How would you react to this situation? Am I right to be upset? What's going on here?

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
AFC_Schism said:
but now I'm feeling like I'll never find a girl as unique as her (she liked playing videogames and guy stuff) or had an as interesting personality as her again.
She plays video games and likes playing with "guys' stuff", she likes playing the joystick of dudes she picks up on FB a few weeks ago. Did you meet her through FB too?

You might never find a girl like that again. You are right. Not too many girls are so self-centered and dedicate their life to finding as many orbiters to dominate, emasculate, and have them worship her.

YOu must be a pretty boring guy, if you think what she does is interesting. You still haven't mentioned one thing that makes her unique? Wait a minute, are you saying she also takes a dump, goes to pee, and blows her nose? Hmm, sounds like she's a one of a kind.

When I look for a chick, playing video games is not in my list of priorities. Playing video games is not a feminine thing. It is something tomboyish she does in order to attract and get the attention of all these nerds. It's like drinking a beer with the boys, or watching sports. Nice for a girl to join in, but if she's doing it all the time, without her own feminine interests, then I don't consider her unique. She's just like a guy. Most guys are pretty boring.

AFC_Schism said:
This was my first real serious relationshp and the girl I lost my virginity to, and I just feel like I'll never be able to replicate how I felt about her with another girl.
Stop being such a wuss. You are sounding just like a woman, when they descrive the man they lost their "v card" to. So gay!

AFC_Schism said:
It wasn't really bad until I smoked a bowl with my friends tonight, and then all I could think about was how I could get those moments back with her any time I wanted and how I miss her. Bah, relationships blow.
Waaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaa, love sucks! "Why me? Why me? Poor me! Poor me! Why do bad things always happen to good people?"

You should hold a self-pitty party.

Seriously, the way you keep going on, it seems like you really do like the drama and the entire cycle of emotions toxic people like her bring into a man's life. You've gotten some solid advice here, but you still want to do your little dance.

You did something unpredictable, for a change, by dumping her. You now stand out, alone, from all the other chumps, but not going back to more of the same is your only chance at escaping your situation with any kind of dignity. You are not ready to deal with one of those types. Go improve yourself, and don't get into one of those broads until you learn enough to be able to handle her, and train her from the beginning.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Gangster Of Love said:
She plays video games and likes playing with "guys' stuff", she likes playing the joystick of dudes she picks up on FB a few weeks ago. Did you meet her through FB too?

You might never find a girl like that again. You are right. Not too many girls are so self-centered and dedicate their life to finding as many orbiters to dominate, emasculate, and have them worship her.

YOu must be a pretty boring guy, if you think what she does is interesting. You still haven't mentioned one thing that makes her unique? Wait a minute, are you saying she also takes a dump, goes to pee, and blows her nose? Hmm, sounds like she's a one of a kind.

When I look for a chick, playing video games is not in my list of priorities. Playing video games is not a feminine thing. It is something tomboyish she does in order to attract and get the attention of all these nerds. It's like drinking a beer with the boys, or watching sports. Nice for a girl to join in, but if she's doing it all the time, without her own feminine interests, then I don't consider her unique. She's just like a guy. Most guys are pretty boring.

Stop being such a wuss. You are sounding just like a woman, when they descrive the man they lost their "v card" to. So gay!

Waaaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaa, love sucks! "Why me? Why me? Poor me! Poor me! Why do bad things always happen to good people?"

You should hold a self-pitty party.

Seriously, the way you keep going on, it seems like you really do like the drama and the entire cycle of emotions toxic people like her bring into a man's life. You've gotten some solid advice here, but you still want to do your little dance.

You did something unpredictable, for a change, by dumping her. You now stand out, alone, from all the other chumps, but not going back to more of the same is your only chance at escaping your situation with any kind of dignity. You are not ready to deal with one of those types. Go improve yourself, and don't get into one of those broads until you learn enough to be able to handle her, and train her from the beginning.

