My opinion (for becker & anyone else)...
Originally posted by becker
Sexy_Malibu, ok, here's something for you, although by the way you sign your name, I'm not sure whether you are going to be biased as to your point of view.
Let's say that a girl seems more comfortable talking on the phone with you than in person, where she acts sort of nervous, and thus, sometimes seeming a little distant. Is this some sort of game to gauge your interest or what?
Hmmmm... well it is true that everyone is different... but having said that, I will try to give you a few possible reasons based (not on my own actions, ha ha) but by observing my female friends and acquaintances... You'll have to be the judge which is more likely by using any additional info you have...
She might be really shy and self-conscious so it is easier to talk to you when she doesn't have to make eye-contact and doesn't have to worry about how she looks... or smells
She might be slightly prudish or just private or shy about PDA and kino, etc... so she feels more comfortable talking with that safety-distance of the telephone.
Along the same lines, she might not be completely sure how she feels about you so it is "safer" to talk on the phone than in person... she might not be sure what "line-crossing" might happen in person, so she distances herself.
She might have a boyfriend or be dating a few people at once so she doesn't want any observers to think she is with you or is interested in you. Or she might actually not be that into you (or is looking out for the "next best thing"?)
I guess it could be some kind of game, but it's unlike any game I've ever witnessed... I've seen some girls flirt with other guys to gage (or raise) your IL but I never saw just acting distant alone. I think if she is acting nervous, then she probably is nervous about something (you'll have to figure out what) because any self-respecting girl should know that nervousness is no kind of strategy.
I doubt this will help at all... I said I was always willing to try to help by offering advice or my point of view, but I never said it would actually be helpful.

Oh and sorry for the delayed response... I was away.