This is great, but this has NOTHING to do with making a woman fall in love. Actually, women don't fall in love. They have to pretend they do, but only to extract resources from the man or if they have some USE for him.
"Sharon, why do you love George?"
"Well, even though I have to pay all the bills and do all the housework and take him out to dinner every night, I love his integrity & strength"
"Sharon, why do you love George?"
"Well, he is tall, has good hair, pays for everything, and impregnated me."
Come on.
I live in a different universe than you. I used to live in yours but I earned my way out. Upper-echelon women can and do fall in love with a man’s character and inner core. These women will stick with a man through thick and thin.
Your problem is that you are blind to the upper 2% and they are blind to you. You are “certain” that they don’t exist, because you are satisfied to stay where you are.
I don’t fault you. I used to be an inanimate object for them to walk around, too. I didn’t even ping their radar and I was unaware of their existence. I was “certain”, just like you.
The problem with most guys is that they are satisfied to dredge through the trash as they see absolutely no hope of finding a woman of character; a submissive, well-balanced woman whose value system transcends today’s cesspool of values.
I have a childhood friend who just recently died of ALS (aka “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”). His wife (who is physically gorgeous, btw), stuck with him and supported him selflessly for years as he withered away in a wheelchair. Her love and admiration of him were always obvious.
The only way for you see see beyond the cesspool is to climb out of it and refuse to be a part of it, even if that means being totally alone. Your problem is that you are too certain - you “know” too much.
Only upper-echelon men are visible to upper-echelon women. For most of my life I was just like everyone else, a horse tied to a post. I had no concept that I could easily break that tiny strap that kept me tied to the post because I was “properly” groomed and had no concept that I could break free, and therefore had no reason to try to break free.
Worthy, decent women who are capable of sacrificial love marry early. They have no interest in sleeping around, no interest in clubs and partying. Men of today revel in bagging as many hoes as they can, and bemoan the fact that this is all there is. They perpetuate the machine by making themselves cogs in the very machine they despise. Use one cheap girl for all she’s worth, then it’s on to the next. The notch count is all that matters, because men are addicted to incrementing it. That notch count is their identity instead of their character.
Your certainty and addiction is your prison. A man born in prison has no idea there is a free world out there, and no idea that he has the key to his cell in his own pocket.