Yes it was working her emotions big time. When a girl is told by men their whole loves "you're beautiful, you're hot, i would give anything to date you," etc etc etc, it goes to their head and they have the mentality that they can treat any guy how they want.Well played! Is that part of "working their emotions"? Women need a man that can make her feel all the good and the bad....
I bet when my girl flaked on me an hour before the date she thought she had found a better option. She then cancelled on me and half heartedly tried to re schedule only for me to say no. Doesn't work. No counter offer from me. She attempted a second time. No. Doesn't work. No counter offer from me. Tries a 3rd time and gets the same results and she probably felt slighted. Who the hell does Dude99 think he is. No guy has ever turned me down.
She hangs up in a huff. Goes on the date with what she thought was a better offer. It turns out it wasn't.......then her mind started to go to work on herself. Why didn't dude99 just play nice like every other guy. I must find out.
The more interested you are, the less fuuxks they give. But when you are the one that gives zero fuuxks.... they womder what is wrong with them. It brusises their ego, and they go crazy because now they must have you.