That's true, Brian, though looks certainly help a great deal.
I used to know this guy in the Army, let's call him Leo, and he was real ugly. He had a misshapen jaw that needed corrective surgery, but he hadn't gotten that even at the age of nineteen; perhaps you can't do it until your bones are fully grown or something. He also had slightly bulging eyes, and he was scrawny built.
A nice guy, though. Everybody liked Leo because he would never complain about anything, just go on getting the job done, helping to keep the mood up for everyone. We liked him for that.
Later I met a guy who knew Leo from high school, and said he always got chicks back then. I couldn't believe it; how did he do it? "He talks his way in," this guy said. Leo had a way with words.
Though it must be very unusual that a guy as ugly as Leo can get girls simply by being a smooth talker, apparently it can be done. So those who doubt that you can improve your game, don't lose faith!