems that are at the end of your nose.
I could go on.
Look do yourself a favour and leave her, move on or regret it in the future, don’t believe me, remember what you have been told.
Learn it the hard way or the right way your choice.
Me I choose the hard way, why?
Cos I was so far up my own ass I failed to see the issues this women had and thought she could not do it to me cos’ I am the MAN, well news for you buddie, get your head from your as* crack and see this women for what she is.
A two timing lying cheating who** who does not deserve such a finer man then you!
Simple, she does it once she will do it again and again, she feels no guilt! What makes you better then the BF, I will tell you this, nothing and even if you are what about when bob comes along and he is BETTER then you, you going to be able to trust this girl going out with BOB whislt your at home, playing daddie?
before you had sex with her, she should have dumped the BF not after, open your dam eyes man!