How Would a Dj Handel Losers?


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
los angles, calli
Fukin losers, annoying as fuk. Start talking about sh't no one cares about and are awkward and sh't. How would a dj handel these kids? I mean do they realise how pathetic and annoying they are? I'm going to keep doing what i've been doing, and that is, pretty much neg hitting them so they shut up and go away. I've been such a d1ck lately.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
BBX said:
Fukin losers, annoying as fuk. Start talking about sh't no one cares about and are awkward and sh't. How would a dj handel these kids? I mean do they realise how pathetic and annoying they are? I'm going to keep doing what i've been doing, and that is, pretty much neg hitting them so they shut up and go away. I've been such a d1ck lately.
dude, i think this is the one thing that's holding me back. i mean i want to try to become more out going and shiz, and talk to everyone, but i'm not very popular right now, and i'm afraid that i'll come off as one of these annoying kids that ur talking about. can anyone tell me wut the difference is between wut i want to become and the kids that BBX is talking aobut?


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
los angles, calli
Crazy Asian said:
dude, i think this is the one thing that's holding me back. i mean i want to try to become more out going and shiz, and talk to everyone, but i'm not very popular right now, and i'm afraid that i'll come off as one of these annoying kids that ur talking about. can anyone tell me wut the difference is between wut i want to become and the kids that BBX is talking aobut?
yea, you have to speak without any doubt, you have to master your speech, project yourself somewhat. Keep your sentences to the point and don't say gay sh't. Say what the person wants to hear. Don't out of the blue start talking about some gay ass movie line or some video game, WHO THE FUK CARES. Once you start making jokes no one finds funny, and once you start saying crap no one wants to hear, your one of the annoying kids.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
simple, say whatever you say confidently, and so that people can hear you.

and also once you start talking more, you shoiuld be able to filter out the stuff that no one wants to hear, it's kind of something you learn as you talk more. at least i did anyway

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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dude... don't ask THESE kids... if u remember my "did i set this b1tch in her place"... everyone was pretty much saying i should let some annoying b1tch talk sh1t about me... and said that me sticking up for myself is stupid.

people here are lame...

do what i did...

find out why they do it in the first place (for attention... to look cool, tough)... make it seem stupid and pathetic why they even try to get attention... to look cool, tough.

be a jerk... make them know it.

but if youre talking about "nerdy"-losers... well you don't want to psychologically kill them... just ignore them or play off their nerdiness...

nerd: "dude! world of warcraft is cool beans!"
you: "yeah... i know... the women in it are so real looking... i kinda get turned on by it... they're so hot."

sound playfully sarcastic but serious.

ever watched family guy? how meg is the hideous fat girl, right? and how they got her a horribly pimpled out face ugly chick to follow her around to make meg look pretty?

you can use these dorky kids like that... it's mean, yeah... but they'll get the hint... its a win-win situation... both wins for you (they'll make you look good... or they'll leave)

(its always hard to explain in words what i'd do)


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
los angles, calli
Michele said:
ever watched family guy? how meg is the hideous fat girl, right? and how they got her a horribly pimpled out face ugly chick to follow her around to make meg look pretty?

you can use these dorky kids like that... it's mean, yeah... but they'll get the hint... its a win-win situation... both wins for you (they'll make you look good... or they'll leave)
strongly disagree, hanging around losers makes you a loser


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
I don't feel a DJ would "handle" losers any different than anyone else. Sure, there not your best friends, but there's no reason to be a rude *******. Plus, by being like that, your just trying to supplicate to the "cool" guys...lame.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
BBX said:
strongly disagree, hanging around losers makes you a loser
who said to hang out with them?

they can follow you around all they want... why'd you have to be a d1ck if they're not a d1ck to you.

when i was still in traditional school... i'd be friends with EVERYONE. dorks, athletic people, popular people... it's not about who you hangout with.

this isn't a 80's teen movie where all the girls drool over the jock... this is real life... you don't have to pretend to be cool in order to be cool.

well i guess some people do... i hope pretending to be cool works out for you... no ones going to go out of their way and say "wow... BBX... you're so cool for treating those dorks badly"

i'll even give you a story to back it up...

some white-trash kid was picking on a dorky semi-handicapped kid and push and tripped him in the lunch room in front of everyone... guess who laughed? the white-trash chicks.

a straight-a, STAR football player comes up and instantly punched the "bully" in the face and laid him out. guess who got in trouble. the bully, NOT the football player.

... so go ahead and pull those popular trash chicks! be mean all you want to people who don't fit in.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
los angles, calli
its not like I wanna go out of my way to pick on anyone, I just don't feel like noding and smiling at kids that are blabing sh1t I don't care about.

Long Duck Dong

Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Outside your window
Just ignore them and start up a new conversation with someone. Or if you really feel the need; just tell them to shut up.