You are my new favorite poster. A lot of good information in that, I hope he takes it to heart.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Update: I just got back to college this week and even though it hasn't been the weekend yet, I've made out with a girl hotter than my ex who I've been attracted to for a while. I'm expecting a lot more this weekend, considering we'll be at parties and I'll be more drunk. But man, not being able to have sex whenever I want is a pretty big downer. I have been doing no contact, she's been blowing up my phone with texts that I've ignored, but I've only done around 2-3 days of full no contact, because she will always message me on facebook and I just type responses in less than 5 words and keep it quick and dismissive so she gets the point, every time I end up leaving the conversation less than 5 minutes after it began, even cutting her off mid-typing.

But.. man. Right now I was booting up my Xbox and saw her profile, so I went through and deleted her profile and suddenly I'm remembering all of the fun we had and how she loved playing Fable 2 co-op with me (ridiculously cheesy, I know). I'm going to miss those times, and I know that you can only remember the good times when a relationship with someone is over, but I'm just having a hard time believing I made the right decision in this. The most random or quirkiest thing about my dorm will suddenly trigger a memory that I had with her and I just can't help but feel that annoying tug at my gut how that part of my life is over now.

It's almost bipolar in a sense - one part of my day (or all of it) I'll have this amazing DJ mentality and keep my mind on new women and I couldn't even care less about my ex, but other parts of the day I go into lame pity-party-sob-story mode like the paragraph above. Is this normal?


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
AFC_Schism said:
It's almost bipolar in a sense - one part of my day (or all of it) I'll have this amazing DJ mentality and keep my mind on new women and I couldn't even care less about my ex, but other parts of the day I go into lame pity-party-sob-story mode like the paragraph above. Is this normal?
i have/had this. just work a day at a time at staying in the positive mindset longer each day!

btw, well done in ending it. it was for the best.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Weezy said:
What says it all? How does a dude set boundaries as to what is acceptable and what isn't when it comes to guy friends without being controlling / jealous and possessive?

This is something I have yet to see a great answer to on this forum.
This is how I deal with it:

a) I will state early on in the relationship that I don't care what my girl does in her own private life, as long as she doesn't cheat. If she were to ever cheat in any way, she will instantly get dumped, no second chance.

b) I will support my statement by being completely indifferent to who she goes out with, how she interacts with other men in front of me, etc. as long as she is keeping me happy.

So basically, I cut out the rest of the world. If she is giving me good sex, is meeting up with me exactly as often as I want her, is showing me affection to my required level, is not ****-testing me on a daily basis, etc, then she remains my girlfriend.

If any of these criteria stop meeting my required levels (which should happen if she starts cheating behind my back) then I will drop her, calmly and get another gf.

Now if the girl is able to cheat on me with ZERO impact on our own relationship and communication, then all credit to her. Because I don't think that's common or easy!


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
NEVER say you'll never find a girl like that again. That is the ultimate in oneitis, I felt like that for a long time and guess what? I didn't find someone else like her but it didn't matter. You can still be happy with someone else. Not only that, but there's billions of women in the world; there's probably someone identically like her. She is not special -- you are. My suggestion is to start looking elsewhere now because obviously she is


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Just an update guys, my ex ended up coming down last weekend for mardi gras to visit friends in my dorm and she ended up coming to talk to me at like 1am. She's gotten fatter :crackup: and it turns out she's actually dating the guy that she saw behind my back now. He's some metrosexual indie kid that's majoring in audio engineering at a community college and I made fun of her, asking he how she could go from me to a guy like that. She snapped back "No, he's twice the man you are!" and then suddenly, as if she realized what she was actually saying, she started crying and leaned forward and hugged me... (rofl)... and while she was hugging me up close, our noses like a centimeter apart, she ended up kissing me on the cheek several times as we talked over the next few minutes about her life. She then tells me she thinks that she might be bipolar and I just kind of nodded my head like "yeah... probably" and she gave me a weird look. I was laughing so hard on the inside.

Eventually she went to leave and I slapped her on the ass and pushed her out the door back to her friends room and just sat smiling to myself.

She later ended up talking to me again the next day on facebook and later and I found out that she had been calling me a douchebag to our mutual friends behind my back. That kind of upset me, I at least had the decency not to slander her name when I was the one that was screwed me over. So I wrote her a brief facebook message telling her to please never talk to me again and told her and her new boyfriend that they can "go off and be depressed and have panic attacks together for Valentine's Day - sounds romantic"... which resulted in her crying again and removing me from her friends. It's really relieving in a weird way to know that she's dating the kid, my imagination was running rampant that she might be dating someone better than me, but turns out its this kid - who's a chode. It feels good, especially when by our encounter the night before it was obvious she wasn't as over me as I was with her.

Honestly, thank you SoSuave. Thank you for helping me make the right decision. She insisted that while we were together she never thought of that kid as anything more than a friend and only after had we broken up had things started between them, which I actually kind of believe now, because why would she lie about it now when she has no reason to? Regardless, she was too much emotional baggage with the depression, she had gained a lot of weight, and honestly I just wasn't that attracted to her anymore, so I feel like I dodged a bullet by breaking up with her then. Since then I've been with half a dozen girls (most are one-night-stands, but there's one that I'm talking to now) and even though I still think about her, there's no longer that gut wrenching feeling that comes with it.

Again, everyone who helped me out in this thread, thank you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
AFC_Schism said:
Just an update guys, my ex ended up coming down last weekend for mardi gras to visit friends in my dorm and she ended up coming to talk to me at like 1am. She's gotten fatter :crackup: and it turns out she's actually dating the guy that she saw behind my back now. He's some metrosexual indie kid that's majoring in audio engineering at a community college and I made fun of her, asking he how she could go from me to a guy like that. She snapped back "No, he's twice the man you are!" and then suddenly, as if she realized what she was actually saying, she started crying and leaned forward and hugged me... (rofl)... and while she was hugging me up close, our noses like a centimeter apart, she ended up kissing me on the cheek several times as we talked over the next few minutes about her life. She then tells me she thinks that she might be bipolar and I just kind of nodded my head like "yeah... probably" and she gave me a weird look. I was laughing so hard on the inside.

Eventually she went to leave and I slapped her on the ass and pushed her out the door back to her friends room and just sat smiling to myself.

She later ended up talking to me again the next day on facebook and later and I found out that she had been calling me a douchebag to our mutual friends behind my back. That kind of upset me, I at least had the decency not to slander her name when I was the one that was screwed me over. So I wrote her a brief facebook message telling her to please never talk to me again and told her and her new boyfriend that they can "go off and be depressed and have panic attacks together for Valentine's Day - sounds romantic"... which resulted in her crying again and removing me from her friends. It's really relieving in a weird way to know that she's dating the kid, my imagination was running rampant that she might be dating someone better than me, but turns out its this kid - who's a chode. It feels good, especially when by our encounter the night before it was obvious she wasn't as over me as I was with her.

Honestly, thank you SoSuave. Thank you for helping me make the right decision. She insisted that while we were together she never thought of that kid as anything more than a friend and only after had we broken up had things started between them, which I actually kind of believe now, because why would she lie about it now when she has no reason to? Regardless, she was too much emotional baggage with the depression, she had gained a lot of weight, and honestly I just wasn't that attracted to her anymore, so I feel like I dodged a bullet by breaking up with her then. Since then I've been with half a dozen girls (most are one-night-stands, but there's one that I'm talking to now) and even though I still think about her, there's no longer that gut wrenching feeling that comes with it.

Again, everyone who helped me out in this thread, thank you.

Let this post be a great lesson for other guys.

AFC-schism, I suggest a name change, drop the AFC tag, you've just gone up a whole new level. Think about it has gaining experiance in a computer game and going from lvl 1 to lvl 10.

Being a DJ isn't just about shag*ing random girls, it's also about making sure the girls you keep for the long haul are worth your time, it is clear you've disovered your standards or are starting to find them. Those skills imo are far more important then negs, DV tests or all of that other PUA cra* - At least your not going to be living a miserable, shi*, emotional volitile life with a toxic female with Bipolar.

The next chick you find who even shows a shred of the traits of your EX, I am sure 100% you'll pull that eject cord alot sooner and in that allow yourself that much extra time to meet a women who is more mentally stable.

Also remember: Never tolerate your GF cultivating male friend orbitors again, PERIOD! You've found out exactly why.

I'll also lay it down what transpired, others have already posted it, but i'll summerise it.

Your girl is Bipolar, she has a void to fill of emotional attachment and ego validation, I wouldn't be surprised if she has a dodgy upbringing; probably abandonment issues (no father) - She fills this emotional void with male chumps giving her attention, but no matter how much attention she gets, the void is never filled, it just keeps sucking in more drama and emotional ego validation, because she is mentally unstable - A BF to this sort of chick, will get the most drama since she will derive the most void filling validation from him.

It's not that she fancies the orbiters but they are very much 'coc*s in glass cases, break in emergency' - They are not real male friends they are guys being led on with the promise of poon, to award her, her emotional fix.

When you bailed, she broke the glass on the first available orbitor, she is pretty much on the re-bound and the relationship will not last, but she will still do what she does to the new BF that she did to you and will continue to be like this for the rest of her life.

Yes you dodged a bullet, you should be proud of yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
AFC_Schism said:
Just an update guys, my ex ended up coming down last weekend for mardi gras to visit friends in my dorm and she ended up coming to talk to me at like 1am. She's gotten fatter :crackup: and it turns out she's actually dating the guy that she saw behind my back now. He's some metrosexual indie kid that's majoring in audio engineering at a community college and I made fun of her, asking he how she could go from me to a guy like that. She snapped back "No, he's twice the man you are!" and then suddenly, as if she realized what she was actually saying, she started crying and leaned forward and hugged me... (rofl)... and while she was hugging me up close, our noses like a centimeter apart, she ended up kissing me on the cheek several times as we talked over the next few minutes about her life. She then tells me she thinks that she might be bipolar and I just kind of nodded my head like "yeah... probably" and she gave me a weird look. I was laughing so hard on the inside.

Eventually she went to leave and I slapped her on the ass and pushed her out the door back to her friends room and just sat smiling to myself.

She later ended up talking to me again the next day on facebook and later and I found out that she had been calling me a douchebag to our mutual friends behind my back. That kind of upset me, I at least had the decency not to slander her name when I was the one that was screwed me over. So I wrote her a brief facebook message telling her to please never talk to me again and told her and her new boyfriend that they can "go off and be depressed and have panic attacks together for Valentine's Day - sounds romantic"... which resulted in her crying again and removing me from her friends. It's really relieving in a weird way to know that she's dating the kid, my imagination was running rampant that she might be dating someone better than me, but turns out its this kid - who's a chode. It feels good, especially when by our encounter the night before it was obvious she wasn't as over me as I was with her.

Honestly, thank you SoSuave. Thank you for helping me make the right decision. She insisted that while we were together she never thought of that kid as anything more than a friend and only after had we broken up had things started between them, which I actually kind of believe now, because why would she lie about it now when she has no reason to? Regardless, she was too much emotional baggage with the depression, she had gained a lot of weight, and honestly I just wasn't that attracted to her anymore, so I feel like I dodged a bullet by breaking up with her then. Since then I've been with half a dozen girls (most are one-night-stands, but there's one that I'm talking to now) and even though I still think about her, there's no longer that gut wrenching feeling that comes with it.

Again, everyone who helped me out in this thread, thank you.
This just put a big ass smile on my face. Atta-****ing-boy. I hope Gangster sees this. And I hope a lot of AFCs read this in its entirety too, damn good thread. Well done man. Well done.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you guys, it really does mean a lot. I'm just bumping this in hopes that some of the other posters who have helped me through the first two pages end up seeing this, they deserve to know that their advice helped me out a ton.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2002
Reaction score
You're too nice. Take zero **** and watch how the cards fall in your favor.